Barack Obama shows off dance skills with his 96-year-old step-grandmother in Kenya
Former President of the United States Barack Obama recently went to Kenya and, during an event, he decided to show off his dance moves next to his step-grandmother.
In a video shared by the Twitter account of Now This, Barack was shown sitting next to his step-grandmother Sarah Obama in the middle of an event. He was wearing grey pants, a matching blazer, and a white shirt.
Sarah, who was sitting on a wheel-chair, was wearing a black dress with a red and green pattern all over it, as well as a matching bandana. At one point, a woman started singing, and Barack began to move in his seat.
A couple of seconds later he stood up and started dancing. Several people and photographers from the crowd behind him immediately stood up to take photos
Barack turned his head to Sarah and asked for approval, to what the 96-year-old woman smiled and nodded. After that, the video showed how Sarah stood up, too and began dancing next to Barack, as if it was choreographed.
According to Elite Daily, Barack was visiting his father’s home village of Kogelo in Kenya on July 16. It was also the first time he visited the town since he stopped being POTUS back in January 2017.
News 24 revealed that Barack is in Kenya to help his half-sister Auma Obama launch her sports, vocational training, and resource center through her foundation Sauti Kuu.
The visit is not expected to be like the two previous one in 2006 and 2015, when he put on a show for hundreds of Kenyans who crowded the streets to see him as a senator and a president, respectively.
News 24 finally added that several Kenyans considered that Barack is a native Kenyan even though he never lived in Africa. He was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961, and he spent most of his childhood in that island.