Baby girl born weighing just 14.5 ounces with 20% chance of survival is doing well
Adalee, who was born at 29 weeks weighing only 14.5 ounces, had only 20 percent chance of survival but is doing well after more than three weeks in the NICU.
NTD reported that Ashley and Jeffery Zachmeyer’s little bundle of joy is defying all odds with her will to live.
Doctors told Ashley Zachmeyer and her husband Jeffery, that their baby girl only had a 20 percent chance of survival, but the baby girl proved them wrong.
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The couple was pleasantly surprised when an ultrasound revealed that Ashley was pregnant. Doctors had told them that they would not be able to conceive because she had been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which led to infertility.
The couple hardly had any chance to feel complete happiness when they received the news that their baby was considerably behind on growth.
They were referred to a high-risk specialist who told them that chances of Ashley carrying out her term were slim.
What followed was a series of complications and the Zachmeyer couple was advised by doctors to prepare themselves for the worst. But they were not ready to lose hope and give up on their precious baby.
Ashley gave birth to a pretty baby girl, Adalee, on June 22, 2017, at the 29th week of her pregnancy.
She had been told that infants weighing less than a pound had very less chance of survival and Adalee weighed just 14.5 ounces.
But the doctors continued to work hard and fight for the baby’s life following the family’s wishes.
The baby was kept in the NICU. Although she did not develop the complications that the doctors had predicted, she was still on the far side of growth.
The baby was eventually discharged after more than three months in the NICU after she slowly but steadily started gaining weight. Adalee’s parents were finally allowed to take her home.
Adalee is more than a year old now and continues to surprise the people around her with her will to live.
Her mother shared the story on her daughter’s battle to survive on Facebook, in which she spoke about the struggles and hardships the family had to go through.
She said, ‘She has continued to beat every odd placed against her. All her doctors are very impressed with her progress.’
The little girl must get her determination from her parents who did not give up hope and continued to support their daughter in her battle. The mother wrote, ‘Though she may be little, she is fierce.’