Camera captures the moment a creepy hand appears out of nowhere and touches a child in a pool
A new video that appeared on the social media has shocked the public. It is about a "mysterious hand" that grabs the thigh of a child in a pool for a few seconds before disappearing.
Eiyna Sharina, from Perak in Malaysia, is the Facebook user who published the video of the child who fights in the water to be able to swim, while his father tries to take him out before he drowns.
In the post made by Eiyna, neither place nor time of the video shooting is indicated, but she wrote a message next to the clip that says: "The boy had to be lifted ... he was going to drown. Fortunately, his father carried him in his arms. "
In the post made by the user, the screenshot of the moment in which a hand grasps the child's thigh is included, as if it wanted to help him, making support to take the boy out of the pool, although in reality, it seems to belong to no one.
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This publication suddenly went viral and has received more than 15,000 "likes" and 29,000 comments, which has caused many users of social networks to jump to conclusions and diversity of theories about these images.
Some people claim that this hand is the "mysterious and protective force" behind the alleged incident in which the drowning of the child is prevented. Others pointed out that it seems to be a woman's hand with long nails.
Although in general, many users were scared at first, some later discredited this in the comments by showing that there seems to be a third person in the pool, or that it could be an effect on purpose.
After so many speculations, Facebook user Rezha Habibullah published a more complete version of the video that finally revealed to the Internet and its users who own the mysterious hand.
According to this video, a person is briefly shown on the edge of Eiyna's video and, in fact, even another child was in the pool with the father and son.
In other news, officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a warning about a water-based parasite with the scientific name Cryptosporidium that has emerged as the most common cause of diarrhea outbreaks linked to swimming pools or water playgrounds in the U.S.