Puppies found with hair ties wrapped around their mouths look so happy now
Puppies found in apartment building rescued.
After a pipe burst in an apartment building, the maintenance man entered the apartment to fix the damage.
After entering the apartment a horrible smell was evident upon which he noticed a small plastic crate in the corner of the room.
Inside were two 7-month-old puppies.
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The puppies were crammed up in feces and urine, their mouths wrapped shut with rubber bands no bigger than one’s thumb.
The purpose of closing their mouths was to keep them from making noise as having pets were not allowed in the apartment building.
When Craig McGettrick, small business owner of gardening and removal services was busy cleaning out debris from a garden in his hometown of Birkenhead he made a discovery.
Finding what he at first thought was puppies turned into a different scenario, find out more at Man thought he found puppies in his garden, but it turned out they were not even dogs.
Sarah Coffman, executive director of Wichita Animal Action League told Dodo:
“We originally thought that it was wire wrapped around their noses because it was so tight.
When we finally got them in the vet’s office and were able to hold them still and take a look, we realized that it was tiny rubber bands.
After a long bath, the pit bull mix siblings, now named Westley and Debbie look and smell much better. Though their noses are still a bit tender, both are expected to make a full recovery - and are healing happily in a foster home”
The maintenance man was unsure what steps to take and called a friend who fosters dogs at the Wichita Animal Action League.
Upon their rescue, by Wichita Animal Action League the puppies were taken to the veterinarian clinic for assessment and treatment.
The rubber bands were taken off their noses which the veterinarian believes was there for between 12-to-24 hours.
There will be no lasting effects of their abuse except for small scarring around their muzzles.
Facing misdemeanor animal abuse charges the owner’s identity has not been revealed and court date have not been released.
Radley, a suspected eight-week-old border terrier cross was found dangling in a handbag from a charity shop door.
With paws tied together and a note attached to an unopened tin of dog food, it read:
"Found this puppy"
More about what happened to Radley at Eight-week-old puppy found dumped with paws tied together in handbag dangling from charity shop door.

Source: PA