'Today' Show Co-Host Al Roker Responds to HBO Host Bill Maher's Fat-Shaming Comments
American weather forecaster Al Roker speaks out against Bill Maher after the latter's "very public" fat-shaming.
Bill Maher roused the entire internet after he publicly said hurtful words directed at overweight people. That was last week and it happened during his HBO talk show, "Real Time with Bill Maher."
The comedian held nothing back as he bluntly weighed in on how society seems to be more accepting of gaining weight.
Even though we didn't have that term then, it scars people.
Maher even explained that fat-shaming "needs to make a comeback" and that "some amount of shame" would be "good." The snide comments sure didn't sit too well with Roker as he watched the video clip of Maher.
He quickly labeled Maher's comments as preposterous pushing that the entertainer really "doesn't know what he's talking about." When it comes to his battle with weight loss, Al is an open book.
In 2013, he even wrote a book detailing his weight-loss surgery and being bullied as a teen for his size. It is why Al's enthusiastic response to Maher's spiteful comments come as no surprise.
Almost as expected, the meteorologist shared his own experience of fat-shaming to buttress his point of how Maher's words are outrightly wrong.
Al said on the 3rd hour of TODAY:
"As somebody who has struggled with his weight all of my adult life and my childhood, and who had been bullied and fat-shamed if you will, even though we didn't have that term then, it scars people."
Although Al Roker has made great efforts to lose weight over the years, he still strongly disapproves of fat-shaming. He explains that every overweight person is already aware of being fat and their need to lose weight even without brutal comments like Maher's. The 65-year-old said:
"Bill Maher needs to shut the front door. He doesn't know what he's talking about, and it's not gonna help anybody."
James Corden, who is also a well-known TV personality like Maher, did nothing to hide his dismay after becoming aware of the latter's fat-shaming. Corden labels the act of fat-shaming one characteristic of bullying.
Corden, who hosts "The Late Late Show," made his rebuttal public on an episode last week. He said,
"Let's be honest, fat-shaming is just bullying."

James Corden at the World Premiere and After Party of Showtime's "HITSVILLE: The MAKING OF MOTOWN" in Los Angeles, California.| Photo: Getty Images
"It's bullying, and bullying only makes the problem worse."
Corden's response can be labelled reverse-shaming Maher as the star shared how enraged he had felt watching Maher's nearly unbelievable monologue. Corden recalled how he'd thought to himself that "somebody needs to say something about this!"
The main statement that Corden responded to was Maher's line about how fat-shaming "needs to make a comeback." Corden said as he passionately related his experiences of fat-shaming:
"Fat-shaming never went anywhere."
Maher's fat-shaming has feline rather poor, but there's still no formal response from him.