Bittersweet moment girl bursts into tears when she hears she's being adopted
An 11-year-old's moving reaction to her foster parents' news
When Paige and Daniel Zezulka of Athens, Georgia gave 10-year-old Ivey the big news, she started sobbing. But these were tears of joy.
Ivey had been in foster care for three years and when she found out she was being adopted by her foster family she wept with happiness and relief.
Ivey's big moment was filmed by her parents and posted on Facebook where it has been viewed 5 million times and is touching hearts all over the Internet.
"She's been living with a question mark of what will happen. We love her birth family and she loves them too, but it became [that] with us was where she wanted to be."
Paige Zezulka, Good Morning America, 28th of August.
Three children without a home
Initially, when the Zezulkas decided to become foster parents, a five-month-old baby boy, Kai was placed with them.
The couple did not know Kai had an older sister — Ivey. She was living with a couple that would one day become close friends with the Zezulkas, and the children's birth mother was pregnant with her third child.
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"I said yes, I knew he would say yes anyway!"
The Zezulkas were asked if they would consider adopting both Kai and Ivey in 2016, and after spending time with the little girl the couple agreed.
Then Paige Zezulka received a surprise call asking if they would foster Lita - Ivey and Kai's baby sister - who was just a few weeks old, too.
So the Zezulkas were receiving not one, but two new daughters into the family. The couple was expecting a difficult transition with Ivey, but the little girl astonished them.
She settled into the pretty pink princess room Paige had decorated for her, and the next day asked if she could stay forever.
Though the family fostered the children two years ago, it was only on the 23rd of August 2018 that the adoption was approved.
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