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Crowd inside the plane | Source: Flickr
Crowd inside the plane | Source: Flickr

Stewardess Bans Arab Man from Boarding Plane Unaware He’s New Airline Owner – Story of the Day

Anton Usatiuk
Nov 07, 2023
04:20 A.M.

On a routine flight, Catherine, a single mother to 6-year-old Adam, found herself in a dispute with a passenger. She took action, resulting in his removal from the plane before takeoff, unaware that he was the airline's new owner.


Catherine dashes towards the airport, her heart racing almost as fast as her feet. This wasn't just the usual rush; today, she was cutting it closer than ever. She weaves through the bustling crowd, her mind solely focused on the ticking clock. As she reaches the airport entrance, she plunges into the wave of travelers, all hustling to get to their destinations.

The security checkpoint looms ahead, and she barrels toward it, her flight attendant ID clutched tightly in hand. She flashes it at the security guard with a rushed explanation, her words tumbling out in a hurried stream. "I have to catch my flight, I'm working it, please, I need to get through fast!"

Catherine's apologies spill out in quick succession to the people she bumps as she makes her way through the line. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry,” she repeats, her eyes pleading for understanding. The frustration and annoyance on the travelers' faces soften slightly as they step aside, recognizing the uniform and the urgency. She's one of them but on the flip side, part of the crew that gets passengers safely to their destinations.

Passenger In the airport. | Source: Shutterstock

Passenger In the airport. | Source: Shutterstock


With each hurried step and every apologetic nod, Catherine feels the seconds slipping away. Her breath is heavy, her uniform beginning to stick to her back with sweat. Today’s lateness wasn’t like her, and she didn’t want to start her day with a blunder. All she can hope for is to slip through the terminal doors and onto the plane without holding up the departure.

Catherine’s tardiness was all due to the morning’s unexpected chaos with her son, Adam. The morning routine was typically a well-oiled machine: wake up, get Adam ready, drop him off at the neighbor's, then head straight to the airport.

As a flight attendant, her schedule was erratic at best, often leaving her to rely on her neighbors' kindness to care for her six-year-old during her stints away from home. These could stretch out for days, sometimes even a week, depending on her flight assignments.

On this particular morning, everything went sideways. The neighbor, Mrs. Jenkins, had always been a lifeline for Catherine. She was like a second grandmother to Adam, but today, she was uncharacteristically apologetic, explaining through a hoarse voice and sniffles that she had come down with something fierce. "I just can't risk it with Adam, dear. I'm so sorry," Mrs. Jenkins had said, her voice heavy with regret.

Mom with his child crosses the road in the city. | Source: Shutterstock

Mom with his child crosses the road in the city. | Source: Shutterstock

Catherine understood, of course. She couldn’t risk Adam getting sick, especially not with her about to leave for days. But understanding didn’t solve her problem. With the clock ticking, she began the frantic process of calling anyone who might be able to take Adam on such short notice. Every ring without an answer, every apologetic decline, it all felt like a weight sinking her further into panic.

In the midst of this frenzy, a fleeting thought of Adam’s father, John, passed through her mind. There was a flash of what she’d describe as 'good-natured anger'—an oxymoron, but the only way to characterize her cocktail of frustration and bittersweet nostalgia.

If only John were here, he could have taken Adam. The thought was quickly followed by a bitter memory of the morning she had woken up to find John gone without a trace, leaving her alone with their son.


At first, that abandonment had been a scalding burn, but as the years passed, the wound had healed into a scar—a constant, but no longer painful, reminder. She had learned to manage, to be both mother and father to Adam, to balance the hectic life of a flight attendant with single motherhood.

This morning, however, that balance was seriously tested. As she scrolled through her contacts, her finger hovering over names of friends and acquaintances, she couldn’t help but resent John’s absence anew. He had left them to fend for themselves, and on days like this, the injustice of it all was particularly sharp.

Disappointed young woman talking on the phone standing in the street. | Source: Shutterstock

Disappointed young woman talking on the phone standing in the street. | Source: Shutterstock

Eventually, luck—or perhaps it was just the sheer number of calls she made—paid off. An old friend, one who had kids of her own and understood the juggling act of parenting, agreed to take Adam in. Relief washed over Catherine, but it was short-lived as she glanced at the time. The whole ordeal had set her back, and now she had to rush like never before.


So here she was, racing against time, dashing through the airport. She repeated her apologies to the travelers she hustled by, her mind half on her immediate need to catch the flight and half on Adam, hoping he’d be okay without her. She hoped Mrs. Jenkins would get better soon, hoped her friend would have an easy time with Adam, hoped John, wherever he was, somehow felt a pang of regret for missing out on their son’s life.

