Man Secretly Takes an Online Mistress, Turns Out It’s His Wife – Story of the Day
Corporate lawyer Josh champions double standards in marriage only to confront the repercussions of his toxic beliefs. He has found a mistress online to escape his boring wife, but his actions come back to bite him when his secret lover's identity is revealed.
Josh strolled over to Will's table and slid into a seat across from him. It was office lunch hour — finally a relief from the case files — and he couldn't wait to show Will the gorgeous brunette he had found online the night before.
Josh and Will had a private chat room where they exchanged pictures of women in little to no clothing striking sexually appealing poses.
Both men, 42, were successful lawyers at a prominent firm and close friends. They had worked on several cases together and, of course, knew each other's dark secrets — things that could tarnish their reputation and destroy them if ever exposed to the public.
Josh took a quick look around to ensure no one was watching them, then he pulled out his phone, showing Will the brunette's hot pictures in lace lingerie.
"What do you say? She's hot, huh?" Josh grinned.

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Will's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Dude, you gotta be careful. Someone might see us!" He panicked, covering the phone with his palm and looking around. But the tables around them were unoccupied, so he removed his hand and finally looked at the beauty on Josh's phone.
Will couldn't take his eyes off of the woman's pictures. He had to admit that this woman was sexier than most women he had welcomed into his arms and in his bed. The previous woman he had slept with was nowhere close to her.
"Relax, man. No one's watching. Check out her curves," Josh said and swiped through his phone, revealing a series of sexier pictures of the brunette. "How would you rate her?"
"That's a dangerous game you're playing, my friend," Will chuckled. "My last chick was good; I'd say she was a solid 7. This one's a 9.5 for sure."
"You ever wonder how it would be, you know, being in bed with her?" Josh winked. "I'd give anything for a night with her."
Josh stared at her images like a hungry dog and scrolled through more pictures.
"Dude, you're a wild one," Will laughed. "But seriously, this isn't the place for that talk."

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Suddenly, someone occupied the adjacent table, so Josh stuffed the phone in his pocket and leaned on the table closer to Will. "You're right. But today's a big day for me. It's been three months with my last girl, so I gotta find someone new."
"Congratulations," Will chuckled, taking a bite of his sandwich. "But seriously, why would you do this, man? I mean, c'mon, you've got a beautiful wife. Didn't you say you loved Lisa? And you're out here cheating already? What if she does the same?"
"Nah, Lisa isn't capable of that." Josh shrugged, eating fries from Will's plate. "She's younger, and women her age crave stability. I'm providing for her, protecting her. That should be enough for her."
Will raised a brow. "You better watch out. Times have changed, my friend. This is the 21st century. You can't seriously believe that women should stay loyal while men roam free."
Josh leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "Look, it's just the way things are. Men are wired differently. We need variety," he said confidently.
"Variety, huh?" Will laughed and shook his head. "That sounds like a recipe for disaster, my friend. I've had my share of flings with other women, and women don't like the idea of cheating at all. I never married 'cause I'm not the committing type. Unfortunately for Lisa, you're not the committing type, either. And now you're dragging her into a messy marriage with you. Poor her; she doesn't have an escape."
"Seriously, Will?" Josh smirked. "A man needs to explore, experience different things. Keeps the fire alive. Women don't need that!"

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Will shook his head. "I don't know, man," he said. "Seems like a slippery slope. What if your wife finds out about your infidelity?"
"She won't find out," Josh dismissed him, waving a hand. "Besides, I don't consider this infidelity. It's a man being true to his nature."
Josh's wife, Lisa, was only 27. They had a considerable age gap, but regardless of that, Lisa's love for him was true. Unfortunately, she had no idea that the man she had married was so sick that he believed he could defy the holy union of marriage and sleep with random women.
Lisa and Josh had met at a bar about six months ago, where Josh couldn't resist himself when he saw Lisa for the first time. Everything about her screamed 'hot woman,' so he offered to buy her a drink. While Lisa didn't accept such offers from older men, his charming smile and attractive personality quickly captivated her, and she fell into his trap that night.
After having a couple of drinks, they were in a hotel room, making out. Josh made the most of their time together by having a passionate night with her in bed.

