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Collage of a little girl and a businesswoman. | Source: Shutterstock

Husband Dumps Wife & Child for Younger Woman, Years Later Daughter Becomes His Boss — Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Oct 02, 2023
09:40 A.M.

William walked out on his wife and daughter to start a new life with his young mistress. But things changed years later, and just when William thought nothing would go wrong, he came face-to-face with his grown-up daughter.


William took a deep breath and readied himself. Linda was staring at him anxiously as they sat across from each other in the living room. For a moment, William reconsidered his decision. He knew if he told Linda he had a mistress, she would be devastated. But he could no longer keep her in the dark.

William and Linda had been married for 20 years. They were like any regular couple. They had a 17-year-old daughter who was about to enter college, and they had lived the most simple but peaceful lives in a modest home Linda inherited from her parents.

They even launched a small side business producing beef jerky a few years ago, and several of their neighbors loved the dried meat they made. Eventually, their product made it to a store, but it didn't bring in much money after a while, and William's job kept them afloat.

"What is it, William?" Linda asked him, snapping him out of his thoughts. "You seem very distant lately. What is it that you wanted to discuss?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"I'm seeing someone else, Linda," William said frankly, looking her in the eyes. "I'd never thought we would see this day, but things got complicated, and I-I was lost...I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself."

"What do you mean?" Linda's face fell, and her shaking hands grasped the sofa's armrest. "You...have another woman? Answer me, I'm asking something!"

"I can't explain it, but I love her," William hung his head. "She's young, she's different, and we just clicked. I just didn't want to hide it from you any longer. I know you hate lies, and so here I am, telling you the truth."

"Do you even hear yourself, William?!" Linda's eyes welled up, and she felt a lump in her throat as she spoke. "We have a young daughter! We've been married for 20 years! And now—"

But before she could continue, her buzzing phone distracted them.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Ye-Yes?" Linda tried to remain calm as she answered the phone, but it didn't take long for her to lose her cool.

"Are you sure? How much is it?" she further asked.

Linda's anger was out of control when she hung up the phone. A court representative had called to inform her that their home was about to be seized.

They had taken a loan and mortgaged their home to launch their dried meat business. William had promised Linda he would repay the debt. But she had no idea that several installments were past due, and they were on the verge of losing the roof over their heads.

"What's your excuse for not repaying the loan? You knew this day would come, didn't you?" she fumed. "For God's sake, William! Are you going to leave me and our daughter on the streets while you live your fantasies with your mistress? They need $80,000! Where are we going to get that money?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Linda, I-I was...Look, it's just that I couldn't save enough money for those payments, and I'm sure they would've given us some leeway!"

William continued to make excuses because he knew he was to blame. Linda was so broken on the inside that day. She couldn't bear her slacker husband any longer.

"OUT! Just leave my house, William!" Linda yelled at him.

The vehicles' loud honking snapped William to the present. He was still standing near the traffic light. He was too absorbed in his thoughts to notice that it had gone from red to green, then back to red. William had walked out on his wife and daughter six years ago and never returned to them. He had lived a difficult life over those years.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


William had lost everything, including his job and new family. He'd even been on a bender to distract himself from his failure, but it was about time he got back on his feet and reclaimed his life. So, William was on his way to a job interview.

William never expected to find work again, but after seeing a job advertisement for a position in a factory that made beef jerky, he had some hope. His previous business experience, albeit a failed one, would be an advantage.

William sat uneasily outside the interview room, wondering what he would do if he didn't get the job. He went inside when his number was called. William's luck was on his side that day, he thought, because he got the job.

He was hired as a packaging operator. The job definitely wasn't something great, but it was decent, considering he had been barely getting by for the last six years.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


On the third day of his job, while William was busy packing and labeling the boxes, his manager, Mr. Dunn, approached him.

"William, hurry up and finish the job if you want to get a raise!" he chuckled.

"I'm sorry?" William gently set down the box he was marking as he looked at Mr. Dunn, perplexed. "I didn't get you, sir."

"Didn't you know?" Mr. Dunn smiled. "The CEO is visiting our factory for an inspection. If you don't want to be stuck in the same role, you must impress her," the man nudged William, laughing. But William was least interested in his jokes.

"I think I would just prefer to get back to what I was doing, sir," he replied politely and returned to his job.

"Oh, there she is! Be on your best behavior!"

A murmur of voices soon distracted him, and William looked up at the factory's entrance, only to be astonished. Mr. Dunn greeted the CEO as she walked in. William's eyes widened in horror, and the box he held slipped from his fingers onto the floor as he recognized her.

The owner of the company was none other than his daughter.


"Isabelle?" he gasped as she approached him with a confident smile.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Dad?" she chirped. "It's been quite some time, hasn't it?"