Finally, Catherine made it to the plane, her steps quick, her breath coming in short gasps. Her colleagues, familiar with the occasional rush against time, greeted her with a warmth that defied any hint of frustration at her tardiness.

“Rough morning?” the captain asked, eyeing Catherine with a mix of concern and gentle ribbing.

She offered a weary nod, her shoulders dropping in a silent admission. “Couldn’t find anyone to take Adam. It was all so last-minute,” she confided, her voice laced with the residual stress of the morning's chaos.

“Don’t worry about it,” the captain responded with an easygoing wave towards the cabin. “We've got this covered. Go get ready; they’re about to start boarding.”

Cheerful young man airline worker touching captain hat and smiling while standing in airfield with airplane on background. | Source: Shutterstock

Cheerful young man airline worker touching captain hat and smiling while standing in airfield with airplane on background. | Source: Shutterstock


Catherine and her colleague, Tina, positioned themselves at the entrance of the plane, slipping into their roles with the ease of long practice. They welcomed passengers aboard, their professional smiles never faltering. In a quiet moment, Tina nudged Catherine and whispered conspiratorially, “Heard about the new boss?”

Catherine, still slightly preoccupied by the morning's events, shook her head slightly. “No, I hadn’t heard.”

Tina’s eyes twinkled with the allure of insider information. “Well, they’re going to introduce him to us in Dubai, at the staff meeting in the hotel conference room.”

“And from what I've heard,” Tina continued with a sly grin, “he’s not bad on the eyes at all.”

Catherine couldn’t help but laugh, a genuine spark of amusement flickering through the fatigue. “Is that right? Well, maybe it’s time for you to work your magic and set me up,” she joked, a nudge to Tina acknowledging their shared history of lighthearted matchmaking attempts.

“After John, I’ve been a little out of the loop with all that,” she added, her smile a touch sardonic, yet softened by the camaraderie between them.

Their shared laughter was a momentary oasis, a comforting reminder of the support they found in each other, before their attention returned to the passengers. Catherine immersed herself in the familiar rhythms of her work, the tasks at hand an effective distraction from the morning’s earlier turmoil.

Two beautiful air hostesses in blue uniform smiling away, standing in front of a big passenger airplane in airport at sunset. | Source: Shutterstock

Two beautiful air hostesses in blue uniform smiling away, standing in front of a big passenger airplane in airport at sunset. | Source: Shutterstock

As Catherine made her rounds, checking that all passengers were comfortably seated and that overhead compartments were securely closed, a subtle commotion caught her attention. A man of Arab descent had taken another passenger’s bag from the overhead shelf, placing it unceremoniously on the floor to make room for his own. He stood wearing a long white robe that gracefully reached the floor. His posture and expressions conveyed a strong sense of confidence and self-assurance as he surveyed his surroundings. With the professional ease of someone who had dealt with all sorts of in-flight situations, Catherine approached him.

“Excuse me, sir,” she began, her tone polite but firm, “I noticed you’ve moved someone’s luggage to the floor from the shelf.”


The man looked at her, a hint of challenge in his gaze. “I think it’s best if we just overlook this little switch,” he suggested coolly.

Catherine’s brow furrowed slightly, her commitment to fairness overriding the urge to avoid confrontation. “That bag belongs to an elderly lady; she placed it there herself. It’s not fair to her,” she explained, hoping to appeal to the man’s better nature.

He, however, seemed unbothered. “Look, my bag is expensive—cost me five grand—and the contents? Easily worth over a hundred thousand. I need it here, close to me,” he asserted, his tone leaving little room for argument.

“But sir,” Catherine persisted, maintaining her calm, “the value of your items doesn’t give you the right to displace someone else’s belongings. We treat all passengers’ property with respect, regardless of its worth.”

The man scoffed, but Catherine stood her ground. “I’m going to have to ask you to put the lady’s bag back. If you prefer, I can find a safe spot for your bag where you can keep an eye on it.”

Businessman puts a suitcase in a baggage compartment. | Source: Shutterstock

Businessman puts a suitcase in a baggage compartment. | Source: Shutterstock


Catherine, feeling the tension rise, stood her ground with a newfound sternness. She noted the collective murmur of disapproval from the nearby passengers who had overheard the exchange. Their whispers and frowns showed their support for Catherine and their distaste for the man’s behavior.

The argument escalated quickly as the man became more defensive and the passengers more vocal in their support of Catherine. With the atmosphere in the cabin heating up, Catherine leaned in slightly, her senses heightened from her experience dealing with disruptive passengers.