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Initially, he wasn't looking for anything serious with her, but then she texted him one day, a few days after their first meeting, asking if he wanted to meet her again, and he couldn't say no.
They had another couple of passionate, steamy nights in the meetings that followed, and he thought he was in love with Lisa. He married her after their whirlwind courtship, and the first few months of the relationship were great.
Lisa was the most beautiful, most sexy woman in the world for him, and he would go to any lengths for her. But it wasn't long before that attraction toward her began to wear off, and Josh was no longer satisfied with her. He craved something new, something exciting every time, and Lisa could no longer give him that, he had decided.
So he met other women online, some of whom were aware of his marriage status and yet didn't hesitate to be in bed with him, and some of them were clueless about his marriage just because he would give anything to have a one-night stand with those women.

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Josh pulled over into the driveway and killed his engine. He was home late yet again, but he didn't care. He didn't want to come home early and face his boring wife again. So, after work, he joined a few friends for a drink, and then he drove around the city at night before deciding to return home.
As he stepped inside, Lisa looked up from the book she was reading.
"Hey, honey. How was your day?" she asked.
"The usual—client meetings, reports," he mumbled, not bothering to make eye contact, and tossed his work bag on a chair before heading to the bedroom.
Lisa followed him, her brows furrowed. "Wait. What's wrong? Rough day?" she asked.
"Yeah, something like that," he grunted, opening the closet and taking out a fresh shirt.
"Tell me about it," she said, leaning against the door frame. "What happened?"
"Just work stuff, Lisa. Nothing you need to worry about," he lied, his back to her as he started changing.
Lisa's mood shifted to frustration as she sat on the bed, watching him. "You've been distant lately, Josh. I feel like we don't talk anymore. I'm your wife, and you can tell me if something's bothering you. Didn't we decide that?"

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He sighed, pulling on the shirt. "It's just work stress, OK?" he snapped, turning to face her. "I've already got a lot on my plate. Can you not act like those typical wives? I don't want to be bombarded with a thousand questions the moment I walk in through that front door!"
Lisa sighed. She moved closer to him and wrapped him in a hug. "Maybe we could—" She ran a finger along his face, then stood on her toes to kiss him, but he pulled away.
"Not tonight, Lisa. I'm tired," he said and went to bed.
That was Lisa's last straw. She had been holding her anger. She really had. But at this point, she lost it. She stepped back, her arms crossed.
"You're always tired lately, Josh. We never spend any time together. What's going on? Tell me if you're just done with our marriage!"
Josh pretended like he didn't notice her anger and slumped against the bed pillows, closing his eyes. "I told you, it's work. It won't be like this forever," he replied casually.

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"Really, Josh?" Lisa shot back. "Who guarantees that? You? The one who isn't even home on time? Do you care about us or not? I need more, Josh! We need more! You can't keep shutting me out," she complained. "When was the last time we spent quality time together? You're always just talking about work! It's not like other husbands don't go to work!"
"I'm not shutting you out, Lisa! I'm dealing things my way," he retorted, sitting up in bed. "Stop being one of those annoying wives. I already deal with enough crap at work, and I don't want any more at home. Can I not have some peace and quiet in my own house?"
Lisa's eyes welled up. "So that's what our relationship has come to, right? Your way of dealing with things is pushing me away?" she asked. "Fine. Do whatever the hell you want to. I don't want to stay here and disrupt your peace and quiet."
Lisa grabbed her coat and stormed out of the bedroom. Josh closed his eyes and muttered a few cuss words under his breath. He shouldn't have snapped at her like that.
"Lisa, wait!"
Josh sprang to his feet and raced after her. But she was faster. By the time he made it to the living room, she was gone. He had heard the front door slam shut behind her. He dashed to the living room window and saw her reverse her car out of the driveway.

