Woman Puts Dad in Nursing Home and Never Visits Him, Gets a Letter from Him after His Death – Story of the Day
Elizabeth placed her father in a nursing home and never saw him again. She only visited him at his funeral. But the young woman's karma caught up with her and taught her a harsh lesson when she received a letter from him after his death.
Elizabeth stood without uttering a word. The sun had started setting, and a gentle breeze caressed her face. She was clad in all black for the ceremony, but it didn't matter to her. It was just a ruse. Her eyes were not moist, and her heart didn't feel heavy. She didn't care that her father was reduced to a mound of Earth.
The funeral attendees paid their respects and began to leave. There were few to begin with because her father never had many friends, which Elizabeth thought was a relief. She didn't want to hear any more compliments about how wonderful her father was.
He spent his last days in a nursing home and died there. She never got to see him in his final days. Now, as she stood there, looking at his freshly dug grave, her thoughts quickly returned to the day that ruined their relationship forever…

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Albert wasn't a bad father by any means, but he wasn't a good one, either. Elizabeth had grown up without a mother's care, and Albert was never close to her. He should have been there for her then more than ever, but he wasn't. So the older Elizabeth got, the more distant they became. When she turned 29, things between them deteriorated, and an ugly argument ensued.
Elizabeth wanted to start a cafe at a friend's suggestion, so she asked Albert for assistance. But her father turned her down. He told her she was too young to understand how a business worked.
"It won't be long before I'm gone!" he had said stiffly. "After I die, you will receive the inheritance, and you may dispose of it as you see fit! As of now, I don't approve of investing it in the business!"
Those words had hurt and haunted her, but Albert had no idea how she felt. He never realized how much she had given up because he was old and sick, and she needed to care for him. So, when his health deteriorated further, Elizabeth decided to get rid of him.

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She told him he was holding her back from building a life for herself. And then she told him she had contacted a nursing home because she didn't want to care for him any longer.
Elizabeth would never forget how his weak face had dropped when she initially suggested the idea, but he agreed he'd be better off there, presumably because he knew he didn't have a choice.
"I will try to visit you," she had said as a caretaker wheeled him into the facility.
But Elizabeth never visited him. Her relationship with her father was soured to the point where she could no longer stand him. I will never miss you, Elizabeth now thought as she stared at the ground where her father was buried.
"I'm sorry for your loss. Mr. Greenwood was a good man," said a voice that distracted her.
Elizabeth turned her attention to the middle-aged woman dressed in black standing before her.

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"I'm Stacey. I was his nurse at the care home," the woman introduced herself. "Your father was a kind man. He left you something."
She extended an envelope to Elizabeth.
"He wrote it for you and wanted you to have it when he was gone," she continued. "My condolences. He will be missed at the nursing home. We all loved him."
Stacey handed her the envelope and walked away.
Elizabeth ran her fingertips over her name inscribed on the top. "For Eliza," Albert had addressed it to her.
This letter would be her father's final words to her. Elizabeth vividly remembered how their last conversation had stuck with her and tormented her to the point that she severed all connections with him. She needed something strong if she were to face him again. So Elizabeth poured herself a glass of wine after she returned home and finally opened the letter.

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"Dear Eliza," it began.
"I don't know where to begin because I'm aware of how strained our relationship has been for the last few years. I never got to say this in person to you, but I'm sorry. In my lonely time, I reflected on myself, and I realized I could have been a better father to you. I could have compensated for your mother's absence. I blamed myself all my life for not being able to provide you with enough love and care.
But I tried, Elizabeth. I did everything I could to make you appreciate me and love me, but I always felt there was this barrier between us that would restrict us both from caring for each other. I won't lie, but I've missed you a lot all this while. A father can never quit loving his child. Even when Stacey was around me, caring for me in my last days, I could see you in her. The two of you are very similar. You will meet her someday. She's a lovely young woman, and she became my true friend at the care home…"
A tear trickled down Elizabeth's face, but she quickly wiped it away. She hated to admit it, but she felt a sharp pang of guilt and sadness in her chest. Despite everything that had happened, her father loved and missed her.
But she had only distanced herself from him in his later days and never bothered to pay him a visit. She had thought of him as a stoic man, and now she was realizing he wasn't one. She could feel hot tears running down her cheeks. Elizabeth chugged the entire glass of wine as she continued reading.

