R. Kelly's former manager turns himself in for alleged terroristic threats charge
Months after a warrant was issued for his arrest, R. Kelly's former manager, James Mason surrendered to authorities last week. He has been accused of making grave threats to Timothy Savage, the father of Kelly's alleged captive, Joycelyn Savage.
R. Kelly’s former manager, James Mason has surrendered himself to Georgia authorities on Friday after months of evading an outstanding warrant.
Mason has been wanted for “terroristic threats and acts” since May 2018 when he made threats against Timothy Savage, the father of Joycelyn Savage who is rumored to be held captive by Kelly for years.
In the Lifetime docu-series, “Surviving R. Kelly” which sheds light on Kelly’s abusive relationships, Joycelyn was one of the women featured. She is allegedly sexually engaged with the singer and is being manipulated by him to detach herself from the outside world. Joycelyn has not seen or communicated with her family for two years now.
Her father spoke up about it in May and accused Kelly of holding his daughter hostage. Mason reportedly threatened him after and told him,
"I'm gonna do harm to you and your family, when I see you I'm gonna get you, I'm going to f***ing kill you."
The older Savage reported Mason to the Henry County Sherriff’s office. This resulted in a warrant for Mason’s arrest issued by the Magistrate Judge in July.
After his surrender on Friday, Mason posted a $10,000 bond and was released immediately. He insists he is innocent of any wrongdoing and is confident his name will be cleared. In a statement to BuzzFeed News, the former manager said,
"My team and I will present facts soon that will discredit any and all accusations that suggest that I have engaged in any acts of bullying, harassment, or aggressive acts against my accusers. To the contrary, we will show that I have been extremely instrumental in attempts to assist my accusers in their quest to re-establish a relationship with their adult daughter. I have confidence in my legal team that I will be exonerated of all pending charges."
Joycelyn has denied her father’s claims about her captivity. In 2017, a video was released where she rejects allegations of Kelly brainwashing her. She also assured her parents that she’s fine and happy.
"I just want everybody to know -- my parents and everybody in the world -- that I'm totally fine. I'm happy where I'm at and everything is OK with me.”
For years, Kelly has faced countless accusations about his abusive sexual exploits including his passion for underage women. However, he was never charged for any of these allegations. In 2008, he was acquitted on child pornography charges. The 13-year-old who supposedly had sex with him on video did not testify. Several lawsuits also ended in settlements.
Today, after the release of “Surviving R. Kelly,” the singer’s alleged sins have come back to haunt him. His lawyer, Steven Greenberg insists his client is innocent and his accusers who appeared on the docuseries are all lying.
Despite this, Kelly has been receiving a lot of heat lately. His record company, RCA has dropped him and he reportedly checked into a hospital due to panic attacks in the aftermath of the series’ airing.