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Josh slumped onto the living room couch and buried his face in his palms. He shouldn't have gotten married. This was all such a mess. It was as if he had no control over his own life, and Josh despised that.
He, the man of the house, was the one supposed to make the rules, not Lisa. In a way, Will's life was so sorted, he thought. Will could have fun with all those women out there without worrying about an annoying wife at home.
Josh called Lisa's number multiple times, but she never answered. He decided he would have to wait for her to show up. Josh picked up his phone and began scrolling through a dating app, whiling away the time. At the back of his mind, he wondered where Lisa could've gone.
He didn't see her taking her purse with her, so she didn't have any cards or cash on her, and she couldn't have checked into a motel for the night. And as much as he knew his wife, she would hate showing up at a friend's house at this hour after an argument with him. Then where did she go?
A terrifying thought then occurred to him: Is she…cheating on me? Does she have a lover?
A strange rage gripped Josh. The confidence he had seen in Lisa's eyes that evening suggested she no longer needed him. It felt like she was clearly telling him she was no longer his, that she wouldn't hesitate to walk out of their relationship.
Josh would never let that happen. You will come back to me, Lisa! he thought angrily. Sooner or later!
Josh's racing thoughts were interrupted as his phone pinged with a new notification on the dating app. He clicked on it.

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Someone — a user with the ID Sarah_D — had matched with him. It was an app where people's identities were hidden, so Josh didn't know how she looked, but she immediately started texting him, so he forgot about Lisa for a moment and began flirting with this unknown woman.
"Hey there, handsome," she said with a wink emoji.
"Hey. What's up?" Josh typed.
"Just looking for some interesting conversation. You?"
"Same. Slow night," he said.
"Tell me about it. Anything exciting about your world?"
"Not really. Waiting for someone," Josh typed with an exhaling face.
"Someone lucky?" she asked with a smirking emoji.
Despite himself, Josh felt a smirk forming on his lips. The conversation went on for several minutes, getting steamier with every ping.
"Ever indulged in a secret fantasy?" she asked with a fire emoji.
"Why? You have one in mind?" he asked, smiling as he read the text.
"What if I proposed a secret meet-up, a night where our bodies do the talking? Imagine the thrill of exploring each other in ways you've only fantasized about."
Josh really wanted to say yes to whoever this woman was. She seemed to like things going wild in bed — exactly like he wanted. Josh enjoyed where the conversation was headed as their texts became more explicit. But for a moment, he thought about Lisa, and his entire mood was ruined.

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"You are tempting," he typed with a drooling emoji. "But I can't. I have to go. Maybe later?"
"She doesn't have to know. Let me know when you're up for it," she replied.
Josh put the phone on sleep mode and lay down on the couch. He turned on the TV to keep himself some company. Lisa hadn't returned a single call of his, and Josh couldn't help but think what Will had said earlier. What if she had found someone because he was no longer giving her the time?
The very thought of it infuriated him. He was the one supporting her. It was not like she had a real job that could sustain her. Her stupid blog, where she posted those food recipes, wouldn't keep her afloat in this economy.
She was supposed to obey him because she was dependent on him, and he was her husband — her provider. He decided that once she was home, he would remind her of her place.
Josh dozed off on the couch watching TV. When he awoke the following morning, he looked into the kitchen for Lisa, but she was not there. The stove was also cold. She would've made coffee for herself if she was home. He checked the other rooms and even the yard, but she hadn't returned. Josh was furious.
"Once she gets back, she'll regret walking out that door," he muttered to himself and headed upstairs to their bedroom to get ready for work.
When he entered the kitchen to make breakfast, he heard the soft click of the front door. He turned around, and in walked Lisa. But she looked nothing like the night before.
Her well-kept hair was now tousled and tangled, her eyes looked weary, and her clothes were rumpled. It seemed like she…she had not slept a wink last night. But then, why was she up all night? Was she—Josh's anger knew no bounds as she headed to the stairs, ignoring him.

