Ellen DeGeneres shares make-up free photos from recent vacation proving her beauty is ageless
Ellen DeGeneres and Portia Rossi are frequent visitors of the luxurious French Polynesian resorts in Tahiti, enjoying each private getaway equally the same.
Once sharing a luxury resort with Margot Robbie and former President Barack Obama, they had many stories to share about that certain trip.
Margot Robbie guested on Ellen in promotion of her latest film 'I, Tonya'. During her interview, she shared her experience with her husband Tom Ackerley wherein she encountered meeting Portia, Ellen, and the former POTUS. Margot says that it was 'one of the funniest things that has ever happened'.
"I'm scared because my husband's going to kill me for telling this story, but it's my favorite story ever and it's the story of how Ellen and I met."
While she and her husband Tom were on their honeymoon in Tahiti, they first checked into a very isolated shack with no electronics, amenities, and what not. However, during their last few days, they decided to check-in a luxurious hotel.
""We get there but it's raining, and we're like – oh, we by the way, look disgusting because we hadn't seen our reflection for four days."
Since it was raining, they had nothing to do so they hit the gym.
""We get changed to go to the gym and Tom puts on these shorts that are like, his oldest gym shorts, and they're tiny. I was like 'Babe, you cannot wear tose shorts.. I can see everything.' to which he replies 'Oh, c'mon, who are we going to run into?'"
It turns out, it wasn't just the newly weds who decided to check into the hotel. Ellen and her wife Portia were there, and so was Barack Obama, who spent his time there writing his book.
The very shocked and starstruck pair introduced themselves to the small group, and they ended up spending the entire time working out together,
Ackerley was embarrassed after having to go through a 'stretching class', trying not to expose his junk. He tried to do his lunges with his legs crossed, and even carried a towel over his crotch.
It was at that moment that Ellen said 'Boy, those were the wrong shorts to wear today.'.
After that very entertaining trip, the married couple yet again visited Tahiti, which Portia claims is the most beautiful place in the world.
Having spent the Easter weekend relaxing in French Polynesia, the beautiful couple were clear of any distractions, any paparazzi, and any disturbances. This allowed them to recharge with nature, just being themselves, even without makeup on.
Watch the hilarious video of Margot Robbie and Ellen here: