Man saves wild horse with chained legs then animal says incredible 'thanks' to savior
Ovidiu Rosu is a vet who found a wild horse with its legs chained. He did what any person with a kind soul would do, and an animal “thanked” him.
In the video posted to YouTube, a couple of horses were portrayed walking on a large meadow in Romania. One of them, unfortunately, was walking in a completely different way.
It looked like if it couldn’t move its hind legs but only its front ones, so Rosu got close to it, shot a sedative, and the wild horse was resting on the ground in no time.
Rosu covered its face with a red cloth and took a closer look at its legs. There was a metal chain incrusted in the animal’s skin and around both of its hind legs.

Source: YouTube/Four Paws International
In the video, Rosu explained that people in Rumania do that so wild horses cannot run away. The rest of the horses that were with the chained one stayed around as a way to protect their companion but thankfully didn’t attack Rosu or the team.
When the camera got closer to the horse, the vet showed the damage that the chains had caused in the animal’s paws. He cut the leash and put an end to the poor horse’ suffering.

Source: YouTube/Four Paws International
While Rosu was waiting for the animal to wake up after cutting the chains, another wild horse got closer and touched his nose to Rosu’s in sheer gratitude.
The rest of the clip showed how the now-unchained horse woke up and moved on to have a better life. Read more on our Twitter account, @amomama_usa.
Rosu is part of the Four Paws International, an organization that has been helping horses of Danube Delta in Romania for a while now. They help to prevent the method of killing them to control the population and instead, provide contraceptives for the mares to reduce the birth rates.
Over the years, Four Paws International have vaccinated many mares and also helped to free chained-up horses.
Dave was driving a through a country road when he saw a group of cows drinking water from a pond in a beautiful green, open area. He parked by the street to photograph them when he noticed that one of them was upset.
He approached it and saw a little calf in a deep slope that couldn’t move. Dave helped it get back to where its mother cow was, and they later thanked him by walking close and staring him for a while.