'May God Bless and Keep Him': Megyn Kelly Celebrates Her Son Thatcher's 10th Birthday
Megyn Kelly celebrated her son Thatcher Brunt's double-digit birthday this week on social media. The newswoman's youngest has been a source of many funny Instagram posts.
"Our 'baby' turned ten yesterday. Ten!" Megyn Kelly marveled on Instagram Monday. "May God bless and keep him and allow as many of these moments as I manage to deserve. Happy Birthday, Thatcher!"
The former "TODAY" anchor posted a photo of Thatcher's dubious buffet choices in February. "Wound up behind our 9-yr-old at the ski lodge buffet.," she wrote of the plate of crackers, while a person ahead had a plate of greens. "Lunch of champions?"
Thatcher Bray Brunt, born in July 2013, gave his family a medical scare last year on their ski trip in Montana. At the time, he was already an accomplished skier at the age of eight, though Thatcher fell on rocks trying to make his way to a cave to rest after a long day on the slopes.
Recounting the events on her podcast on March 28, 2020, Megyn admitted that she did not grasp the severity of her son's injuries, and her first thought upon hearing of it was that she would miss her massage appointment.
With a CT scan, doctors determined that the eight-year-old, who insisted that he was doing okay, had internal bleeding and three lacerations on his spleen. The medical professionals informed the anchor that there was a possibility that he could lose the organ.
Being in an unknown city with medical professionals they were not familiar with, Megyn Kelly and her husband, Douglas Brunt, had to decide whether to move him to a level one trauma center or leave him at the facility that did not have a pediatric physician, on the advice of his surgeon.
Megyn's signature calm demeanor served her well during this stressful time; she likes to joke that she is like Jeb Bush ― low energy.
They decided to stay at the Montana facility, where Thatcher did not leave the bed for five days. He left the hospital after six days to sweet posters from his siblings, Edward Yates Brunt and Yardley Evans Brunt, like, "It's been so long since we've spleen you."
Last November, Megyn Kelly shared a sweet drawing and paragraph from her youngest of the time he broke his dad's pantry lock. "There's nothing better than the treasures in our 3d grader's backpack, " she wrote.