'The Voice' judge Kelly Clarkson breaks into tears after rejecting fan
A 33-year-old contestant on The Voice moved Kelly Clarkson to tears, and yet the singer and coach couldn't bring herself to press the buzzer.
On March 12, 2018, Stephanie Skipper performed Clarkson's 2015 hit, Piece By Piece. Clarkson was visibly overcome with emotion, and her fans were irked that she didn't want Skipper on her team.
When Skipper started her performance, Clarkson's face lit up, and she leaned back in her chair while saying "Oh, no," before wiping a tear from her cheek.
The other judges could see that it was hard for Clarkson, and Alicia Keys urged her to "just do it." As reported by Pop Culture, Levine was the first one to press his buzzer, and Clarkson was visibly relieved and thanked him.
Blake Shelton was the next coach to turn his chair just as the crowd gave Skipper a standing ovation. Levine was the first to ask why Clarkson didn't hit the buzzer.
"I'm so sad. I know this is embarrassing. I'm crying. I'm so mad I didn't turn. The fact that you picked that song, it was cool. I'm so sorry."
Kelly Clarkson, Pop Culture, March 13, 2018.
Skipper thanked Clarkson for writing the song because it had a lot of meaning to her life, which prompted Clarkson to go onto the stage and hug Skipper.
Shelton explained that he understood Clarkson's reaction, being her friend, and thanked Skipper for bringing emotion to an already powerful performance.
Clarkson later explained her actions, saying her team is already full and she wants "to add more diversity" to the mix. "I'm looking for something different," she added.
Levine said he appreciated that she brought his attention to the most crucial aspect of the performance, which was the song, and the heart and soul behind it.
He added that it is the only place where he would want to start. Skipper thanked him for his feedback because her head wants to perform perfectly while the artist in her heart is saying "Let me out of here."
Skipper admitted that it was a tough decision, but she chose Team Levine in the end.