“I believe I can smell alcohol on your breath,” Catherine stated firmly, looking the man squarely in the eyes. “That's a safety concern for everyone on this flight. I’m going to have to ask you to deplane, or I will be forced to call airport security.”

The passengers’ murmurs turned into a chorus of agreement, backing Catherine’s decision. They watched, a united front against what they perceived as an infringement on their collective safety and comfort.

The man, now visibly agitated by the mounting pressure, shot back, “You’ll regret this,” his voice carrying an edge of warning.

Interior of airplane with passengers on seats waiting to taik off. | Source: Shutterstock

Interior of airplane with passengers on seats waiting to taik off. | Source: Shutterstock


But Catherine, unfazed, simply held his gaze. “Sir, the safety of our passengers is my top priority. I cannot allow you to stay on board under these circumstances.”

The standoff ended when the man, realizing the odds were not in his favor, grabbed his bag and stormed off the plane, his exit accompanied by the palpable relief and a few scattered applause from the passengers.

Once he was gone, Catherine took a moment to compose herself. She then addressed the passengers with a calm authority, thanking them for their understanding and assuring them that their journey would now proceed without further interruption.

As the cabin door closed and the plane began to taxi to the runway, Catherine’s heart rate began to normalize. She exchanged a meaningful look with a few of the passengers, a silent acknowledgment of the ordeal they’d just experienced together. Her intervention had prevented a potential disturbance, and in the process, she’d gained the respect of those she was entrusted to serve.

The incident, now behind them, became another story in Catherine’s chaptered career in the skies, a testament to her resolve and dedication. It was these moments that defined the true responsibility she held as a flight attendant—not just serving drinks and snacks, but ensuring a safe and peaceful journey for all on board.


Catherine and Tina, having lugged their suitcases up to the shared crew quarters, were catching their breath in the transient calm of the hotel room. The walls were adorned with neutral colors, a bland canvas reflecting the life of those who briefly call it home between flights. It was a place of rest, but also of anticipation for the crew that jetted around the world.

Traveling girls resting in a hotel room and having fun. | Source: Shutterstock

Traveling girls resting in a hotel room and having fun. | Source: Shutterstock

Tina flopped onto one of the twin beds, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Do you reckon our new boss is going to be one of those silver foxes?" she mused, kicking off her shoes. "I swear, if he's under forty, I'm going to be all over that."

Catherine chuckled, shaking her head as she neatly placed her suitcase on the luggage rack. "You know, age doesn't necessarily equate to vigor," she replied with a twinkle in her eye. "Sometimes the over-forties have more zest for life—and other things—than some young bucks."


Their banter was a common dance, a way to unwind after the rigors of their profession. It was during this light-hearted exchange that Catherine's phone cut through the chatter with its insistent ringtone.

Catherine answered with a casual, "Hello?" before her expression shifted to one of urgency. "Tina, we've got to hustle," she said after a pause, the phone still pressed to her ear. "The captain just informed me the new owner’s waiting for us downstairs. They want the whole team there, pronto."

Without another word, they sprung into action. Tina retrieved her blazer draped over the chair, slipping into it as she headed for the door. Catherine followed suit, double-checking she had her crew ID.

The two friends, united by years of shared skies and layovers, hustled out of their room, leaving behind the anonymity of another hotel space. Their heels clicked in tandem on the polished floor as they made their way to the elevator, speculating about the meeting that awaited them.

Two beautiful girls, a blonde and a brunette, are wearing a coat in a glass elevator. | Source: Shutterstock

Two beautiful girls, a blonde and a brunette, are wearing a coat in a glass elevator. | Source: Shutterstock


"What if he's a total stick in the mud?" Tina whispered conspiratorially as they waited for the elevator to arrive.

Catherine smiled, "Well, then you'll just have to be the charm offensive, won't you?"

The ding of the elevator arriving pulled them back to the moment. The doors slid open, and they stepped inside, descending towards the meeting that could very well change the course of their careers. The conference hall, with its promise of new beginnings, waited just floors away.

The conference hall was a sea of uniformed personnel, each taking their places on the cushioned chairs that faced the grand podium. The murmurs of conversation filled the room, a mixture of anticipation and curiosity swirling in the air.

Catherine found a seat next to Tina, near the middle of the third row, her hands folded in her lap, her mind racing with what the change in ownership could mean for her job, for Adam, and for their future.

The vice president of the company, a man known for his measured speeches and corporate demeanor, stepped up to the podium. His voice, although not loud, carried a weight of sincerity as he began to address the room. "Your dedication," he intoned, "is the engine of our success." He strung together the typical phrases of gratitude and acknowledgment, but his words seemed to wash over the audience like a gentle but forgettable wave.

