White woman who blocked Black man from their apartment building has a Black husband
A white woman in Missouri, who blocked an African American man from entering his building, apparently has an African American husband. The husband gave his side of the story in a recent Facebook video found below.
Last Saturday, D’Arreion Toles took to Facebook with three videos showing Hilary Thornton as she blocked him from entering the apartment building they share.
Thornton used her body as a barricade while insisting, “I’m not touching you, and I’m not in any way doing anything outside of letting my dog go to the bathroom.”
She then tells Toles she’s uncomfortable and repeatedly asks him for his unit number, and whether he has a key like hers.
“You're blocking me into my building," Toles said. "It's my building as well, so can you just get out of my way. I live here, and you’re blocking my way. I've already buzzed in.”

Toles, whose Facebook bio lists as the “Chief Executive Officer/Owner at Global Wealth Insights Corp,” shoved past an unyielding Thornton into the elevator.
She followed him into the elevator and stalked him all the way to his front door where she suddenly claimed “I just want to say ‘Hi.’”
The luxury St. Louis building is said to have its pool, spa, wine bar, and entertainment deck. According to Toles’s caption, Thornton tried to prevent him from going in:
“Because she don’t feel that I belong, never really thought this would happen to me, but it did! Then 30 mins later police knock on my door because she called! I was shocked this is America in 2018!”
The video went viral quickly, with many social media users labeling Thornton as a racist, but the 32-year-old luxury realtor denied it.

She told KTVI-TV:
“My only intent was to follow the direction that I had been given by our condo association board members repeatedly and that is to never allow access to any individual that you do not know.”
Thornton, who was fired from her job after the video got out, also claimed she was still legally married to an African American man, Brandon Mueller.
On Sunday, Mueller released a video concerning the incident, expressing his disappointment and revealing that he and Thornton had been “separated for over a year.” Mueller also said:
“As a man of color, I've spent much of my professional career teaching others the importance of diversity and inclusion," Mueller said in the video. "My only hope is that we as a community can use this as an opportunity to do what my late father taught me many years ago; to not allow others' ignorance to incite anger and hatred, but to use it as an opportunity to learn, grow and promote love.”
Like Toles, one black family was unfairly targeted after they stopped over to eat in a Subway store. The Dobsons were returning from their grandma’s birthday party when they decided to rest for a while at the store.
Not too long after, a police officer approached them and said a Subway employee suspected them of robbing the store and called 911.
You can catch up on the rest of that heartbreaking story here.