
Woman Who Underwent 86 Skin Cancer Surgeries Tries to Warn Others about the Danger of Tanning

Gracious Egedegbe
May 25, 2019
07:47 A.M.

If you are considering having a skin tan, then maybe you should have a rethink and heed the advice of this woman. At only 43 years of age, she had a total of 86 skin cancer surgeries and is telling her story to the world.


Lisa Pace, a 43-year-old woman, had to undergo a total of 86 surgeries due to her battle with skin cancer. One factor mainly responsible for her malaise was her addiction to tanning when she was younger, and she wishes she could turn back the hands of time.

As that is not possible, Lisa shares her story and is advising girls to shun tanning their skin and be content with their skin.



Growing girl up, Lisa Pace dreamed about having beautiful, tanned skin as she never felt comfortable in her pale and freckled skin. As a result, she began to tan her skin way back in high school, making use of a friend’s tan bed.

However, when she got into college, her addiction to tanning went a notch higher. Being a member of the basketball team, Lisa usually had pictures taken of her, and she never liked the way she looked in them.

Her low self-esteem drove her to get tan products from a local tanning salon, and she visited there regularly. Her skin began to look much better, and she felt great when she started receiving compliments.



Unknown to Lisa, she was harming herself. Her travails with surgeries began when she went for a routine medical check after being encouraged by her mom.

Lisa had no fears in going for the examination and had no worries when dermatologists revealed that she has melanoma, which is the deadliest form of skin cancer.

She paid no attention to their concerns but had to go when they warned her to come for surgery. After the first surgery, she went back to tanning, a mistake she wishes she never made.


More surgeries would follow, the next one leading to Lisa getting a big scar on her face, one which hurt her deeply.

That occurrence made her understand that she needed to start taking care of her skin, though it was already too late for her.

She continued to have surgery after surgery, and now the count stands at 86.


Lisa having learned her lesson the hard way is now staying skin healthy and does not tan anymore. She wears long sleeve shirts and limits the amount of time she spends outdoors.


She advises young girls to avoid tanning their skin and be comfortable in it. She says she would prefer having a pale and freckled skin than being covered in scars as she is now. As Lisa has said, “avoid the tanning beds!

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