Audience at the conference hall. | Source: Shutterstock

Audience at the conference hall. | Source: Shutterstock

Twenty minutes sailed by under the VP's practiced oration until he reached the moment everyone had been waiting for. "And now," he announced with a flourish, "please welcome our new owner. I believe he would like to introduce himself."

The room erupted in polite applause, the sound providing a backdrop to the figure that stepped into view. But for Catherine, the clap of hands turned to white noise as she registered the face of the man walking onto the stage. It was him—the same man she'd confronted on the plane, the same man she had ejected for safety concerns.

As the clapping continued, Catherine felt as though she had been submerged underwater, sounds muffled, and movements slowed. The new owner's gaze swept the room and, for a fleeting moment, locked with hers. His smile was enigmatic, almost playful, which seemed to contradict the gravity of their last encounter.


In those agonizing minutes that followed, Catherine's thoughts spiraled. She wasn't just thinking about the immediate embarrassment, but about Adam and their life that hung in the balance. She envisioned the scramble for new employment, the interviews, the potential for gaps in her income. It was as if the walls of the conference hall closed in, the chatter of her colleagues a distant echo against the drumming of her heart.

Yet, as the man began to speak, Catherine forced herself to focus on his words rather than her fears. He wasn't talking about the incident on the plane. There was no mention of grudges or past confrontations. Instead, he spoke of his vision for the airline, of growth and opportunity, of a family-like community within the company.

Catherine dared to breathe, her initial shock softening into cautious relief. Perhaps, just maybe, this twist of fate wouldn't spell the end of her career. There was a sense, a hope, that the new owner was the kind to look forward rather than backward. But deep down, the uncertainty lingered, a silent whisper reminding her that the future was as unpredictable as the skies they traversed daily.

Speaker giving a talk on corporate business conference. | Source: Shutterstock

Speaker giving a talk on corporate business conference. | Source: Shutterstock


As the clapping slowly died down and the crew began to filter out of the conference hall, Catherine felt a knot tighten in her stomach. She knew what she had to do next, though the thought alone made her hands tremble. It was clear that she needed to clear the air with Omar, the new owner, if she had any hope of keeping her job.

Gathering the last shreds of her courage, Catherine made her way through the dispersing crowd. Her heart pounded like it was trying to break free as she finally spotted Omar, his figure unmistakable amidst the throng of people. Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward.

"Good afternoon, I think you remember me," she said, her voice steadier than she felt.

Omar turned, his eyes carrying a glint of recognition. "Ah, is that you, the woman who most likely doesn't work in our company from today?" he replied, his tone edging on sarcasm.

Catherine's mouth felt dry, but she pushed on, apologizing for the incident on the plane, explaining the reasons behind her actions. She hoped he would understand that it was all about caring for the passengers and the reputation of the airline.

Omar listened, his expression unreadable. When she finished, there was a moment of silence that hung heavy between them. Then he spoke, "You know, you are very beautiful," he began, a statement that took Catherine off guard. "I think I'd like to see you in my hotel room tomorrow night. And depending on how our meeting goes, I'll decide whether or not to forgive you." His words slithered into her ear as he leaned in, the implication unmistakable.

Businessman speaks with young woman. | Source: Shutterstock

Businessman speaks with young woman. | Source: Shutterstock

Catherine felt a chill creep over her skin. She understood all too well what he was suggesting. The idea alone filled her with a cold dread. She thought of Adam, her sweet boy who looked up to her, who depended on her. What would he think of his mother if he ever knew she compromised herself for a job, or worse, a promotion?

As Omar turned and left the conference hall, his steps echoing with a smug certainty, Catherine was left with a turmoil of emotions. She felt the hot prick of tears behind her eyes but fought them fiercely. This was not a decision she could make lightly, not with her son in the picture, not with her own values at stake.

Back in the quiet of her hotel room, the buzz of the day's events still rang in Catherine's ears. She sat at the edge of her bed, the neatly made covers untouched, as her mind raced through her options. Going to Omar's room was out of the question; she wouldn't compromise her principles or set a bad example for her son. But how could she ensure that her refusal wouldn't cost her the job she desperately needed?


As she chewed on the end of a pen, a thought struck her: knowledge is power. Maybe, just maybe, if she could find something about Omar, something that might give her leverage, she could keep her job without succumbing to his inappropriate request.

With her laptop open, she dove into the digital world, searching for anything that could help her. She typed Omar's name into search engines, scrolled through news articles, and checked various social media platforms. She needed to know who he was outside of the boardroom and the conference hall. As her fingers danced across the keyboard, time slipped by unnoticed until she stumbled upon a piece of information that made her pause—Omar was married.

