
Woman screamed after seeing a photo in an antique store and recognizing the girl in it

Pedro Marrero
Oct 19, 2018
02:38 P.M.

A woman cannot believe her eyes after she unexpectedly came across some very old images of her mother on her wedding day.


Jane Fine Foster was doing some shopping in Grand Junction, Colorado, when she came across pictures of her deceased mother's wedding, as she watched an antique store display.

The woman told Inside Edition that when she saw the image, she screamed of the impression and that she even jumped from surprise.

"I could say that I was shocked and dazed, almost paralyzed because I could not believe it," Foster told Inside Edition. "Actually, I shouted loudly."

The beautiful images of the wedding - held in 1948 - were elegantly placed in front of the store "A Robin's Neat Antique". Read more on our Twitter account @amomama_usa

Source:  YouTube / Inside Edition

Source: YouTube / Inside Edition


A wave of confused thoughts passed through her mind. How was it possible that they had pictures of her mother if she did not give them away or sell them?

The most precious memories of Jane's family had been lost, and everything happened because of a simple mistake. After Jane's father died, her mother was forced to place certain personal items in a storage facility.

Source:  YouTube / Inside Edition

Source: YouTube / Inside Edition

It turns out that Jane thought that she would never see that picture again since 14 years ago, the photographs were lost after the contents of the storage place where they were they kept everything were auctioned off.

Source:  YouTube / Inside Edition

Source: YouTube / Inside Edition


The photos and wedding dress were sold by the storage place that her family rented to preserve dozens of belongings after they could not pay the rent for a month.

The warehouse company simply auctioned the content of the locker, something that is very common in the United States. The auction happened in 2003 and, although she tried to recover whatever it was, she never made it.

Source:  YouTube / Inside Edition

Source: YouTube / Inside Edition

"All our family treasures ... vanished," she said. "I made 40 or 50 phone calls trying to locate something, and they were all dead ends," she recalled.

Source:  YouTube / Inside Edition

Source: YouTube / Inside Edition


She imagined pictures of her mother anywhere else, except in front of her eyes in that store. Then, she did not hesitate to enter and explain that those photos belonged to her and she was able to recover them.

Source:  YouTube / Inside Edition

Source: YouTube / Inside Edition

Coincidentally, the wedding dress her mother wore in her day also came back to her. The mother died in 2013, but recovering those two treasures made Jane feel that her mother still accompanies her. "This is a symbol, a message from her that she is fine," she said.

Source:  YouTube / Inside Edition

Source: YouTube / Inside Edition


This is a nice coincidence. We can’t imagine what she felt when she saw those images. Jane even admitted that she thought she was hallucinating, but everything was true.

In another similar story, a man detailed a picture of his wife's preschool and recognized himself inside the photo. Evan Ayers shared a surprising coincidence of his life, which showed that that soulmate somehow always ended up united with him.

He found a preschool picture of his wife, Brytin Waterlyn, at home, and of course, he recognized her instantly. But what he saw then surprised him.

He saw that he was also in the picture, sitting right next to his now wife. The couple had met again after years, they fell in love and they even got married, but they had no idea that they had attended the same preschool together.

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