One-eyed three-legged pet enjoys life no worse than its peers
Alesha Brandt could not have imagined that she was about to get a surprisingly unique pet when someone heartlessly threw out a dog as if it were trash.
The Dodo reported how eight years ago, Brandt's daughter saw someone drop a small dog in the street. They were both lucky that it was at that exact moment the little girl was getting off the bus.
Brandt's daughter immediately ran over and scooped up the tiny pup. When she saw it's condition, she called her mother right away.
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Brandt and her daughter immediately went to the vet to see if the poor animal could be saved. They were told the pup was suffering from an eye injury, was deaf in one ear, and severely underweight.
The mother-daughter pair realized there was a slim chance the dog would survive. Additionally, the injured eye was so serious it would require removal.
In an interview with the Dodo, Brandt said:
"She was literally tossed into our life. She was not supposed to survive the night but she pulled through."
Incredibly, the dog healed up nicely and the pair who had rescued her deemed it fit to add "Captain Jackie Sparrow the One-Eyed Wonder Dog," as she came to be called, to their family.
The dog was later nicknamed Meeply and she proved to be quite adventurous.
But when she tried to jump off the couch one time, another serious injury led to the removal of one of her legs.
Meeply, who is about 10 now, has a big personality and a boss attitude which Brandt proudly displays on her Facebook page regularly.
Her three legs, one eye, and one working ear are enough to keep her as happy as any other dog.
According to Brandt, "She does seem to believe she is every dog's boss."
Meeply experiences balance issues and also has a distinguished head tilt. She also fatigues easily so is usually carried around. But neither her nor her family is deterred.
They travel regularly and make new friends. Brandt explains that Meeply's unusual appearance usually leads people to "spontaneously start crying."
The resilient, happy pup seems to be spreading a lot of joy just for being who she is.
Another dog named Pinto may be deterred from being himself as a result of a serious tumor on his head.
Up till early September 2018, Pinto was at a kill shelter in Orlando, Florido.
The large mound meant most persons refused to adopt him. But Mr. Mo Project, a no-kill senior dog rescue group, changed poor Pinto's circumstances.
When they checked it out, the diagnosis came back as Spindle Cell Sarcoma, which is a connective tissue cancer. Pinto also had a brain tumor on the ocular nerve.
But Pinto's personality shone through despite the illness. One foster family took him in as he awaits adoption.
The lucky pup is also set to undergo Cyberknife radiation treatment for the tumor, a surgery, and another radiation treatment for the Spindle Cell Sarcoma.