
BP wives invite Pelosi to Texas: ‘Stop pretending that you care about federal workers’

Jaimie-lee Prince
Jan 29, 2019
07:56 P.M.

Nancy Pelosi may want to consider a trip to Texas after border patrol agents' wives invited her over.


The Speaker of the House, a Democrat, is firmly set on refusing to fund President Donald Trump's border wall.

While she may oblige over a billion dollars for more border security, she won't budge on not funding the wall. Similarly, Trump is headstrong about building the wall.

Those who oppose the president point to a wall as a symbol of racism. They say it is not what America stands for by keeping people out. Meanwhile, those who are for it think it would deter crime.


Among these are people like Jill Demanski. She took to Facebook to voice her concerns in an open letter to Pelosi.

It began:

"We the WIVES OF THE RGV (Rio Grande Valley) BP (Border Patrol) would like to cordially invite you to come visit McAllen, TX as President Trump did."

Demanski took jabs at how Pelosi went on a four-day vacation as she closed the House, disallowing Trump from giving his State of the Union Speech.


The begrudged wife insisted that Pelosi would not have to worry about security.

She explained:

“We would like to show you around! You don’t need to bring any security detail. Our husbands/boyfriends/fiances/wives/significant others are actually very good at their jobs, thank goodness!”

Demanski also suggested that Pelosi should be more genuine in her concern about federal employees.

She wrote:

"We'd also appreciate if you'd stop pretending that you care about federal workers. If you did, you would care for their safety, not just their paychecks. We can hold out a while longer if it means our husbands and communities are safer."


Demanski also referred to the need for a wall in a cleverly sarcastic way. She told Pelosi she should not worry about MS-13 gang members because:

"Our guys and gals catch a lot of them.Like I said, they are good at their jobs!! I mean, if we had a wall we’d catch way more of them."

Demanski appeared with fellow wife Renea Perez to talk about her invitation. The two went onto "Fox & Friends" on Monday.

When asked why she wrote the letter she said: "I just felt that it was really important that our leaders come here and see what’s happening firsthand. It’s important for them to meet with the people that are here on a daily basis.”


After 35 days, Trump finally reopened the government. His shutdown meant to force the Democrats to fund $5.7 billion towards the border wall. Trump had insisted he would keep the shut down going until the funds came.

However, the two parties were unable to reach a deal. The Senate rejected a bill prepared on January 24. On January 25, Trump revealed he would reopen the government until February 15.

Another woman spoke strongly about Pelosi earlier this week. Meghan McCain said she had misjudged Pelosi's character. Unlike the agents' wives, she seemed impressed by Pelosi standing up to Trump.

On ABC News' "This Week," McCain said

“I was one of the people that were saying that Nancy Pelosi was not the right speaker going forward, that they needed a leadership change. I’m here saying I was wrong; I completely underestimated how powerful and how strong she is.”

As time goes, Pelosi will continue to receive both support and strong opposition to her actions or lack thereof. Ultimately, we hope the country wins in the end. How it does win won't be a simple matter.

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