Woman with laptop while lying in bed. | Source: Shutterstock

Woman with laptop while lying in bed. | Source: Shutterstock

This news churned in her stomach as she delved deeper, finally finding his wife's social media page. The page was a colorful display of their seemingly happy life together. Amid the pictures and posts, she found what she was looking for—his wife's cell phone number.


Catherine's heart thumped against her chest. Could she actually call this woman and spill everything? It was one thing to find the information, quite another to use it. Her hand hovered over her phone, uncertainty weighing heavily on her.

She typed in the number but hesitated before hitting call. Her mind was a whirlwind of what-ifs. What if Omar's wife didn't believe her? What if Omar managed to twist the story, painting Catherine as the liar? The risk was monumental; it wasn't just about her job anymore, but her credibility and reputation.

The small, lit-up screen seemed to mock her as she finally pressed cancel. Her thoughts were clouded with doubt. If she called and it backfired, she could kiss her job goodbye for sure. But the alternative—keeping silent—seemed equally untenable.

Catherine sat on the edge of her bed, her mind a whirl of thoughts. She couldn't shake the image of her son looking up at her, his face a mix of trust and innocence. No, going to Omar's room wasn't an option—not the way he intended. But what if she could turn the tables? What if she could make it so that his wife would see his true colors without Catherine having to compromise herself?

Sad woman with a mobile phone in the night at home. | Source: Shutterstock

Sad woman with a mobile phone in the night at home. | Source: Shutterstock


She mulled over this new plan, turning it this way and that in her mind. It was risky, sure, but it had a shot of working. She'd go to Omar's room, yes, but on her terms. She'd call his wife on the sly. Keep the phone on, hidden away, and let his words paint the picture for his wife to hear. If Omar dropped a line like, "Well, take off your clothes, I'm going to accept your apology now," his wife would be able to hear everything. It was entrapment of a sort, but it felt like justice too.

The plan was bold, maybe too bold, but it was all she had. She’d rather face the fire of fighting back than the slow burn of regret.

As she was steeling herself for the possibility, the door burst open. Tina, her usually unflappable friend, stormed in. Her eyes were red and puffy; it was clear she'd been crying. Without a word, she tossed her phone onto the bed—a little too hard, maybe—and beelined for the bathroom. The door slammed shut with a definitive thud.

Catherine, taken aback by the sudden rush of emotion, sat frozen for a second. Tina? Crying? It wasn’t like her. Her friend was the tough one, the one who laughed off trouble and shrugged at setbacks.

Catherine stood by the bathroom door, her brows knitted in worry. "What's going on?" she called out, trying to keep her voice steady. The silence on the other side felt heavy, loaded with unspoken words.


"Tina, talk to me. Why the tears?" Catherine pressed, her concern growing with each unanswered question. The bathroom door remained closed, the barrier between them feeling more significant than just wood and paint.

Young beautiful hispanic woman sitting on the sofa crying at home. | Source: Shutterstock

Young beautiful hispanic woman sitting on the sofa crying at home. | Source: Shutterstock

Finally, a shaky voice replied through the door. "It's nothing, really! I just tripped, that's all," Tina's voice was unconvincing, and Catherine knew her friend too well to buy that explanation.

Catherine sighed, a part of her wanted to respect Tina's privacy, but the other part, the part that cared too much, wouldn't let her. She glanced over at Tina's phone abandoned on the bed. "She wouldn't mind, right? Just a quick look to make sure everything's okay," Catherine thought.


She picked up the phone, her fingers swiping through the messages with a sense of urgency. The most recent one stood out, its words jumping off the screen: "I'm waiting for you in room 386. Can't wait to see you, sweetie!"

Room 386. That was Omar's room. Catherine's heart sank. She felt a sudden rush of anger, not at Tina but at the situation, at Omar. He was the common thread in this mess. First the issue on the plane, and now this?

Tina emerged from the bathroom, her eyes red-rimmed but her face set in a stubborn mask. She didn't have to say anything; Catherine knew her friend was hurting, and it made her resolve that much stronger.

She silently handed the phone back to Tina and wrapped her in a gentle hug. "Whatever it is, we'll get through it," Catherine whispered, though in her mind, a storm was brewing.

Candid girls best friends embracing standing indoors. | Source: Shutterstock

Candid girls best friends embracing standing indoors. | Source: Shutterstock


As Tina nodded, trying to muster a brave smile, Catherine's thoughts were racing. "I don't know what game you're playing, Omar, but it's going to end. You're messing with the wrong people," she thought fiercely.

She didn't have all the pieces of the puzzle yet, but she knew one thing for sure—she wouldn't let anyone hurt her friend. She'd make sure of that. As they broke the hug, Catherine gave Tina's shoulder a reassuring squeeze, a silent promise of the retribution she was planning to dish out.