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"I still remember our last fight. I am laughing as I recall it. You were always my little girl who was too naive to understand the world around her. You were so angered when I refused to support your cafe business, weren't you? But you were too young to understand the business world, Eliza, and you had no qualifications that could help you. However, I had promised you I would leave you a good inheritance.
"If nothing else, your father is a man of his word. I keep my promises. So, I'm leaving ownership and revenue of the restaurant I purchased recently to you and Stacey. You both will be equal owners."
"Wait, what?" Elizabeth's tears quickly ran dry as she reread the last few words. She sat up straight, unable to believe what she had just read. How could her father give a stranger half of his inheritance when he had a daughter who was his own flesh and blood? Elizabeth was enraged.
"I hope you forgive me someday for all the pain I caused you. I will always love you, my little girl.
– Your father, Albert," the letter continued, but Elizabeth's eyes scanned his words about the restaurant again and again. No, this couldn't be her father. She couldn't believe he would leave half the inheritance to a stranger. And it was then Elizabeth's eyes noticed a detail in the letter.
Her father always dotted the letter 'i' even when he used the capital I. But in this letter, none of the I's were dotted.

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A quick thought crossed Elizabeth's mind: her father didn't write this letter. Someone had tried to impersonate Albert by writing it, but they had made the mistake of leaving the I's undotted.
And that wasn't the only discrepancy in the letter. The handwriting! She was too preoccupied with her thoughts to notice it before, but now she could sense the writing wasn't her father's. Elizabeth remembered the nurse she had met at her father's funeral. Stacey was the one who had handed her the letter, saying Albert wanted her to have it.
Something wasn't quite right, and Elizabeth knew there was only one place where she would find her answers. She grabbed her car keys and drove to the nursing home.
Elizabeth's immediate suspicion went to Stacey because Stacey would inherit half of Albert's assets if the words in the letter were to be believed.
Perhaps she had coerced Albert into writing the letter, and if that was the case, she had tried to swindle money out of Albert. Elizabeth wondered if Stacey was a con artist who preyed on frail, elderly people like her father.

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As she pulled over at the care facility, Elizabeth marched to the reception desk, pretending to be calm.
"Hello. Can I please talk to Nurse Stacey?" she asked patiently. "She was taking care of my father. He died a few days ago. I-I needed to talk about a few things and get his belongings."
"Just a second. I'll call her," the receptionist replied.
Moments later, Stacey came to the reception desk. She led Elizabeth to Albert's room, where his belongings were already packed. Elizabeth had never seen the room where her father had spent the last few days of his life. She wondered if he always sat by the window because he loved doing it at home.
"Can I help you carry the boxes to your car?" Stacey asked, snapping Elizabeth out of her thoughts.
"Oh no, I-I'll carry them. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about my father if you had some spare time," Elizabeth said, sitting on the bed. She ran her fingers on the bedsheet, but it was already cleaned. The smell of her father no longer existed in this space.

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"Yes, sure," Stacey said patiently. "What would you like to know?"
"How was my father? Was he happy living here?" Elizabeth asked. "Was there anything in particular he enjoyed?" She didn't want to alert Stacey by directly mentioning the letter, so she tried to strike up a friendly conversation first.
"He was happy, yes," Stacey said with a smile. "I'm going to miss him and his conversations. He enjoyed talking about anything and everything, from nature to the news. But he especially enjoyed spending time in the garden. He said it helped him relax."
"And…" Elizabeth took a breather. "What happened the night he died?"
"The doctors diagnosed him with a heart attack. Sadly, his health was deteriorating," Stacey said.

