Utah Teen Who Last Saw Parents at Two Days Old Finally Reunites with Them Over Christmas
A mother and father said goodbye to their two-day-old baby years ago, never knowing if they would see her again. Over the festive season in 2022, their family received an unexpected and unforgettable Christmas miracle.
Due to their circumstances, Philadelphians Dayna and Bryant Laws put their daughter up for adoption. They wanted only the best for their precious child, Dayana, and didn't think they could give it to her at the time.
After consulting with an adoption agency, they settled with the Upchurch family, an ideal household they knew would provide their daughter with everything she needed.
When Dayana was a teenager, she found her biological parents online, and despite her fears, she sent them a message.
They Felt Sad and Empty
Dayana loved being an Upchurch and had lots of fun adventuring with them in their home state of Utah. She experienced genuine affection, thanks to her kind adoptive mother and father, and enjoyed playing with her sisters.
She had no idea about the sadness and emptiness her biological parents felt when they said goodbye to her. However, her adoptive parents, Jinny and John, chose an open adoption, so Dayna and Bryant saw glimpses of their daughter over the years.
Meeting her biological mom and dad meant a great deal to Dayana because she valued seeing people who looked like her.
She Reached Out to Her Biological Parents
Jinny and John sent the Laws photos of Dayana taking her first steps and attending dance recitals, along with other significant milestones. The Laws appreciated it and savored every memory they got.
Jinny knew Dayana would want to reconnect with her biological parents one day, and she supported it. When the 17-year-old found them on Facebook, she was apprehensive about reaching out. However, she was glad after she did.
Bryant was surprised when he received a message from his daughter, but he was immensely grateful. He read her words and instantly became emotional.
There Were Lots of Nerves
After the initial contact in August 2022, Dayana's communication with Dayna and Bryant became more frequent, and they started chatting via FaceTime. Dayana also got to speak to her biological sisters and brother.
While everyone was nervous about meeting, their excitement outweighed any worry. The teen explained:
"I was kind of nervous. It was a really big moment, but once you get over that mental block, it’s so worth it."
Better than Any Gift
The families made plans to get together over Christmas and Bryant recalled the precious moment he saw his little girl again after close to two decades:
"It was better than any gift I could get. Finally seeing her and being able to hold her and touch her was a feeling that only a parent could understand."
It was a true Christmas miracle, and everyone felt comfortable in each other's company. The Laws and Upchurches were all huggers, making interacting a lot easier!
The Heartwarming Reunion
The reunion was filled with lots of hugging, smiling, and laughter. John shared: "It was just like, 'okay, family, we are all here.'" Meeting her biological mom and dad meant a great deal to Dayana because she valued seeing people who looked like her.
Talking to them also felt different than just knowing they existed. One of the things she was most excited about was getting to know her brother. She added:
"I always wanted a brother growing up, so being able to know I had one and to talk to — that was even cooler."
Making More Memories
Dayna loved watching her husband chatting with their daughter while bonding over their shared love for Marvel and DC. They had a lot to catch up on and couldn't wait to spend more time together.
Bryant said he felt complete having his daughter in his life, and when they waved goodbye to Dayana after their time together, they knew it was not a farewell but simply a "see you later."
Thanks to the openness and support of Jinny and John, Dayana felt bold enough to reach out to her biological parents. The decision was difficult, but the teen knew she wanted to connect with them, and it was worth it.
We wish their families all the best in the future. May there be many more joint celebrations and time for making memories together.
Click here for a story about a father who had not seen his daughter for 13 years. He was stunned when he received a letter from her over Christmas.