Michelle Obama shares the sweet reason why she was drawn to husband Barack Obama
Michelle Obama is set to grace the cover of ESSENCE's December and January issue, and this has given her the opportunity to share her admirable love story with former President Barack Obama.
The former First Lady spoke about many things on the magazine, such as her happiest days in the White House, balancing a career and family, and even sharing her own advice as to how you can find your own Barack Obama. However, what melted hearts the most was when she revealed the reason why she fell in love with him in the first place.

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Of course, before you can truly love someone else, you must first love yourself. It is this that Michelle says makes their relationship as strong as it is now because Barack showed her who he was outside of their relationship.
Dishing about it some more to the magazine, she said:
“From our very first conversations, he showed me that he wasn’t afraid to express his fears and doubts, or that he might not have all the answers. Just as important, I saw who he was not only in the way he treated me but in the way he interacted with others outside of our relationship. He showed me that he respected women by the way he treated his mother, his sisters, and his grandmother.”

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Michelle mentioned that often times, people don't really have an idea of what they are looking for in a partner, and material things often outshine the more important things such as looking for a partner who is fully-formed as an individual.
Saying how Barack has always been compassionate and has always had a desire to "fight for folks who didn't have much power" even before they met, he said that it was these things that made him so lovely as a person.
"These were all things I learned long before we were married. It was all on display when we dated: he was consistent, he was honest, he was respectful, and he was secure in himself and secure in us. He hasn’t been perfect, but those things have never wavered.”
Essence's latest issue not only features such beautiful stories told by the First Lady, but also flaunted her natural curls that stopped hearts around the world. It is her authenticity and her willingness to be herself that makes her so admirable