Catherine's heart thumped in her chest as she stood outside room 386. Her palms felt sweaty despite the coolness of the hotel corridor. With every breath she took, she tried to steady the storm of nerves inside her.

The burly bodyguards gave her a once-over, their eyes sharp and assessing, before allowing her to knock on the wooden door. It swung open, revealing Omar, who wore a smug smile like he owned the world. He stepped aside, a silent gesture for her to enter.

Do not disturb sign hang on door knob. | Source: Shutterstock

Do not disturb sign hang on door knob. | Source: Shutterstock


"Come in, Catherine," Omar said, his voice smooth like silk yet with an edge that made her uneasy.

She stepped into the room, her eyes quickly scanning for any escape or advantage. Then, Omar's words sliced through her thoughts, “Your phone. Put it in the safe, please. Can't be too careful these days, right?” His request, or rather demand, was laced with a casual authority that made it clear it wasn't a suggestion.

Catherine’s mind raced. She had planned to secretly dial Omar's wife, letting her overhear the conversation. But that plan crumbled to dust in her hands. "Uh, I actually need my phone. For... for emergency calls, you know?" she tried to sound convincing, but the quiver in her voice betrayed her anxiety.

Omar just raised an eyebrow, not buying it. "No exceptions. It's just how I do things," he said firmly.

With a sinking heart, Catherine handed over her phone, watching as it disappeared into the safe. Her safety net was gone, and now she was flying blind.

As Omar turned his back to her, Catherine took a deep breath. Her brain ticked over, searching desperately for a new angle, a new way to expose Omar without risking her job or her dignity. She needed a clever, quick-witted plan, and she needed it now.

Woman standing in room thinking over problems. | Source: Shutterstock

Woman standing in room thinking over problems. | Source: Shutterstock

"I need to think on my feet. What would someone smarter, braver do?" she wondered. In this high-stakes game of cat and mouse, Catherine knew she had to be sharp, resourceful, and most importantly, she had to keep her cool. Omar was watching her closely, and she couldn't afford to slip up.

Caught in a moment of anxiety, Catherine looked for an excuse to gather her thoughts. "Can I use the restroom?" she asked, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her.

"Of course," Omar replied with a gesture that was almost too gracious. He pointed towards the dressing room, giving her the momentary reprieve she desperately needed.

Catherine stepped into the dressing room, a quiet space separate from the tension of the main room. Her heart was racing, thudding against her chest like a drumbeat. She needed a plan, something to get her out of this mess that didn't involve compromising her dignity or her job. "Think, Catherine, think," she urged herself silently, her eyes darting around the room, searching for inspiration.


The dressing room was lined with mirrors and soft lighting, designed to flatter and soothe. On a marble dressing table lay a small assortment of perfumes and grooming products — a glimpse into Omar's personal life. But it was a small, open purse that caught Catherine's attention.

Inside the purse, an array of pills lay scattered. She recognized some of them immediately; they were sleeping pills. She'd used them before during long flights when she needed to reset her sleep schedule. The realization hit her — a large dose of these could knock a person out within minutes.

White pills spilling out of a toppled bright red orange pill bottle. | Source: Shutterstock

White pills spilling out of a toppled bright red orange pill bottle. | Source: Shutterstock

With a quick glance over her shoulder to ensure privacy, Catherine's hand moved almost of its own accord. She grabbed a handful of the pills, about ten, feeling their weight in her pocket. She closed the purse and left the room, her mind racing with the implications of what she had just done.


Returning to Omar's presence, Catherine knew the clock was ticking. She had to act quickly and smartly, with no room for error. The weight of the pills in her pocket was a stark reminder of the line she was about to cross.

Caught in a tense moment, Catherine's mind raced for a solution. She could feel Omar's gaze on her, his eyes holding a predatory gleam that she found unsettling. "You wanted to offer an apology, didn't you?" he asked, his voice smooth like silk but with an edge that suggested ulterior motives.

"But how about we enjoy a glass of wine first?" Catherine stammered out her question, trying to buy herself some time and also set her plan in motion.

"I'd like that," Omar responded, his smile widening as if he were enjoying a private joke.

Catherine made her way to the minibar, a compact treasure trove of beverages and snacks. She selected a bottle of red wine, its label promising a rich and velvety flavor that seemed suitable for the occasion — at least on the surface.

Luxury hotel room interior with mini bar in brown tones. | Source: Shutterstock

Luxury hotel room interior with mini bar in brown tones. | Source: Shutterstock


With a practiced hand, she uncorked the bottle and poured the deep crimson liquid into two glasses. As she did so, she discretely slipped the ten pills into one of the glasses, ensuring they dissolved quickly, leaving no trace. She gripped the stem of each glass firmly, her mind carefully noting which one contained the potent dose.

