
Marie Osmond shares tragic family news after nephew passes away from a long-term illness

Odette Odendaal
Nov 20, 2018
07:40 P.M.

'The Osmonds' star, Marie Osmond took to social media on Sunday, November 18, to share the heartbreaking loss of her nephew, Troy.


59-year-old Marie Osmond posted a picture of her nephew Troy, along with a message no one wants to write. It told of the heartbreak that inevitably follows after the tragic loss of someone you love.

On Sunday, November 18, Marie Osmond and her family said goodbye to 33-year-old Troy, after he passed away in his sleep. Troy had struggled with illness since the age of nine, and it resulted in a pain-filled life.


For this reason, Marie is grateful that Troy’s suffering had come to an end, but his loss left a devastated family behind who loved him completely and fiercely.

When it came to the rest of the family, Marie said her brother Merrill and his family need to heal and asked that their privacy is respected.

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Dealing and living with Troy’s death is one of the hardest challenges they will face in life, but she knows that over time, they can use this experience to help others.

The 33-year-old loved his family, always there to encourage them whenever opportunity knocked on the door. Marie praised the person that was Troy:

“He was an exemplar to many, never letting his physical challenges get in the way of living his life to the fullest.”


Her thoughts traveled to that of God that he is not involved in the anger and hate in the world of today, neither did he start the fires in California. For human beings got given free will and without it, no learning will take place, which defeats the object to which Marie added:

“Life is learning how to deal with trials and challenges, and they can be humbling and painful, but I know our Savior will help us go through them instead of around them if we ask for His help. Humbly asking for help can move us forward in peace and love.”


Show host, Marie, steered her post to the perils of cause and effect, that actions have consequences. Therefore parents give children rules, they set boundaries and guidelines, to keep them safe.


The decision to disobey wise counsel comes with consequences, God cannot prevent people from making mistakes, but can for those who got hurt by their choices to heal. 59- year old Marie stated that for this reason, pain means growth, we learn, but only when driven by God’s love.

Dealing and living with Troy’s death is one of the hardest challenges they will face in life, but she knows that over time, they can use this experience to help others.

Marie finished off her post as she added:

“He is in words we use to comfort, the impressions we use to guide, the arms we use to share our burdens and help others with the knowledge that God is ALWAYS there!”


The Osmond family went through a lot this year, Marie’s brother, Tom Osmond had been struggling with health issues and ended up in the hospital fighting for his life after quadruple bypass surgery in July this year.


The Osmonds, from Ogden, Utah, stood together through difficult times this year, but the recent death of Marie’s nephew Troy had hit them hard. Troy will be remembered for his love and joy, and the inspiration he was to all of those that knew him.

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