Monkey punched little girl in the face when she got too close while feeding him
A shocking video showed a monkey getting suddenly aggressive when a little girl got too close while feeding it.
Uploaded to YouTube by USA Entertainment TV, the surprising video was filmed at a zoo in China, where the monkey is seen lashing out at a little girl without any warning.
In the video, a young girl is seen crouched down near the monkey while she watches another adult handing the monkey morsels to eat.
The initial few seconds of the video reveal the monkey to be completely calm and relaxed as it happily receives morsels from the adult.
Then almost without a warning, the animal turns violent on the little girl as it can be seen punching her in the face, sending her flying backward. The poor girl falls down a flight of stone steps, tumbling down and out of the camera shot.
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Everything happens so quickly that the exact reasons for the monkey’s aggression could not be confirmed.
However, it was believed that the young girl might have teased the monkey by dangling a piece of food in front of it and then pulling it away at the last second.
This angered the monkey and he seemed to be taking his revenge by taking a swipe at the little girl’s face.

Source: Freepik
The whereabouts of the exact place where the film was shot are unknown. Furthermore, whether the girl suffered an injury or not is also not confirmed.
However, the video seems to have intrigued all sorts of people on the internet. It has so far gathered over 25,000 views.

Source: Freepik
Several people also took the time to share their opinion regarding the monkey’s behavior in the comments section. Some considered the video to be ‘hilarious.’
While other commenters, such as Paula Reed, analyzed the situation as ‘rivalry over food, not aggression.’ She suggested that the monkey might have thought the little girl was getting his share of food, which prompted him to launch an attack.