She walked over to the table in the center of the room, setting the glasses down with a soft clink. Each move was calculated, designed to keep her in control of the situation.

However, as the conversation between them veered into small talk, Catherine found herself stepping away from the table to adjust the air conditioning that suddenly felt too warm. When she turned back, her heart sank. Omar was holding both glasses, swirling the contents casually as he waited for her return.

He offered her a glass with a casual, "Shall we drink?" The uncertainty was a razor's edge, and Catherine's nerves tightened. Which glass was safe?

Realizing the dire potential of the mix-up, Catherine's survival instincts kicked in. As she reached for the glass, her other hand collided with it in a seemingly clumsy gesture. The glass slipped from her fingers, shattering on the floor, wine bleeding into the carpet.


"Oh no, how clumsy of me," she said, her tone a mix of embarrassment and dismay, masking her relief. Omar's face tightened slightly, a flash of irritation that he quickly smoothed over with a practiced charm.

Glass of red wine fell on laminate, wine spilled on floor. | Source: Shutterstock

Glass of red wine fell on laminate, wine spilled on floor. | Source: Shutterstock

"No harm done," he said smoothly. "Allow me to get you a fresh glass."

"It's okay, I've got it," Catherine insisted, keen to keep him away from the minibar and maintain control over the situation. She quickly poured herself another glass of wine.

Catherine felt her heartbeat quicken as she sipped her wine, each moment hanging heavy with anticipation. Omar, on the other hand, seemed unbothered, drinking his wine with a leisurely pace as he edged closer to her.


Catherine clung to the hope that by some stroke of luck, he had ingested the pill-laden drink and that it would take effect swiftly. But as the minutes ticked by without any sign of drowsiness from Omar, it became clear that fate hadn't been kind to her this time.

Desperate to buy time, Catherine launched into a stream of mindless chatter. She talked about the weather, the hotel's decor, and even ventured into the banality of the in-flight meal they had been served. Her words were met with a growing impatience from Omar, who had clearly anticipated a different kind of evening.

It was then that Omar's gaze fell to something on the floor—an errant pill, just a speck in the grand scheme of things, but a glaring beacon of Catherine's deceit to the man who had thought he was in control. His face dropped, a mix of confusion and dawning realization.

One pink pill lies on a blue background. | Source: Shutterstock

One pink pill lies on a blue background. | Source: Shutterstock


"What's this?" Omar's voice was now a low growl, his eyes not leaving Catherine's.

She had to think quickly, her mind racing to fabricate a story that would dissolve the suspicion that had taken hold. But before she could spin a tale, Omar placed his glass down and went to the restroom.

Omar's eyes darted to his open pillbox on the dressing table, and he pieced things together quickly. “Ah, you're a tricky one, aren’t you?” he said, a mix of anger and amusement in his voice. Catherine’s plan was unraveling fast, and Omar was closing in on her, his steps quick and sure.

Catherine, with her heart racing, realized she needed to act fast. Scanning the room, her eyes landed on a heavy vase sitting innocently on the table. Without a second thought, she seized it. As Omar stepped within reach, she swung with all her might. The vase connected with his head, and the sound it made was sickening. Omar grunted, stumbled, and then crumpled to the floor, out like a light.

In the eerie silence that followed, Catherine's mind was screaming: What now? She felt like her world was crashing down. She had to think fast about how to get out of the room without being stopped by Omar’s security.

Before she could craft a plan, there was a commotion at the door. A guard was knocking, his voice laced with worry. “Boss! You okay in there?”

Cropped view of man knocking on door with hand. | Source: Shutterstock

Cropped view of man knocking on door with hand. | Source: Shutterstock

Catherine's pulse pounded in her ears. She didn't have a lot of options. In a spur of the moment decision, she started to moan loudly, hoping to convince the guard that the thud had been nothing more than an amorous encounter. "Sorry, boss," the guard said, a hint of embarrassment in his voice, and his footsteps faded away from the door.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Catherine's brain clicked into gear. She spied Omar's phone on the nightstand. Moving quickly, she took Omar’s hand and pressed his thumb to the phone, unlocking it. Time was of the essence now.

She hacked into Omar’s social media with a few quick taps on the screen and started a live stream. She made sure to place the phone in a spot where it could record the whole room but wasn't obvious to anyone who might walk in.


Catherine knew this was a gamble, but if anything else went wrong, if the security guards got suspicious and came in, or if Omar suddenly woke up, at least the live stream could be her witness. She might not be able to control everything, but at least she could manage the narrative.

