Michelle and Barack Obama share parenting wisdom with powerful quotes
Michelle and Barack Obama have strived to be model parents. They've shared brilliant parenting tips in powerful quotes since their time in the White House.
Throughout their eight-year stint in the White House, the former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama made many powerful speeches.
In their speeches, they often shared nuggets of wisdom on issues ranging from citizenship to parenting. They made it no secret that they were proud parents of their daughters, Malia and Sasha.
Revealed Barack Obama in a speech in 2012:
“For many of us, our fathers show us by the example they set the kind of people they want us to become. Whether biological, foster, or adoptive, they teach us through the encouragement they give, the questions they answer, the limits they set, and the strength they show in the face of difficulty and hardship.”
Michelle had once advised parents to be careful what they say and do in front of their kids. In 2016, she was quoted as saying,
“With every word we utter, with every action we take, we know our kids are watching us. We as parents are their most important role models.”
They stressed the importance of loving and accepting children even when they make mistakes. Barack had said in 2011, “Above all, children need our unconditional love — whether they succeed or make mistakes; when life is easy and when life is tough.”
“I love our daughters more than anything in the world ― more than life itself. And while that may not be the first thing that some folks want to hear from an Ivy-league-educated lawyer, it is truly who I am. So for me, being Mom-in-Chief is, and always will be, job number one,” said Michelle Obama in 2015 reiterating his statements. She would later add that she has a specific "mom-face" she uses with her kids.
“What I’ve realized is that life doesn’t count for much unless you’re willing to do your small part to leave our children — all of our children — a better world. Any fool can have a child. That doesn’t make you a father. It’s the courage to raise a child that makes you a father.” said then President Barack Obama in 2008.
He again stressed the importance of a father in the life of children. Barack said it is a father's "obligation to do right by their children.”
“It’s about leaving something better for our kids. That’s how we’ve always moved this country forward, by all of us coming together on behalf of our children, folks who volunteer to coach that team, to teach that Sunday school class, because they know it takes a village.” said Michelle Obama in 2016.
Even the current First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump agrees with Michelle's parenting style. She recently stated, "If you say to a child no, no, no, where does the creativity go?"
“Pass along the value of empathy to our children. Not sympathy, but empathy ― the ability to stand in somebody else’s shoes; to look at the world through their eyes. Sometimes it’s so easy to get caught up in ‘us,’ that we forget about our obligations to one another. There’s a culture in our society that says remembering these obligations is somehow soft ― that we can’t show weakness, and so therefore we can’t show kindness. But our young boys and girls see that. They see when you are ignoring or mistreating your wife. They see when you are inconsiderate at home; or when you are distant; or when you are thinking only of yourself. And so it’s no surprise when we see that behavior in our schools or on our streets. That’s why we pass on the values of empathy and kindness to our children by living them. We need to show our kids that you’re not strong by putting other people down – you’re strong by lifting them up. That’s our responsibility as fathers.”
Barack Obama is quoted as having said in 2008.