At least 35 sick and 22 hospitalized from E. coli outbreak linked to lettuce
An investigation carried away by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) linked the recent outbreak of E. Coli in 11 states to romaine lettuce.
The institute tracked around 35 cases of Escherichia Coli infections in Washington, Idaho, New York, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Missouri, Connecticut, and New Jersey.
According to Sweet and Savory, investigators interviewed 28 of the 35 victims to learn more about their cases and they found that romaine lettuce was the common factor in all patients.
To prevent more people from dealing with the symptoms that the E. Coli cause, CDC issued a statement on their social media accounts recommending the public not to buy romaine lettuce for the time being or to throw it away, if that’s the case.
They even pointed out that if they would eat that vegetable soon, they should make sure it was not from the Yuma, Arizona growing region. The same source revealed that more outbreaks might occur across the country.
So far, 22 people infected by the bacteria have been hospitalized. E. Coli are bacteria found in the environment, foods, and intestines of people and animals. While most of the strains of them are harmless, a couple of them are highly dangerous, reported the CDC website.
They can cause diarrhea, urinary tract infections, respiratory illness, pneumonia, and so on. 3 of the 22 patients hospitalized developed severe kidney failure, a condition that could lead to death if it is not treated carefully.
It is known that vegetables, including lettuce, spinach, and cabbage, usually are contaminated with E. Coli after the cattle’s feces pollute water supplies used to irrigate crops.
Thankfully, nobody has died yet due to complications from these bacteria. However, people must be careful with the food they give to children, especially, as they are the ones with a weaker immune system and can die easier and faster if they get poisoned with E. Coli.