I Found My Adopted Mom's Letter to My Biological Mom & I'm Glad I Didn't Give It to Her
A woman was excited when she found her biological mother. The woman's adopted mother, wrote a letter to the biological mom. However, the woman never delivered this letter and is glad it did not reach her biological mom because of its content.
Megan Kennedy | Source: Tiktok/@megan4hand
A woman, Megan Kennedy, found her biological mother (BM) on December 5, 2018. After reconnecting, Megan's adopted mom (AM) wrote the BM a letter on December 24, 2018. Megan was given the letter but she never delivered it to her BM.
Megan Kennedy | Source: Tiktok/@megan4hand
Megan explained that she never gave the letter to her BM it was "only about one person and that is my adopted mom." The TikToker added, "When you first hear this letter, you may think, 'Ooh that's really sweet' but I really want you to read between the lines."
Megan Kennedy reading the letter | Source: Tiktok/@megan4hand
The letter, which was addressed to the BM, Patty, narrated the AM's journey to motherhood. The AM told Patty that her doctor told her that even with in-vitro fertilization (IVF), she wouldn't be able to have a biological child.

A couple hoping for a baby at a doctor's clinic. | Source: Getty Images
At this point, the AM had gone through surgeries, fertility tests, and prayers but none worked. The AM was heartbroken but her doctor, who was from Birmingham, told her the good news that "he would sign off all necessary paperwork for adoption." The AM was excited to hear this and declared that she and her husband, "would have a baby."
Megan Kennedy | Source: Tiktok/@megan4hand
The same day, someone at the clinic told Megan's AM of someone who had adopted via Lifeline, which was under Save a Life. This information started the AM and her husband's adoptive journey. The AM went to Lifeline and made an appointment for the next day
The AM's parents were excited when they heard she had opted for adoption. However, her husband was hesitant, saying, "I want a baby of our own." Still, the husband soon liked the idea of adoption.
Megan Kennedy | Source: Tiktok/@megan4hand
After many meetings and paperwork, the AM and her husband were accepted for adoption. The AM asked her friends and families to vouch for them during this process. So, they wrote letters about the kind of people they were. The AM even took pictures of everyone who would be in her adopted child's life and sent them to Lifeline.

A man taking pictures of his happy family. | Source: Getty Images
The AM went the extra mile by sending a picture of one of their cats sitting on a suitcase waiting for them to come home from a skiing trip. "I literally bombarded Lifeline. I wanted you to know how much we would love your baby," the AM explained to Patty.
Megan Kennedy | Source: Tiktok/@megan4hand
A month later, a Lifeline employee, John, came for a house visit. He asked the AM and her husband the gender of the baby they would want. The husband was quick to say a boy but the AM kicked his leg under the table. John told the couple to enjoy their time together as when the baby came, their lives would be forever changed.
Megan Kennedy | Source: Tiktok/@megan4hand
A month after the visit, on Monday morning, John called the AM and asked, "How would you like to be a mother for Mother's Day?" The AM was so excited, she nearly dropped the phone. John asked if Thursday was perfect and the AM jokingly said "Unless tomorrow would work."
Megan Kennedy | Source: Tiktok/@megan4hand
John promised to call a few minutes later and hung up. The AM called her husband and told him the news. The husband asked what the gender of the baby was but the AM had forgotten to ask. John called back and told the AM that tomorrow would work.
The next day, the AM and her husband dove into several activities to get everything ready to meet the baby. The two were to be at Lifeline at 9:00 a.m. but they got there 30 minutes earlier accompanied by their parents.
Megan Kennedy | Source: Tiktok/@megan4hand
The AM's mom asked the dad to stay in the waiting room but he was too excited to wait, so they all joined the couple. The AM recalled meeting Megan, "we rounded the corner and stopped in our tracks, looking at the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. Reaching at my arms, Megan came right to me and it was instant love and bonding."
Megan Kennedy | Source: Tiktok/@megan4hand
The AM, her husband, and Megan went to visit two sets of her grandparents in Birmingham. There, Megan was loved, held, and kissed by everyone. "There was joy all around," wrote the AM.
She narrated that Megan was loved by her family and did not meet a single stranger. "Megan was an instant princess in the sunshine of my life," noted the AM. The AM's mom bought almost all of Megan's outfit, except overalls, which the husband made a quick trip to the store to buy.

