Hearing-impaired baby has unbelievable reaction after hearing first 'I love you' from mom
A two-month-old girl hears her mother say "I love you" for the first time and her reaction is purely emotional.
The touching moment between mother and child that is sure to melt the hardest hearts can be found at the end of this article.
Christy Keane filmed Charlotte’s reaction as the infant’s hearing aids were turned on for the first time, and the raw emotion all over her is very touching. Little Charlotte was almost in tears at the sound of her mother’s voice, and Christy could be heard saying:
“I’ve never seen that face before. …You’re gonna make me cry. Are you gonna be emotional like your mama?”
Christy put up the video in October 2017, and now, one year later, it already has over 13 million views and more than 5,000 comments.
The overjoyed mom revealed that she did not intend to make the video public, and only did after family members urged her to post it so they could watch it online. In barely a week, the clip had been shared a million times.
Christy spoke to GoodHousekeeping about her daughter’s emotional reaction and explained how instant their mother-child connection was:
“I had never in my life seen that face before. I’m her mother, and I know the look in her eyes when she’s sad, upset or hurting, and that connection, and that moment when our eyes met and she heard my voice for the first time, that was true emotion from her.”
Daniel, Charlotte’s military dad who filmed the moment, also had a tough time holding back his tears at the sight of his daughter’s adorable pout.
“He was as emotional as I was,” Christy said. “All this time that we had spent sad that she wasn’t able to hear us, all that pain went away.”
The Keanes were fortunate to receive the hearing aids through kind donors, an act that brought an end to two difficult months of knowing their daughter couldn’t hear them.
Christy and Daniel were surprised to find out that their sweet girl was deaf. Before birthing Charlotte, Christy had never met a deaf person, and no one from their families was deaf.
At first, doctors thought Charlotte’s hearing loss was as a result of fluid blockage and would soon pass. Further testing, however, revealed that the little girl has a congenital hearing loss.
Charlotte’s condition is not curable, but the hearing aids help her hear the voices of those who love her, and she also works with a speech therapist to learn to speak.
Being told that your child cannot hear on their own can be one of the most painful things for a parent to find out. But at the end of the day, all that matters is helping that child live a full life.
Fortunately for one hearing-impaired boy from Tennessee, two waitresses at a restaurant helped his mother do that.
4-year-old Octavius Mitchell Jr. was at the outfit to celebrate his birthday with his mom and uncle when two waitresses noticed him. One taught the other how to sing happy birthday in sign language, and together, they made the little boy’s day.
You can catch up on the rest of Octavius’ inspiring story and watch the emotional video here.