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"Lisa!" he yelled, approaching her. "Where the hell were you all night?" he demanded. "Don't tell me you didn't get my calls!"
"I'm sorry?" she snapped, stopping in her tracks. "Can't I come home without being interrogated? I don't need this right now, Josh!"
"Oh really? I'm just asking where you were! Is that too much?"
"Well," She stepped closer to him and looked him in the eye. "It's none of your damn business! I don't have to report every second of my life to you. Besides, didn't you want your peace and quiet?"
"You're really giving me that, huh?" he growled. "I asked you where you were, and you better answer that!"
"What if I don't?" she retorted. "I don't owe you an explanation every time I step out. Maybe I needed some space? Ever think of that?"
Josh couldn't shake the feeling that something was indeed amiss. He grew increasingly agitated at her boldness. "Space?" he asked angrily. "You come home looking like you've been with someone else all night, and you want that goddamn space, huh, Lisa?"
Lisa's frustration turned into shock. "What did you just say?" she gasped. "You think I'm sleeping with someone behind your back?"
"You tell me, Lisa!" Josh raised his brows and glared at her. "Are you? I deserve to know where my wife was last night!"

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"And I deserve some respect and trust, Josh!" Lisa yelled, her patience wearing thin. "How could you even doubt me like that? I can't believe I'm saying this, but I shouldn't have married you!"
"Now you're talking facts!" He stepped forward and looked her in the eye. "Don't forget our prenup, Lisa. If one of us cheats, all the shared property goes to the other. Remember that?"
Lisa stared at him in disbelief. "You're throwing that in my face now?" she asked. "I see you've really thought this through, Josh. Our marriage is reduced to a piece of paper for you, right? You want to throw me out? Get rid of me forever?"
"It means something, Lisa!" He pointed a finger at her. "If you've forgotten your trust and loyalty, then be ready to face the consequences!"
With that, Josh grabbed his work bag and stormed off without noticing the tears in Lisa's eyes or how her face fell at the fact that he didn't care about their marriage at all. He was more bothered about the division of assets if they…divorced.
Josh waited in his office building's parking lot for a while before finally exiting his car. He really needed to talk to someone after his and Lisa's argument. He had never seen that form of Lisa before. She had always been a good wife, but something in her had changed since their argument last night.
Where was she getting all this boldness from? Was it her new lover?

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Josh stormed into Will's office, his face flushed with anger. If there was someone who would listen to him right now, it was none other than Will. Besides, this involved Lisa, so it was a personal matter, and he couldn't share it with someone else.
"Can't believe she'd do this," he spat as he entered Will's office.
Will, engrossed in his work, looked up with surprise. "What the hell, Josh? You look like you're about to explode. What's going on?"
Josh paced the room, releasing the pent-up tension. "It's Lisa, man! Something's off. She's acting all bold, and I think she's cheating on me. She isn't so brave, so it's someone else feeding all that crap to her head. You should've seen how she acted this morning!"
"Alright, how about you calm down, have a seat, and then tell me what's happening?" Will suggested.
Josh sat across from him, but he wasn't calm. How could he be after he suspected Lisa was having an affair? He told Will everything that had happened, including how Lisa had stayed away from home the whole night only to return in the morning looking all tired.
"Really? You're accusing Lisa of cheating while you're the one playing around? That's rich," Will blurted and returned to the file he was reading.
Josh shot him a fierce glare. "What did you just say? What are you talking about, Will? That I'm to blame for whatever's happening?"

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Will leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on him. "I'd warned you before, Josh. These things happen. Maybe you should take a look at your own actions before pointing fingers. C'mon, man, you change partners every three months…Look, maybe she's feeling left out?"
Josh's frustration boiled over. "This is not the time for your 'I told you so' crap, Will. I need answers. Wait, are YOU sleeping with her? Is this some sort of revenge you guys are planning on taking? Like, 'Aha! We caught you!' crap?"
Will sighed, his mood shifting to a more serious tone. "Look, Josh, I'm not sleeping with Lisa. You need to calm down instead of jumping to conclusions. I'm only saying that don't tell me you didn't see this day coming. She has her needs."
Josh scoffed, not willing to listen. "Save your excuses, Will! I can't believe you'd defend her like this! Makes me feel like you're her friend and not mine!"
Will tried to reason with him. "I'm not defending anyone, Josh. I'm just telling you the truth. Accusing Lisa without any evidence won't solve anything."
But Josh was past reasoning. "You think I don't have evidence? I saw her, Will. I saw the signs! What more do I need to see?"

