
Tense video of 2 deer found trapped in a flooded basement after a rainstorm

Jaimie-lee Prince
Sep 25, 2018
11:40 A.M.

Kentucky saw heavy rainfall over the last weekend, and two deer felt the brunt of the resulting flooding when they got trapped in a basement.


According to Inside Edition, the two deer sought refuge from the rain at a local construction site in Shepherdsville. But they went out of the frying pan and into the fire as they became trapped in the site's flooded basement.

When the rain stopped, the deer were unable to get out. The video of their rescue is found below.

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Source: Youtube/ Inside Edition

Source: Youtube/ Inside Edition

The Zoneton Fire Protection District members came out to save the deer.

Source: Youtube/ Inside Edition

Source: Youtube/ Inside Edition


In the video, we see that when the first deer was carried out in a blue wrap, the animal didn't realize at first that it was free.

Source: Youtube/ Inside Edition

Source: Youtube/ Inside Edition

But soon enough the creature took off running. The team went on to pull out and release the other deer.

Source: Youtube/ Inside Edition

Source: Youtube/ Inside Edition


Sometimes, deer reach inside our very own homes as well. One family in New Jersey fled to another part of their house when they got a visitor in their Princeton home.

Source: YouTube/ Inside Edition

In June 2018, a deer got itself stuck inside the family's stairwell. Authorities were called and the police, firefighters, as well as animal control officers, came to its rescue.

On the Facebook page on which Princeton police shared the incident, they warned residents to "retreat to a separate room and contact police immediate" should a deer enter their residence.

And back in December 2017, another deer had to be saved when its head got stuck in a pipe.

One couple saw what had happened and immediately helped the poor creature. Its ears were preventing its head from coming out.


The woman recorded the ordeal which took several attempts. Until, finally, the man was able to untangle the animal from the pipe.

Source: YouTube/ The Dodo

Dizzy and disoriented from being caught, the deer kept falling as it ran off through the woods. Turned out it was a poorly designed deer-feeder that had caused the situation to happen.

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