My Best Friend of 8 Years Flew to My Country to Visit, Stayed with Me for One Night, and Blocked Me
Excited for a long-anticipated visit from her virtual friend of eight years, the woman did everything to prepare a comfortable space for her friend. But a trip that was meant to be about them bonding as friends led to the demise of her friendship.
A much-anticipated visit from a virtual friend of eight years turned into the most abrupt and heartbreaking friendship breakup. The TikToker, with the username @maryammasoud_, shared the shocking story of what happened when her friend finally got to visit her after years of interacting online.

TikToker @maryammasoud_ | Source: Shutterstock
The friends had been trying to meet up for years, but things never worked out. However, Maryam's friend started speaking to a man from her country and decided to fly out for them to meet. The friend promised that the trip would be all about them and not the new man.
But Maryam understood that her friend would want to get to know this new man and see if there was a connection worth pursuing, so she made it clear that she did not mind sharing her with him.

TikToker @maryammasoud_ | Source: TikTok.com/@maryammasoud_,
On the day her friend was meant to arrive, Maryam had a mandatory class she had to attend. Luckily, the mystery man came to the rescue and picked her up from the airport. Maryam revealed that days leading up to her friend's visit, something bad had happened in her family.
But she was not going to let a few of life's hiccups get in between her and her best friend's long-awaited visit. Maryam had insisted that her friend come stay with her because she was not going to allow her to incur any hotel costs while she was there. Additionally, culturally, it would have been bizarre to let your guest stay somewhere else.

TikToker @maryammasoud_ | Source: TikTok.com/@maryammasoud_,
So, despite the difficult time she was having, she still had her friend stay with her. Later in the day, Maryam met up with her, and everything was great. They grabbed dinner, but after the long day the TikToker had, she was ready to go home.
When they got home, they changed into their pajamas, and Maryam was ready to call it a night. Her friend expressed that she noticed that her energy was pretty low and asked again if she was certain she still wanted her to live with her during her stay. Maryam insisted it was more than okay.

TikToker @maryammasoud_ | Source: TikTok.com/@maryammasoud_
The friend hated to see Maryam that down, but the TikToker said she was trying her best to be as "bubbly" as possible for her. However, as someone who had been her friend for eight years, Maryam did not think her mood would be much of a problem; in fact, she thought her friend would understand and support her through her hardship.
The next day, the girls woke up and decided to go for breakfast, go to the mall, then play the rest of the day by ear since the friend had dinner plans with her mystery man later. But after breakfast, things took an unexpected turn.

TikToker @maryammasoud_ | Source: TikTok.com/@maryammasoud_,
As they were on the way to the mall, the friend said she had changed her mind and would be booking a hotel. About an hour later, the friend packed her things, but Maryam told her that she thought it was disrespectful for her to leave after she opened up her home to her.
However, the friend emphasized that she just felt like Maryam was not in the best mental state, so she believed giving her space was the right thing to do. Still, the TikToker made it clear that she would be upset if she left, but that did not sway her friend.

TikToker @maryammasoud_ | Source: TikTok.com/@maryammasoud_,
When she was ready to leave, the friend asked Maryam if they could grab dinner since it was her last day in the country. Even though the TikToker agreed to go out with her, she still felt that she could have gotten a bit more support from her friend, especially since they finally had the opportunity to be there for each other in person.
The next day came, but Maryam did not receive a text from her friend. She also did not text her because she was still very upset about what she did. But Maryam saw on her friend's social media that she was out with her boyfriend, and the next morning she left and went back home.

TikToker @maryammasoud_ | Source: TikTok.com/@maryammasoud_,
Maryam never received a call or text message from her, but that was not where the story ended. When the TikToker went through her friend's Instagram, she realized that she had been removed, meaning that she was blocked.
She then messaged her, explaining how heartbroken she was about her leaving simply because she was going through something difficult. However, her friend accused her of being selfish, expressed how upset she was that she did not pick her up from the airport, and ruined the trip with her dampened mood, so choosing to leave was her finding a way to still make her trip enjoyable.

TikToker @maryammasoud_ | Source: TikTok.com/@maryammasoud_
It was even more hurtful for Maryam to watch her friend leave because she had done her best to give her the most comfortable stay. She made sure she had her own room and bathroom, so for her to only stay one night felt disrespectful.

TikToker @maryammasoud_ | Source: TikTok.com/@maryammasoud_
Maryam clarified that she had not spent the entire trip sobbing and talking about her problems. In fact, she never brought up the incident and was trying her best to be in the best mood possible. But she still felt that being left at her most vulnerable time was painful.
If you enjoyed this, click here to read how this woman was set up for her by her best friend.