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"And what about the letter?" Elizabeth finally asked. "How long ago did he write it?"
"A-a few days before his death," Stacey said, her gaze darting to the floor. Elizabeth saw how Stacey rubbed her palms nervously, and she had a feeling the woman was hiding something.
"Were you present when he wrote it?" Elizabeth asked, her tone accusatory now.
"Of course I was!" Stacey looked up. "I was with him here in this room. Why would you ask that?"
"Well, you must be aware then that he left you half of his assets?" Elizabeth stood up, staring Stacey in the eye. She noticed something passed across Stacey's face at that point, as if she was caught in her own trap.
"I-I-I can't say that...I had no idea he'd leave me an inheritance!" Stacey replied almost too quickly.
Elizabeth lost her cool. "Didn't know?" she yelled as she took the letter out from her purse.

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"You just told me you saw him write the letter, but you know what, little Miss Caretaker, I know that my father did not write this letter! This letter has so many flaws that it will take me no time to prove it! The handwriting differs, and so does the writing style, so you'd better come clean now! You are involved in my father's death! You tricked him into giving you half of his inheritance, and I will prove it! Should I take this letter to a handwriting expert?!"
"No…" Stacey began pleading. "I-I accept it. The letter was written by me, but I didn't have any bad intentions behind it. Trust me on this. Your father dictated the letter to me, and I simply wrote it down for him. He couldn't write on his own because of his poor eyesight."
"How come you lied then that you know nothing about the inheritance?" Elizabeth frowned, glaring at her.
"Because I didn't want it at all!" Stacey lost her temper. "I knew you'd react like this—all entitled! So I pretended to be unaware of it! Now, you can leave if you're done here!"
"Excuse me?" Elizabeth shot back. "I'm acting like this because he was my father, and I deserved his entire inheritance! You need to keep that attitude of yours to yourself! Although you admitted to writing the letter, I will never believe that my father wanted you to be his heir! I'll see you in court, and I'll make sure you regret every bit of what you've done!" Elizabeth exploded.

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She stormed out of the room, picking up Albert's belongings. But as she passed through the reception area, the bulletin board right next to the desk stopped her in her tracks. Elizabeth spotted something on the board. She moved closer to it, having set the boxes down.
"Congratulations to our resident Albert Greenwood for his victory in the darts tournament. He set a new record for our nursing home!" read the announcement leaflet on the board.
"Dad won a darts tournament?" Elizabeth's suspicion grew now. Albert could not have won a darts tournament if he had poor vision. So Stacey was obviously deceiving her. Elizabeth was now convinced that Stacey had something to do with her father's death and the inheritance split.
Elizabeth stormed out of the nursing home. As she stuffed his things in the trunk and got inside the car, she dialed Albert's lawyer, Mr. Carson.
"Mr. Carson, I need you to come to Dad's nursing home urgently," Elizabeth told him. "And yes, please bring Dad's will with you. I'm calling the cops, too, and they should be here soon."
"I'm sorry, but what's the matter?" Mr. Carson sounded worried. "Is everything alright?"
"I'll explain everything. I'm sending you the address now."

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As Elizabeth hung up, she immediately dialed the cops. She told them she wanted to report a crime that her father had been duped by a con artist. Elizabeth convinced them she had proof.
Minutes later, a cop car pulled up outside the nursing home, and Mr. Carson arrived, too.
"Elizabeth, what's going on?" he asked as he approached her. "What happened?"
"Follow me," she said as she led the cops and Mr. Carson inside. She then told them everything that had transpired.
"Call Nurse Stacey here right now!" She approached the receptionist angrily. "I know how she coerced my father into writing the letter so that she received half of what he owned!" She yelled at the receptionist. It didn't take long for the woman to notice that things were getting tense, so she called Stacey and the nursing home director, too.
"What's the matter, officers?" Mr. Weiss inquired, perplexed by the presence of the cops. "This is an elderly care facility. Why do I see cops here?"