A family enjoying their newborn. | Source: Getty Images
When night came, everyone fell asleep, except Megan and her AM. "We cuddled on the sofa and I wrote you a letter of gratitude and thanks for your loving heart, so big in fact that you shared your baby with me," the AM thanked Patty.
The AM also revealed that she thought of Patty every day and on Megan's birthday, she said a prayer for her. "I am so sorry they never gave you my letter," the AM apologized to Patty. Having reached the end of reading this letter, Megan shared what irked her about it.
Megan Kennedy | Source: Tiktok/@megan4hand
"You would think that somewhere, mother to mother, in a letter, that you wrote to the woman who gave birth to the daughter that you raised, I would think, somewhere, there would be a mention of what said daughter is like," complained Megan.
Megan continued, "Instead, she just listed this one memory, that was probably her best memory of me, the day her wish came true, she got a baby. That's all she cared about. About the baby."
Megan Kennedy | Source: Tiktok/@megan4hand
Megan also noted that her AM did not even acknowledge the trauma her BM went through when she gave up her baby for adoption. "Instead, I feel like all this letter did was make her feel like a vessel, only a vessel to deliver the baby. And that is why I never gave this letter to my biological mom and she has since passed and I have no regrets that I never gave her this letter," concluded Megan.
Megan Kennedy | Source: Tiktok/@megan4hand
Mothers who had given their babies up for adoption thanked Megan for not giving her biological mom the letter. "That would rip her heart out," one mom wrote. "I gave my daughter up for adoption 14 years ago and the trauma is so real. If I would have gotten a letter like that I would have broken down," shared another mom.
Megan Kennedy | Source: Tiktok/@megan4hand
Another mom told Megan "I'm a birth mom. Thank you so much for not giving it to her. That would just send me into a tailspin." A user weighed in, "I am honestly speechless at how cold and impersonal that letter is. You were so kind to not pass that along." Most mothers who had given up their babies agreed that Megan did the right thing. What would you have done if you were in Megan's shoes?
Loved reading this? Read this real-life story about a woman who saw a billboard about adoption featuring her photo. When she asked her mom, she didn't expect the answer she was given.
I Saw a Billboard about Adoption Featuring My Photo — When I Asked My Mom, I Didn’t Expect Her Answer
A woman on TikTok revealed how she spent the majority of her childhood believing that her parents adopted her. This woman didn't confront her parents at first and only sat with the information. When she finally asked her mother, she was told the truth.
Lauren Norris | Source: Tiktok/@thelaurennorris
The woman, Lauren Norris, was convinced she was adopted because she didn't see any baby or toddler pictures of herself in their home. "I had no proof that I was actually like my parents," she added.
As a child, Lauren was quiet and never liked causing a scene with her teachers or parents. "I just didn't want to be a nuisance. So, like, I didn't want to, like, bring up something that I didn’t know if it was true or not," said Lauren
Lauren Norris | Source: Tiktok/@thelaurennorris
Lauren and her parents also lived in a small town and there was a billboard right across the street from the only Walmart. As a small child, she and her parents would visit this Walmart at least three times a week.
From her earliest childhood memories, Lauren recalled being told by her parents that she was the baby featured on the billboard. "I saw the picture on the billboard and they had that actual picture of me like back, like, at home. I was a literal baby. Like, it was a baby picture on this billboard," she narrated.
Since she was young, Lauren couldn't read the billboard and so, she didn't know what it was about. "I was just like, 'I am like a child celebrity. I am on a billboard!'" she recalled. As she got older and could read, Lauren realized she was on an adoption billboard.
The billboard notified people of the contacts of an adoption agency and the necessary information they needed if they wanted to adopt a child. Lauren, who was around five or six, still didn't know what adoption meant.
Lauren Norris | Source: Tiktok/@thelaurennorris
Around the age of seven or eight, Lauren encountered the concept of adoption in practice during a visit to church with her parents. While in church, she witnessed a family in the process of adopting a child, leading to her understanding of the term.
Lauren's comprehension of adoption led her to believe that she herself was adopted. She reasoned that since she appeared on an adoption billboard, she must have been adopted, forming a belief that her parents saw her on the billboard and chose to adopt her.
The TikToker assumed that her parents had chosen not to tell her that she was adopted. Still, Lauren didn't confront her parents. She just continued living normally but at the back of her mind, she was convinced that she was adopted. "I didn't tell them, I kept it to myself for several years," she noted.
Lauren Norris | Source: Tiktok/@thelaurennorris
Lauren explained that she was afraid if she told her parents that she knew she was adopted, they'd take her back to the adoption agency. As she had minimal comprehension of the adoption process, Lauren chose not to tell her parents as she didn't want to lose them.
The TikToker narrated that as a child, she felt like she was holding on to a deep dark secret. She remembered feeling devastated while thinking, "I can't believe this isn't my family." Lauren wondered what kind of people her adoptive parents were and pondered over where she came from.
Eventually, with tears streaming down her face, Lauren confronted her mom in the kitchen. Bewildered, her mother inquired about the cause of her distress. "I am adopted, and you didn't even tell me," lamented Lauren. Taken aback, her mother asked, "What are you talking about Lauren?"
Lauren Norris | Source: Tiktok/@thelaurennorris
The TikToker explained to her mom why she was crying and how she had concluded that she was adopted. Lauren asked her mom why she and her dad had kept this information a "big secret." Lauren wasn't upset that she was adopted, she was just angry that her parents never told her. "Adoption is a beautiful thing," she clarified.
In a surprising turn of events, Lauren was caught off guard when her mom told her "You are not adopted." The mom explained that the adoption agency was looking for a child to be on the billboard, so they offered the TikToker's baby picture.
Lauren Norris | Source: Tiktok/@thelaurennorris
Lauren's mom was also surprised that her daughter suspected she was adopted. She had never thought the adoption billboard would plant such speculations in Lauren's mind, that's why they never gave her this backstory.
After confronting her mom, Lauren saw pictures of her mom pregnant with her. "Obviously I was hers," she concluded. Lauren told her followers that the adoption saga was the secret she kept to herself for many years of her childhood.
The billboard that made Lauren think she was adopted stayed up for around 20 years and was finally ripped off by a tornado. Lauren was around 19 when the billboard fell. However, she hoped that it helped other families get children via adoption.