
90-year-old woman celebrated her birthday by jumping out of an airplane

Aug 23, 2018
11:09 P.M.

A fearless 90-year-old woman, Dottie Sambiagio, from Michigan dared to skydive and her courageous feat was recorded in a video.


The footage was uploaded to YouTube and it shows the elderly lady giving away confident smiles before and after making the frightening jump.

Right before making the jump, she says in the video that making the jump was something she has wanted to do for quite a while. When the guy recording her asks her if she was feeling nervous about it, she confident replies, “Not really.”

Surprisingly, the day of the jump was also her birthday, and Sambiagio was also accompanied by her sons in making the momentous jump. She seemed all smiles about it when the camera guy wished her a ‘Happy Birthday.’

Source: YouTube/skydivetecumsehvideo

Source: YouTube/skydivetecumsehvideo

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Speaking to WXYZ, Sambiagio revealed that she was inspired by President George H.W. Bush to make the jump. She saw the president do it on 90th birthday and decided that it was now her turn.

“Try and enjoy life. It is so precious. You don’t know how long it is going to be,” she told WXYZ.

Sambiagio made the dive from about 14,000 feet along with an instructor from Skydive Tecumseh.

Talking about her experience, the brave lady explained that the ground came rushing fast and she thought her legs would bend “like an accordion,” WXYZ reported.

But before she knew it, she was back on the land safe and sound. She told the source that it was a great relief for her because she suffers from osteoporosis.

Women like Sambiagio have come out time and again to prove that age is just a number and it is never too late to do anything.

Like her, another 90-year-old woman, Irene Carney, also showed off her remarkable confidence to flaunt her bikini body. Despite her age, she wasn’t hesitant to sport a red bikini and to show that everybody is beautiful in its own way.

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