Then, taking a step back, she took several deep breaths, trying to calm the storm of adrenaline and fear raging through her. The phone was broadcasting, Omar was still out cold, and she had a moment to figure out her next move. The room was quiet now, save for the soft hum of the live stream—a digital lifeline to the outside world.

In a frantic bid to cover her tracks, Catherine's hands were all action – a slap here, a splash of water there. She was trying to rouse Omar from his unintended slumber. "Wake up!" she urged, her voice a mix of fear and determination.

Are you breathing? Attractive young woman checking on a man unconscious on the floor. | Source: Shutterstock

Are you breathing? Attractive young woman checking on a man unconscious on the floor. | Source: Shutterstock


Slap after slap, she watched his cheeks turn a flushed pink, her palms stinging with each strike. Then, grabbing a glass of water from the nearby counter, she poured it over his face. It was a desperate measure, but it worked.

Omar's face was a portrait of surprise and anger as he stared up from the floor at Catherine. She hadn’t planned for this—she was improvising with every passing second. "You're insane!" Omar bellowed, struggling to sit up. "I defended myself! You were the one forcing yourself on me!" Catherine retorted, her voice shaky but loud.

"You think they'll believe you over me?" Omar sneered, a vicious grin spreading across his face. "Owner of the airline? Against a simple flight attendant?"

"It's the truth!" she insisted. "You're a monster, preying on the women here, using your power to intimidate!"

Omar let out a cold laugh. "Intimidate? I offer them a world they'd never see otherwise! Jobs, gifts!" he boasted. "But you and Tina, you're just bad luck. Now she’s going to lose her job, and you—well, you'll get to see the inside of a prison cell!"

Closeup of aggressive man hand grabbed woman shoulder. | Source: Shutterstock

Closeup of aggressive man hand grabbed woman shoulder. | Source: Shutterstock


Catherine’s mind raced. This was it—the moment of truth. "Enough," she said sharply, her voice cutting through his rant. She walked over to the windowsill where Omar’s phone lay, the live broadcast still running. "Everyone's heard enough," she announced to the phone, her hand steady as she reached to end the stream.

The aftermath was instant. Omar's phone began to buzz relentlessly. Calls poured in—one from his wife, others from friends, business partners, and, most crushing of all, his father. Just yesterday, his father had entrusted him with the family airline, a legacy now hanging in the balance.

"You can't do this to me," Omar hissed, his face now pale, realizing the gravity of the situation as his phone continued to vibrate with incoming calls of disbelief and outrage.

But Catherine was no longer listening to Omar. She had spoken truth to power and the whole world had heard. What happened next was out of her hands, but she'd played her part. She looked down at Omar, the man who thought he was untouchable, and for the first time since she'd walked into that room, she felt a flicker of hope. She’d exposed him, and now it was up to the world to see Omar for who he truly was.

Angry man talk on smartphone arguing or solving problem. | Source: Shutterstock

Angry man talk on smartphone arguing or solving problem. | Source: Shutterstock


A week had flown by since Catherine's daring encounter with Omar, and the aftermath was more than just a whispered scandal – it was a seismic shift in their lives. Omar was now facing a storm he couldn't escape. His dad, once the silent overseer, had stepped in with the force of a gale. The family business, which had been Omar's playground, was swiftly reclaimed, and Omar found himself cut off, not just from the company's profits but from the family fold as well.

The problems didn’t stop at the boardroom door for Omar. He was now tangled up with legal issues, a mess of lawsuits and charges that seemed to multiply by the day. The women's rights group that had taken up Catherine's cause was relentless, ensuring that Omar's misdeeds were matched with just consequences.

Catherine and Tina, once under Omar's shadow, now stood in the sunlight of justice. The compensation they received from the company didn’t just bring relief, it brought opportunity. Catherine's new wealth allowed her to pick out a sun-soaked apartment in Miami, a place where she and her son could start fresh. The money meant she didn’t have to worry about clocking in for someone else ever again.

South Beach, Miami Beach. Florida. | Source: Shutterstock

South Beach, Miami Beach. Florida. | Source: Shutterstock


But Catherine didn't rest on her financial laurels. Her story had ignited a following on social media, and she turned that momentum into a thriving blog. Sharing her insights and her journey, Catherine found that her words not only resonated, but they also provided a comfortable living.

Tina, too, turned her ordeal into a fresh start. She bought her own slice of Miami paradise not too far from Catherine. Their shared experience had forged a bond that was unbreakable, and their friendship became a cornerstone of their new lives. Together, they had turned a chapter of darkness into one of hope and new beginnings.

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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