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Will shook his head, exasperated. "You're letting your emotions cloud your judgment. Just talk to her with a calm mind before you make any decisions!"
Josh, unwilling to heed the advice, clenched his fists. "I don't need your advice. This is between me and Lisa. And you better stay out of it, or you'll regret it! Because the way you're defending her doesn't show you in a good light, Will."
"Josh, calm down. We're friends. I'm just trying to help!"
But Josh wasn't listening. "Help? You've done enough. Stay away from me, Will. I don't want your friendship or your advice. And if I find out you're involved with Lisa, you'll pay for it. Trust me, you'll regret it!"
Josh stormed out of the room, leaving a bewildered Will behind. Josh couldn't believe he was thinking about it now, but Will could be sleeping with Lisa. Why else would Will defend her like that? Josh decided he would find out who Lisa's lover was, and he would do it soon.
Josh couldn't focus on work the entire day. Every time he opened a file, his thoughts returned to Lisa. She was a stay-at-home wife, so she could make time for her lover wherever she wanted. How long was she having that affair? How did she meet her lover? Several questions plagued his mind.
He hadn't seen her attending oddly long, late-night phone calls or ever smelled another man's scent in their home. But he was away from home most of the time, so he didn't know what was happening behind those four walls.
Then he thought about her laptop, which she used for her blog. She would sometimes be awake in bed beside him, typing out stuff for her blog on her laptop. What if…What if she was not using her phone to talk to her lover, but instead, they were emailing each other?

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Josh looked at the wall clock in his office, a plan forming at the back of his mind. At about five p.m., Lisa left for her gym session. If he had to check her email, it would be the perfect time.
So that evening, Josh wrapped up work early and drove home. His heart raced as he pulled over into the driveway. This could be it. If Lisa was not home, and he checked her laptop and found out she was having an affair, he would be enraged. His pride would never allow the fact that his wife was sleeping with someone else behind his back.
A knot of anxiety twisted in his stomach as he noticed Lisa's car missing from its usual spot in the driveway. It was possible she was still at home and had given her car for a wash.
So, as he entered the house, he first checked the kitchen and living room for her, but she was not there. He then checked the other rooms downstairs and their bedroom upstairs. Even the bathroom and backyard were empty. Lisa was away.
Josh marched into their bedroom and unplugged her laptop from the charging point. He then sat on the bed with the device, reading her emails.
Lisa never logged out of her email, so he quickly went through them. But all her emails were either about promotional stuff or her blog. There was no message from any lover. He checked the trash, too, in case she had deleted the messages, but nothing.

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Suddenly, his phone pinged with a notification. Josh pulled out his phone and checked it. Sarah_D was texting him again, and she was asking again if they could meet. Josh ignored her messages.
Sorting out this mess was more important than anything. Exposing his wife's infidelity topped his priority list.
Josh sighed and placed his phone away. There had to be something on Lisa's laptop. He looked for any suspicious files, but there were none. It was then it hit him: her browsing history.
He quickly checked it, and there it was…what he was looking for all this while. Lisa had visited the anonymous dating app's website in recent days. He knew it was a place where people had explicit, steamy conversations and arranged meetings for hookups.
What was she doing there if she claimed she was not cheating on him? And she had visited the site multiple times a day. A shiver ran down his spine, and he gritted his teeth angrily. So he was right all along. She was having an affair!
"And then she had the audacity to act like a holy wife!" he muttered angrily. "It's over for you, Lisa! Just wait!"
Josh immediately visited the site and tried to log into her account, but he didn't know her password. He noticed she was using her phone number to log in, not her email, which was very clever of her.
Josh took a few guesses at the password — he tried her birthdate and their wedding date — but that didn't work. He only had one more guess left. If he was wrong this time, he would need Lisa's phone as a code would go to her contact number, and he would only be able to access the account through the code.
Josh took a deep breath and tried her birthdate in reverse order, but that didn't work, either. A message flashed on the screen, mocking him with the promise of access through a code sent to Lisa's phone. Frustration and rage boiled within Josh.

