Mila Kunis shares rare throwback photo with son amid keeping the kids out of the radar
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are very protective when it comes to their two children. That is why it is very rare for them to share photos of the two, especially given their very public lifestyle.
Fans of Mila and Ashton were shocked when the actress shared a throwback photo of her with the two men in her life. This is because she rarely posts photos of her children, as she is trying to protect them from the spotlight.
While being very protective parents, the couple also want their children to grow up knowing the privileges they had as children.
The parents have decided not to give their children a trust fund, and would rather invest on something that their children are passionate about so that they know the value of hard work.
Speaking on Dax Shepard's new podcast, the actor explained that they would not be setting up trust funds for their children as they want them to value what they have and learn the meaning of success and reward.
In the podcast, he stated what he planned to do with his money, which was not to be given directly to his children.
"We'll end up giving our money away to charity. My kids are living a really privileged life and they don't even know it and they'll never know it."
However, it seems Ashton won't be abandoning his kids with no money at all. He explains that if his children want to invest in something he thinks is worthwhile, he would gladly help.
"If my kids want to start a business and they have a good business plan, I'll invest in it."
Ashton wants his children to grow up motivated to have what they had while growing up.
"Beautiful night with @aplusk"
Like her husband, Mila shared the same sentiments during an interview with Marie Claire, saying that her goal is to become a role model for her daughter.
"What I want my daughter to learn from me is the value of hardwork."