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"Why don't you ask your nurse everything?" Elizabeth growled, glaring at Stacey. "She cheated my father! She's a swindler! Look at this!" Elizabeth ripped the congratulatory message from the bulletin board as she told the director everything.
"...and she claims she wrote the letter because he had bad eyesight? How does a man with compromised vision win a darts tournament?" Elizabeth asked angrily.
"I think we'll need some explaining here, sir," said one of the cops. "This lady here claims your nurse tried to defraud her sick, elderly father."
"Officer," said Mr. Weiss. "I assure you that Stacey is not lying. Mr. Greenwood won the competition because nothing was wrong with his eyesight at the time. However, his health deteriorated following the tournament, and he was prescribed strong medication to treat it. Unfortunately, the drugs had side effects that caused his vision to become impaired. I believe that is why he would have asked Stacey for assistance."

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"Mr. Weiss is right," Stacey added. "I-I didn't do any of the things that Mr. Greenwood's daughter is accusing me of!"
"All of them are liars!" Elizabeth screamed. "They're just making stuff up! What evidence do you have that my father was given such medication? Officer, I believe they're all in this together!"
Elizabeth was enraged, and she wouldn't stop until she got to the bottom of the matter.
"All right, give me a second," Mr. Weiss finally sighed. "I'll get his medical reports."
It was confirmed that Stacey was not lying when Mr. Weiss returned with the medical reports and showed them to the cops and Mr. Carson. Albert's vision was indeed affected by the medication, as his doctor had mentioned in the report.

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"Honestly, I did have doubts when you called me, Elizabeth," Mr. Carson said, drawing everyone's attention to him. "The thing is, Albert called and asked me to change his will. He requested that I add Stacey as a beneficiary. So, when you called me, I wasn't suspicious at first, but after you mentioned the letter and everything, I got sidetracked for a while," Mr. Carson continued, looking at Elizabeth.
"But I am confident now that Albert was clear about his intentions when he made the will. He was in a sound state when he added Stacey's name. If you want, I can send you a copy...anyway, I was about to call you for the reading."
"What?" Elizabeth fumed. "You are believing them and siding with them, Mr. Carson? Well, I'll get to the bottom of this on my own!"
Enraged, Elizabeth stormed out of the nursing home and drove home. She would not, under any circumstances, share her inheritance with a woman who had only known her father for a few years.
Elizabeth was Albert's bloodline, and she knew she was entitled to his entire inheritance. She wouldn't stop until she had what was rightfully hers, and she wouldn't refrain from crossing any lines to make sure Stacey wasn't a thorn in her path any longer.

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At home, Elizabeth called Mr. Carson and asked him to send her a copy of Albert's will. She sat in front of her computer, reading the document line by line. Elizabeth was hoping to find an error—a line or just a word—that would allow her to sue Stacey for the inheritance.
She poured over the document, occasionally looking up legal jargon online. Suddenly, she paused on a page.
"In the event of the demise of any of the designated heirs, the entirety of ownership and rights to the restaurant shall unequivocally vest in the surviving individual heir," one of the clauses stated.
Elizabeth read it again to make sure she wasn't misinterpreting it. This was exactly what she needed. Her problems would be solved if she could just get Stacey out of her way.
Elizabeth considered her options. Stacey needed to die. However, Elizabeth didn't want any suspicions to fall on her. So she knew there was only one way out: she needed to hire someone who could do the job for her, a professional killer. But where would I find such a person?
Suddenly, Elizabeth had an idea. While she didn't know much about the dark web, she knew it was the safest way to solve her problem. She read online about how to access it, and an hour later, she was typing an advertisement to hire a hitman.

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Elizabeth drafted the post, taking care to add the necessary details: "The death should look like an accident. I'm looking for a pro who can complete the task without leaving a trace. I'm ready to make an immediate cash offer. $30,000!"
After posting the ad, Stacey waited for someone to contact her. She knew plenty of people were willing to get their hands dirty for money, and she hoped someone would contact her soon.
A few hours later, she finally received a text from someone. The ID read: DX123.
"I'm ready to get down to business!" read the text.
She quickly typed the response: "Is it possible to meet anytime soon?"
DX123: "Sure!" He added an address in the next line.

