Kate Gosselin criticized by some people after posting update on her kids
Kate Gosselin posted her first Instagram message since Thanksgiving, almost two months after losing custody of her son Collin, and followers were anything but kind.
The mum of sextuplets and twins posted pictures of poster board and numerous printed headings. Kate shared that she got “buried” in a science fair project that got tasked to one of her children. But neglected to say which one, and didn’t post any pictures of the kids either.
The 43-year-old mum currently has her 18-year-old daughters Cara and Mady living with her, as well as four of the sextuplets, Leah, Joel, Alexis, and Aaden. Her ex-husband, Jon, currently has custody of sextuplets, Hannah and Collin.
Although Kate’s first Instagram update in a while was meant to be a friendly share, followers responded with critique about anything ranging from the custody battle to helping her child with a school project. Some followers berated Kate for her helicopter parenting, as one said:
“They are almost 15 years old...I doubt they need your help as much as you like to think they do. It's their project, not yours.”
Other followers accused her of being a bad parent as another fan pointed out:
“Oh please, you are a shame as a mother, and you became one the moment you abandoned Collin.”
With other mothers going through similar situations with their children at school they posted relateable comments of support, as one mum said:
“Getting ready for our last child’s science fair also! She is seeing the percentage of eggs hatching in an incubator versus under a hen. It’s actually not a bad one! But after this, no more-yay!”
Many followers had enough of the negativity and name calling as one responded:
“For those of you that are writing hateful things....this is bullying. Unfollow or ignore her....this world has enough bullies. We only see what the tv wants us to see and hear.”
One of the sextuplets, Hannah, chose to live with her father Jon, while he fought for custody of Collin. When Kate failed to turn up for the court hearing, Jon got awarded custody.
Soon after that, Jon revealed that Collin need not be at the special school he got placed in, and brought him home for good.According to Kate, Collin got sent to an inpatient school to deal with special needs and behavioral issues.
Jon got to spend Christmas with Hannah and Collin. However, the two did not see any of their siblings on Christmas Day. As far as his other children are concerned, Jon said that they know they can reach out to him if they want to talk.
Jon and Kate separated in 2009 and a custody battle soon followed that lasted for years. Although Kate had custody over all her kids in June 2018, a picture posted by Jon sparked rumors that Hannah was no longer living with Kate. According to Radar Online, Hannah went for a visit with Jon and refused to return home.