William didn't know what he was thinking. "How? How did this happen?" he blurted out. "You became a CEO!"

"It's interesting how, after all these years, you're not concerned about how I'm doing but only about my material success," she scoffed. "But don't let this personal angle distract you. I'm here for an inspection, and you should be doing your job. And yes," she added before she walked away. "Please meet me in my office after lunch."

William had goosebumps as he watched his daughter walk away. He turned to look at her and rubbed his eyes. William wasn't dreaming. His daughter owned the business, where he was only a low-wage employee. William hated to admit it, but her success shook him.


He went to her office later that afternoon. He knocked on the door and immediately heard Isabelle's voice. "Come on in!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Oh, Dad!" She reclined in her chair. "Get in, get in. Please have a seat!"

William sat across from her uneasily.

"So, how have you been?" she asked.

"I'm doing just fine…" he answered with a sigh.

"You're not going to ask me what you wanted to know back at the factory?" she asked, raising a brow. "Well, Dad, it was not easy. And I am disappointed that you haven't changed at all. Guess your new love life didn't work out…Anyway, let me just stick to why I called you here. You were curious about how I made it to this chair, right?" she added confidently.


"Everything was taken from us when you left. Our home was seized, and we could only get one-third of the proceeds from its sale. The remaining amount would be used to clear the debt which you didn't bother to pay off. Mom didn't want me to compromise on my education, and she insisted I attend college, so she gave me the last of her money…We were homeless, Dad!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"I'm sorry…" William whispered, lowering his head. "I wish things had turned out differently. I—"

"I'm not done talking!" Isabelle cut him off. "Because of the bad choices you made, we had to give up on our home! Mom had to move in with Aunt Georgina in a whole different state, and I was supposed to live in a college dorm away from Mom, who was the only family I had after you walked out on us! But even then, things were just beginning to get worse. Aunt Georgina called me one day and said..." Isabelle swallowed thickly as she recalled one of the most challenging times in her life. "Mom's life was in danger…"


Six years ago…

Isabelle sat in the college corridor, just outside the admissions office. She clutched her admission file with the necessary paperwork in her hands, impatiently awaiting her turn. She would have to rush to the bank after submitting the paperwork and deposit the tuition fee.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket while she was checking the documents one more time. Isabelle took it out and noticed her mother's sister, Georgina, was calling her.

"Hi, Aunt Georgina, what's up?" Isabelle held the phone between her right shoulder and ear.

"It's about your mother, honey," Georgina said, concerned.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Mom? What happened to her?" Isabelle asked as she stopped checking the documents.

"Your mother had symptoms of a heart attack this afternoon," Georgina revealed. "She's fine for now, and surgery is not needed yet, so I'm trying to help her financially, but doctors said it could happen again in a year. They said it's a coronary heart disease…Isabelle, if she experiences a heart attack again, they'll have to perform the surgery, and it will cost more than $100,000. I don't have that kind of money."

"Is Mom OK? Like, did they keep her under observation?" she asked worriedly.

"Yes, they did. She's alright for the time being, but—"

"Don't worry about the money. I'll do something," Isabelle replied and hung up. But she had no idea how she would get the money her mother needed. Isabelle stared at her admission file, and a thought crossed her mind. It saddened her, but it was all she could do to cover Linda's surgery.

Isabelle would be asked to pay the tuition if she submitted the documents. But if she left university now, she could save that money and plan how to use it for her mother's healthcare. She clearly couldn't take out a loan, and no one would lend her such a large sum.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Isabelle recalled her parents' beef jerky business. She could give that a try to generate more income. But she would need the kitchenware in their confiscated home, and she had no access to the house. But she had made up her mind. Isabelle got up and left the college campus, deciding not to submit her application documents.

She was temporarily crashing at a friend's place, so she went there. She didn't tell her friend she wouldn't attend college now. Instead, she opened her laptop and began looking for affordable flats to rent and a second-hand pickup truck to carry the equipment for her business.

The next day, Isabelle visited a garage.

"A lady customer? Welcome! How can I help you?" asked the garage owner with a smirk.


She rolled her eyes at how he thought a woman had no place in a garage.

"Do you sell second-hand pickup trucks?" she asked eventually. "Something still in good condition that can be put to use immediately?"

"Of course, of course! But I would need some ID," said the man.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Isabelle groaned and handed over her ID.

"Perfect," he said as he studied the identification card. "This way…" He led her to the back of the garage, where several trucks were parked.

Isabelle was compelled to get the one her pocket would allow, although it wasn't as horrible as she had imagined. It rattled and made strange noises while driving, but the mechanic fixed it, and it was fine to drive. Isabelle drove to her friend's place, packed her bags, and headed to the apartment she had looked up online the night before.