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Elizabeth hesitated. She knew the place. It was a secluded area downtown. It would not be safe to visit such an area alone. Her heart sank. But she couldn't afford to lose him, so she gave in. They agreed to meet at 7 p.m.
Elizabeth was tense as she drove to the meeting location that evening. It was getting darker, and the thought of being alone in an abandoned alley with a stranger from the dark web terrified her. But she reasoned it would be worthwhile. If this meeting went well, Stacey would be out of her way for good, which was exactly what Elizabeth wanted.
"You've arrived at your destination!" The voice from the GPS snapped her to the moment and reminded her she had reached the meeting place. Elizabeth pulled over and glanced out the window. There was not a single soul in sight. The quiet street was deserted and dimly lit. A tube light flickered inside the alley, sending shivers down her spine.
She knew she wouldn't run into anyone here, which was a good thing. No witnesses. She had arrived before time, and she could see there was no one inside the alley. Cold winds blew across the area, causing her to shudder as she climbed out of the car.

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Elizabeth pulled her coat closer to her body, and looked around to ensure no one was looking, just to be safe. She then lowered her head and dashed over to the alley.
A man in a gray hoodie and black jeans appeared in the dingy, isolated passageway about ten minutes later. The hoodie cap obscured his face. She cocked her head, hoping to catch a glimpse of his face. But it was pointless.
"Follow me, and don't make any noise," he said quietly before turning around and walking away.
"But wait—" He didn't wait for her to finish what she was saying. She hurriedly followed him, the only sound breaking the night's silence being their footsteps on the cement pathway.
They walked down the street, and he led her to an abandoned warehouse a few blocks away. The metal door at the back of the weathered structure swung open with a clunk. They walked inside and descended into a basement, which was barely lit.
"Did you bring the cash with you?" he asked.

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"Yes, I did. But I want to remind you that I want you to make everything look like an accident so that I'm not involved in the drama of the police or the press," Elizabeth told him. "Fire, car accident—I don't care what you do as long as she is dead and no traces are left behind."
"You don't have to worry about that. I've been in this line of work for years now, and I'll make sure the scene is spotless—no fingerprints, nothing. Now walk five steps forward and hand over the money," the man said.
Elizabeth nodded and approached him, but as she handed over the bag, the basement door swung open with a bang.
A cop barged in, his gun drawn.
"Hands in the air and on your knees now!" he exclaimed, perplexing Elizabeth.
"Wha-what is going on?" She wondered aloud as she knelt down slowly.

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"You are being arrested for conspiring to murder Stacey Williams, Miss Greenwood," the cop said as he cuffed her. "You have the right to legal counsel as well as the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court," he said as he told her her rights.
An hour later, Elizabeth sat in the interrogation room across from a detective.
"So, will you tell me what motivated you to plan the killing of Miss Williams?" the detective asked her.
Elizabeth hung her head. She knew she didn't have a way out of the situation, so she confessed to her crimes, telling him what had pushed her to plan Stacey's killing.
"...I just wanted to make sure she was out of my way, so I turned to the dark web for assistance. I thought she didn't deserve my father's inheritance because she's a nobody! She was just my father's caregiver!" Elizabeth finished and glared at the detective. Suddenly, she saw something that made her jaw drop.
The sight she saw through the glass window…Stacey was being led into the police station in handcuffs.

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"Wait, wh-why is she being taken into custody?" She pointed out, and the detective looked behind at the transparent glass through which Stacey was clearly visible.
"If she's not innocent, I should be let go because I think it's finally proved that she did trick my father!" Elizabeth continued.
The detective leaned forward on the table and looked her in the eye. "She also hired a hitman to kill you, Miss. Greenwood," he said. "Her motive was the same as yours. Now you will both serve time for what you did!"
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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.
news.AmoMama.com does not support or promote any kind of violence, self-harm, or abusive behavior. We raise awareness about these issues to help potential victims seek professional counseling and prevent anyone from getting hurt. news.AmoMama.com speaks out against the above mentioned and news.AmoMama.com advocates for a healthy discussion about the instances of violence, abuse, sexual misconduct, animal cruelty, abuse etc. that benefits the victims. We also encourage everyone to report any crime incident they witness as soon as possible.