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In a fit of frustration, he seized the laptop and, fueled by betrayal, smashed it against the bedside table. The screen shattered, fragments of glass scattering across the floor. Breathing heavily, Josh stood, unable to control himself any longer.
He needed answers, and he would find them now. He would no longer wait for Lisa to confess to whatever she was up to behind his back.
The front door slammed shut behind him as he stormed out of the house and to his car. Josh fed Lisa's gym's address into the GPS and drove there. His knuckles turned white on the steering wheel as he gripped the steering wheel tightly.
Josh was fuming as he drove. His blood was boiling, and his thinking was clouded by the thoughts of Lisa's betrayal. He had never been so enraged before. How dare Lisa do this to me? She's been living off of MY hard-earned money!
And Lisa was a woman, not a man like him. She couldn't go around sleeping with people outside their marriage. It seemed like she had forgotten her place, and he would make sure she was reminded about it — He would leave her with nothing!
Josh burst into the gym and spotted her near the treadmill. She had her headphones on while she scrolled through her phone so she didn't notice him. When she looked up and finally saw him, she was perplexed.
"Josh?" she asked, removing her headphones. "What are you doing here?"

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Anger and suspicion fueled his steps as he approached her. He grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the bustling gym atmosphere into an alley behind the building.
"What the hell, Josh! Stop! What's gotten into you?" She yanked away her arm as they came to a halt.
His gaze traveled to her right hand, where she held her phone, and he lunged at her and snatched it.
"Don't you dare play innocent!" he snapped. "I found the cheap site you visit every night in your browser history. You're sleeping around, aren't you?" he said venomously.
"Me?" Lisa scoffed, her own anger rising. "You're the one with the late-night 'work' outings, Josh! You know I've suspected you for a long time. Gimme my phone back!" She lunged for her phone, but he raised his arm in the air, making it impossible for her to reach it.
"Suspected?" he shot back. "Are you in a position to say that, Lisa, when you've been spreading your legs for someone else? You know what they call women like you?"
"Stop it, Josh! Just stop it!" she screamed, breathless after her attempts to get her phone back. "You're a hypocrite, Josh. I bet you've been cheating all along. And I will prove it!"
The threat of violence hung in the air as Josh's temper flared. With his other fist clenched, he looked her in the eye.
"Stop your nonsense, or I won't hesitate to raise my hand!" he snarled. "You're nothing but a loose woman, Lisa. A cheater! How many people have you slept with until now? You've been screwing several guys, yeah?"

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"Hit me, and I'll sue you for every cent, Josh," she retorted, her eyes wide open in anger. "Because the moment I get even one scar on my body because of your doing, you won't get a dime out of this marriage. My love and respect for you is long over, Josh! And I'm not scared of you!"
Josh was taken aback by her bold demeanor. He understood he could no longer intimidate her. He swallowed thickly, and he knew he had to think of something. It was then a brilliant idea flashed across his mind.
"You're delusional if you think you can take everything, Lisa. It's time for you to pay!" he sneered, turned around, and ran to his car. He quickly started his engine and drove away with her phone.
Josh heard her shouting after him, and he saw her becoming tiny in the rearview mirror, but he didn't stop. He knew he had to save himself before it was too late. He wouldn't lose everything he had built with hard work to a woman who was a part of his life for just a few months.
Josh switched off Lisa's phone and stuffed it into his jacket's pocket.
"Hello, Mr. Scottliff? I wanted to speak about the prenup…" He then dialed his lawyer.
Josh would drag Lisa to court and show her where she belonged.
At the court after the prenup hearing…
Josh sat in the courtroom, awaiting the verdict, and exchanged a glance with his attorney. They were both anticipating a favorable outcome. The hearing was over, the evidence was submitted, and Judge Wright had heard both parties.
Josh glanced briefly at Lisa and wondered how she had managed to keep that confidence in her demeanor. He knew the evidence was against her.