It was a tiny studio apartment a few blocks from her friend's house. Isabelle scanned the space when she arrived. Obviously, it looked worse than what she had seen in the photos, but it would suffice for the time being. She signed the rental agreement and paid for the first month in advance.

That night, Isabelle parked her pickup truck across from her parents' house. As she climbed out, she pulled up her hoodie cap and looked around to ensure no one was watching her. It was late at night, so her footsteps on the cemented road were the only sound breaking the silence.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Isabelle dashed to the front porch as she entered the yard. A massive rusted lock, however, hung on the door. And it was a different one. She couldn't open it with the spare key she had. Isabelle walked to the backyard to see if she could get in through the back door, but no luck there, either.


Her gaze finally settled on the dormer window on the slope side of the roof. It led into the attic on the second floor, and its glass pane was still broken. She remembered her mother pestering her father to get it fixed, but William kept putting it off.

Isabelle had an idea. She returned to her pickup truck and parked it directly outside the living room window. She then climbed the pipe that ran parallel to the dormer window. The pipe was as strong as a metal tree trunk. So Isabelle gripped it tightly and gently climbed up. As she reached the roof, she jumped into the attic through the window.

Isabelle turned on her phone flashlight because it was dark and looked around. Dust and cobwebs had infiltrated every nook and crevice of the room. She noticed a box labeled "KITCHEN" in a corner. She yanked off the tape around the box to look for the utensils Linda used to make the beef jerky. Isabelle found an old microwave and a handful of her mother's recipe books in a box nearby. She carried both cartons down to the first floor.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


Through the window, Isabelle loaded everything into the pickup truck she had parked outside. She made sure she closed the window so no one would suspect her of being there. Then she went out through the dormer window.

Isabelle hurriedly climbed down the pipe to her truck, got behind the wheel, and drove away. She had spotted an abandoned house near her studio apartment while heading to her parents' house. Isabelle decided to set up her production facility there. Her studio was far too small, and she couldn't make the snack there, so this was her only option.

Isabelle parked her truck behind the house and took a look around. She couldn't see a single person and walked briskly to the backyard. The back door has a tiny lock. She took out her hairpin and attempted to pick the lock. A couple of clip turns...and click! The door emitted a low creak as it opened. She returned to her truck, carried the boxes inside the house, and looked for the light switch.

Unfortunately, none of the lights worked, so she had to revert to her mobile flashlight. She found her way to her basement and placed everything there. But because there was no light, she had to wait till she replaced the lightbulb. She couldn't cook in the dark or during the day. She didn't want to be caught trespassing.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

A few days passed. Isabelle finished setting up a small production space for herself, but even after meticulously following Linda's recipe, the beef jerky tasted terrible. "How did Mom and Dad even think this would sell?" Isabelle spat the dried meat into the trash. She stayed awake that night, experimenting with the marinade that would go on the meat before it was ready for cooking.

Isabelle wanted the dried meat to have a unique taste so that her product made it to stores not only throughout the state but also the big retail chains across the United States. She didn't want to limit herself, as her parents had done, by making a product that would only be marketed to acquaintances.

A week passed, but there was no progress. The marinade just didn't taste the way she wanted it to. Something was definitely missing, and she didn't know what. Isabelle was on the verge of giving up, but she decided to give it one more week. She continued to experiment with the marinade's ingredients in order to create the flavor she wanted. And then it happened.


"Oh my goodness! This is exactly what I was looking for!" Isabelle felt on top of the world when she finally had the beef jerky that tasted exactly like she wanted it to. However, there was still much work to be done. She still needed to figure out how to get her product to the market.

So Isabelle stayed awake for several nights in a row, refining her sales pitch to emphasize her product's unique selling point, cold emailing retail giants, and sending out samples. A month later, she received a response.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Subject: Re: Dried Meat Product Proposal

Dear Isabelle,

I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for your recent proposal. After careful consideration, we believe your dried beef product would be a fantastic match for our consumers' interests and our dedication to providing high-quality items in our stores.

We'd want to try out your samples, and if everything goes well, we'd like to set up a follow-up meeting to discuss the following stages, which include product quantities, price, and distribution logistics..."


Isabelle didn't need to read further. She swiftly responded, and a week later, she was waiting outside the product manager's office with her beef jerky samples. They had asked her for a small order of 100 packets, and somehow, she had managed to finish it.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

"Hello, my name is Isabelle," she introduced herself as she sat at the table with the retail giant's food inspection team.

"I make beer snacks, mostly beef jerky. I'd like to thank you for the opportunity, and I've brought some samples with me. I'd like you to try it, and I look forward to working with you if you enjoy it."

"Thank you, Isabelle," the manager said as her samples were passed around the table. The team tried her sample while Isabelle sat there, wondering if they'd like it. She noticed glances were exchanged across the table. After what seemed like an eternity, the manager, Chris, spoke up.


