Man was battered, stabbed and even starved by his ex for months on end
In one of country's first conviction for 'coercive control involving a female offender,' an ex-girlfriend was sentenced to prison for her abusive behavior.
22-year-old Alex Skeel was rescued from the torments of his abusive girlfriend, Jordan Worth, by the law enforcers. According to Meww, the young man was only '10 days away from death' when the police and medical experts saved his life.
The source informed how Skeel had been 'battered, stabbed, and even starved' by his ex, Worth, a torturous routine that continued for months until Skeel was left feeling 'debilitated and helpless.'
Skeel met Worth at their college in 2012, when Skeel was only 16 years of age. It was his first relationship, the source confirmed.
The abused young man confirmed that he did not speak out believing that "this was how relationships were."
Even when he was emotionally tormented by isolating him from his friends and family, or when he was physically abused by making him sleep on the floor for nine months, Skeel never thought about speaking out.
Now that he has come out as the survivor of an abusive relationship, he is using his experience to encourage other victims to have open conversations about their problems.
Skeel himself shared that he had been subjected to multiple physical injuries, most of which required hospital treatment, during his nine months relationship. His neighbors also often noticed worrisome burns on his arms and legs.
One of his neighbors finally decided to act when they heard screams coming from the couple's house one evening in June. They called the police and Skeel's torments were finally put to an end.
The source reported that it took police authorities some convincing to do before Skeel would tell them everything that happened to him.
Skeel later recalled how the officer had saved his life by convincing him to open up. "He sat me down in his patrol car and said, ‘Look, I know what’s going on. These wounds were not committed by you. Just tell me the truth,'" the source quoted Skeel.
Worth was arrested and pleaded guilty to dangerous bodily harm and coercive controlling behavior. She has been sentenced to seven-and-a-half years in prison.