Video of Mayo clinic doctors performing Mike Yung’s 'Alright' goes viral
Two Mayo Clinic resident doctors caught nationwide attention after a video of them performing in hospital robes became viral. The two men landed an invitation to “The Ellen De Generes Show,” where they explained what led them to play for their patients.
Elvis Francois, a Mayo Clinic third-year orthopedic surgery resident, was visibly excited about appearing on De Generes’ show in the company of fellow orthopedic surgery resident Dr. William Robinson.
The young men first earned the attention of people across the country when Francois shared a short clip of their rendition of Mike Yung’s “Alright” on Facebook. With Robinson on the piano and Elvis singing passionately, the doctors spread a positive message to their audience at the Mayo Clinic to gift them some courage in the middle of their medical hardships.
In the caption of the video, which has gathered over 2 million views, Francois explained that a retired surgeon and friend once told him it was a doctor’s responsibility to bear the burden of worry with his patients. And that’s why he started to use music as a gateway to help people when they need a reminder that everything will be alright.
“As healthcare providers, we often meet people at their greatest time of need....and sometimes the best gift you can give is a simple reminder that everything will be alright. Music Is Medicine,” he wrote.
On their visit to Hollywood, Francois and Robinson explained to Ellen that they had been friends for a while but recently discovered their shared passion for music, so, to bright their patients’ lives even for a moment after a long day, they started to perform here and there around the hospital.
Robinson told the host that her message of “always be kind to one another” inspired them, and added:
“This video was our embodiment of that message […], And we've also been realizing more and more that music and some of the intangibles play just as much a part of the healing [process] — and the spiritual and emotional healing — as does the drugs and surgery and everything else."
The talented duo then proceeded to serenade the audience with a live rendition of “Alright,” showing off the fact that not only are they gifted doctors but also talented musicians.
Elvis, who keeps on sharing covers on his Instagram account, always in his work gear and with the lights of an operating room as the background, explained to Post Bulleting why he decided to start mixing his two greatest passions: music and medicine.
He said:
“I think the biggest thing I realized is that you can have that impact on people, you can put a smile on people's faces when they otherwise wouldn't be smiling, and I think being able to share that with people and being able to share that facet with medicine, was something I felt I could help with. It was something that I'd always done with myself and coworkers; I just wanted to take the opportunity to share that light with a few more people.”
Francois now has over 26k followers on Instagram, and he continues to inspire people with his words, his songs and his willingness to make the world a better place every day.
And following with Francois example, another man who's making a difference in the world is Kennith Thomas, a professional dancer and choreographer who became famous after a video of him dancing to his 1-year-old son became viral.
The boy, Kristian, was diagnosed with leukemia last June, but with the help of his dad and the power of music and his treatments, he has been able to fight the disease with bravery and is currently on remission.
Kennith is now raising funds to help cancer organizations by selling some inspiring t-shirts, as he wants to give back all the love he and his son have received in the past months.