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He had deleted all the evidence of his infidelity from his phone so his extramarital affairs would never be proved. Lisa's infidelity, on the other hand, would be exposed because he had her phone, and then it was submitted to the court, so she hadn't been able to delete any information from her device.
"After careful consideration of the presented evidence," Judge Wright's voice boomed, shattering the silence of the courtroom and distracting him from his thoughts, "the court has reached a decision regarding the validity of the prenuptial agreement..."
Josh leaned forward, a smug smile playing on his lips as he straightened his suit.
"During the investigation, the couple's phones, including messages from the anonymous dating website, were examined," the judge said. "It was discovered that Mrs. Hudson had indeed communicated with a user who subsequently deleted their account."
Josh's triumphant expression grew. This was it. Judge Wright should've just told him that he had won the case. But what she said next drained blood off his face.
"However, a witness who came forward voluntarily has provided additional information," Judge Wright continued.

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Whispers spread through the courtroom, and Josh's confidence began to waver. Lisa looked at him…Was she smiling confidently at him? Josh stared at her in disbelief before turning his attention to the judge.
Judge Wright continued, "This witness suggests that Mr. Hudson had a chat with his friend about cheating on his wife."
"What? That's nonsense! Someone's making stuff up!" Josh sprang to his feet and yelled, making all the heads turn at him. A chorus of whispers sounded in the room.
"Silence, silence! Mr. Hudson, please sit down. I will not allow such conduct in my courtroom," Judge Wright warned him.
As the whispers faded, Judge Wright went on. "I will now allow the witness to take the stand since it's crucial to the case."
Josh's eyes widened in disbelief, and his heart pounded when Will rose from among the spectators and approached the stand.
"Mr. Johnson, would you please tell the court what information you sent me through a letter just before this trial?" Judge Wright asked Will.

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"Your Honor, I can confirm that such a conversation did occur," Will said and submitted his phone. Their texts where Josh had mentioned he was cheating on Lisa were displayed on a screen in the courtroom, which proved Josh's infidelity.
A collective gasp rang out in the room. Lisa's eyes sprang with tears that things had come to this, but she was relieved she'd be finally out of a pointless marriage.
"Thanks to technical expertise," Judge Wright said, "during the investigation, the account Mrs. Hudson was communicating with was reconstructed. Surprisingly, it was revealed to be Mr. Hudson's account."
The courtroom buzzed with shock.
Josh gasped. "What? She...she was Sarah_D?"
The woman he thought was his online mistress. The woman to whom he sent racy messages and photos. The irresistible mistress who refused to meet him in person for so long...was his wife!
"The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that Mrs. Hudson was not unfaithful to her husband during their marriage," declared the judge. "As a result, after the divorce proceedings, all shared property shall go to Mrs. Hudson…"

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Josh hung his head. It was over. Everything he owned was now Lisa's.
"Good luck, Josh! You can enjoy your peace and quiet now!" Lisa sneered as she left the courtroom.
Josh sat there alone. He had lost everything — his property, wife, and even his good friend, Will.
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Emma, a successful family psychologist, finds a chilling envelope with the words "Truth about your husband" in her mail just after she gets home. The blackmailer wants to take everything from her and ruin her life. Will Emma be able to protect herself and her family before it's too late?...Full story here.
2. Husband Forgets Phone at Home, Wife Hears His Voice Mail where Boy Says 'Hi Dad' – Story of the Day
"Hello? Hi, Dad! I know you must be on your way already...I'm waiting for you!" Alex accidentally forgets his phone at home as he leaves for work, and his wife, Amanda, ends up hearing a voicemail from a strange boy. She doesn't understand what's going on and phones Alex's office, only to learn from his assistant that Alex won't be coming to the office that day...Full story here.
William walked out on his wife and daughter to start a new life with his young mistress. But things changed years later, and just when William thought nothing would go wrong, he came face-to-face with his grown-up daughter...Full story here.
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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.