
Woman leaves $10 tip, finds $20 missing from bank account the next day

May 29, 2018
08:07 A.M.

This woman was confused when she saw her bank balance, and angry when she realized what had happened.


Whitney Anderson and her husband decided that they wanted to take their children out for a lovely dinner, and decided to go to Abuelo's Mexican restaurant.

But as she later reported on Facebook, things didn't go quite to plan.

The family had a wonderful evening together dining out, and thoroughly enjoyed their meal and time together. They paid the bill, and left a generous tip for their waitress.

The next morning, however, when Anderson checked her bank account, she noticed that there was money missing from it.

The check at the restaurant had come to $45.50, and she had left a $10 tip, meaning that the amount that should have been removed from her account was $55.50.

But her bank history was telling her that she had spent $65.50 at Abuelo's Mexican restaurant, not the $55.50 she had agreed to. Someone had taken an extra $10 from her account.

Anderson quickly returned to the restaurant to sort out the mess, but was met with an unsympathetic manager who had no interest in helping her or trying to resolve the issue with the server in question.

He told her that they would need 10 days to return her money to her.


It was then that Anderson asked to see the receipt. But instead of the merchant's copy, she was handed the customer copy.

“Our server filled out the blank customer copy of the receipt and threw our merchant copy away!” Whitney posted. “She forged a signature that isn’t even my name and tipped herself $10 extra. All the manager is doing is working on getting my $10 back and could take up to a week. I’m so angry that a server did this and who knows how many times she’s done this and stole money from customers!”

It turns out it wasn't the first time that the server had stolen from customers before. An investigation revealed that she had been fired from numerous jobs in the past for the exact same reason.

As soon as the local news station caught wind of the story, they started reporting on it, and the restaurant was quick to backtrack on their stance and issue and immediate apology to Anderson, as well as returning her money the next day.

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