Schoolbus refuses to pick up a child so a stranger with a car offers her help
In 2015, KMTV news covered the story of a single mother named Kim Bellus. She had a son who went to Carriage Hill Elementary School.
Her story caught the news station's eye because she and her son would walk to and from school every day. They walked two miles to school and another two back.
Kim Bellus’ son Gabe Bellus is a student at Carriage Hill Elementary School. His mother had spoken to the school’s administration to ask if her son could be picked up in the mornings by the schoolbus.
No matter what she said, the answer was always no because she lived too close to the school. Being a full-time student and a stay-at-home mother, Kim couldn’t afford a car.

Source: YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now
For more on this story go to our Twitter account @amomama_usa. However, she was determined to take her second-grader to school.
Without any other options, the single parent chose to wake up in the morning and walk two miles to the school. Then in the afternoon, she would walk back and walk Gabe home for another two miles.

Source: YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now
Little did she know that the coverage of her story would mean the change she and her son needed. A good Samaritan had seen Kim’s story and recognized her and Gabe as they walked to school.

Source: YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now
Wanting to help, Becky Novotny pulled up next to them and offered them a ride to school. Novotny has three children of her own.
One of them goes to the same school as Gabe. Welcoming the good deed, Kim agreed and the arrangement became a permanent one.
Now Gabe gets a ride to and from school and is pleased that he doesn’t have to walk anymore. While Kim can have more time to focus on herself.

Source: YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now
School buses are an essential part in the safety of school children. One of the main roles they play is to ensure that a student leaves home safely and comes back safely too.
Other roles are detailed here.