"We'll need an hour to think about your proposal," he said. "We'll let you know the results as soon as our discussion is finished. Please wait for us outside."

"Uh, sure. Thank you," Isabelle said, worried if she would make it. She was summoned to the office an hour later.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Well," Chris said with a smile. "We like your product, Isabelle, and we'd like to sell it in our stores! In fact, we are ready to distribute it across the state, and we would like to discuss the next stages, including product quantities, price, and distribution logistics, as soon as possible," he concluded.

"However," Chris's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "First and foremost, we will pay a visit to the factory. We will conduct a sanitary inspection as well as analyze your production process to ensure compliance with our production requirements. Secondly, if we conclude that you meet all of our standards, are you in a position to meet the demand for 10,000 packets per month?"


Isabelle's heart dropped. She could neither show them her 'factory' nor generate such a large quantity every month. But if she passed on this opportunity, she didn't know how long it would be until another came knocking at her door.

So Isabelle sighed and forced a smile. "Of course!" she replied calmly. "How much time do I have until the inspection? I mean, I have to ensure everything is in order first."

"How about two weeks?" Chris proposed. "Works for you?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Ye-yes, sure…" she replied.

"Well then, we look forward to it," Chris extended his hand for a shake, and Isabelle took it. But her racing heart didn't stop until she was at a cafe, drinking coffee and contemplating what to do next. She didn't have enough money to rent something even close to a factory, hire staff, or acquire better equipment.


Isabelle was distracted by the buzzing of her phone.

"Hey, Aunt Georgina," she answered.

"Isabelle honey, Linda's condition is worsening," Georgina sounded tense on the call. "Turns out her medical report had an error, the doctor's fault…Linda needs the surgery urgently…a month is all they've given us."

"What? But how could they do something like that?" Isabelle was furious at the doctor but also utterly worried for her mother.

"I wish there was something I could do to make it better for Linda," Georgina continued. "She's my sister, and I can't tell you how awful all of this feels, Isabelle. I'm so sorry…" Georgina broke down on the call, but Isabelle had to stay strong for her mother.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


Isabelle told Georgina not to worry and that she would arrange funds for the surgery. But as Isabelle hung up the phone, she realized the gravity of what she'd told her aunt. Isabelle didn't have the money her mother needed. But if she passed Chris's inspection check, things would change.

At that point, Isabelle knew she had one last option to get the finances she needed: her former classmate's father, who was a wealthy businessman.


Isabelle took a deep breath as she entered Mr. Navarro's office.

"Look who it is! How are you doing, dear?" Mr. Navarro asked as they exchanged a quick hug. He knew Isabelle personally, so when she called, he agreed to meet right away.

"I'm good, Robert," she said as she sat across from him. She then told him the complete story of how she battled to make her first few dried beef samples.

"I'm here to ask you for help. I need money to set up a factory and hire workers. Since the inspection is in two weeks, I had no choice but to come here. But yes, I know you are a true businessman, so I'm here with a deal. I'm here to ask you to invest in my company, so I'm willing to give you 35% of what the factory makes if all goes well. So...what do you think?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Mr. Navarro smiled. "As you're aware, I'm a true business, so…you must've expected there would be a condition before we proceed with the deal."

"Of course. What is it?" Isabelle replied, glad that at least he didn't turn her down.

"Well," Mr. Navarro said. "If the retail company refuses to collaborate with you, I will take away all the equipment and manufactured items, but I also want the proceeds from the sale of your confiscated paternal home...That's one-third of the property's price you mentioned, correct? So, do we have a deal?"

Isabelle paused. She did a rough calculation, and she realized Mr. Navarro was demanding approximately twice the amount she was borrowing from him. He noticed she was hesitating, so he smiled and said, "This is business, dear."


"Fine," Isabelle replied quickly. "Let's do that. Deal."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Eventually, Isabelle could set up her own small factory in a warehouse and arrange the workers before the inspection. Chris and his team inspected the factory for several hours, and finally, he said, "We are ready to work with you!"


"They gave me my first check. I saved Mom's life, and I also bought the house a year after the first sale," Isabelle continued. "And half a year ago, I bought Robert's share and became the sole owner of the factory. Now, coming to you, you know that I can't stand betrayal, Dad," she said stiffly. "So you are no longer working here. In fact, I have a better option. Wait for me behind the warehouse."


About 15 minutes later, Isabelle came to meet him, but she wasn't alone. Behind her was a factory worker holding two boxes. He handed them over to William.

"Open it," Isabelle told him.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

William opened it to find the old kitchenware and commercial oven, the leftovers of his and Linda's failed business.

"I think this is fair, Dad. We are at par now. You have everything you need to start and grow a business and change your life. Just believe me. I've been there," Isabelle smiled and walked away.

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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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