Daily Joke: New Pastor Goes Door-To-Door to Visit His Parishioners
A new Pastor of a local parish decided to pay a visit to his members' homes over the weekend.
After the pastor had been well received at some of the houses he had already visited, he stopped by at a particular parishioner's home that morning.

A pastor preaching to his congregation on the pulpit | Photo: Getty Images
Obviously, someone was home, he thought, but after he hit the doorbell repeatedly, he started knocking on the door.
On getting no response, the minister refused to lose hope as he continued knocking, then he did something quite spectacular.

A Pastor holding a bible in his arms. | Photo: Freepik
The clergyman took out a business card from his wallet and wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back of the card and attached it to the porch before leaving. The biblical piece read,
"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and open the door, I will come into him and will sup with him, and he with me."

A photo of a man staring and wearing a blue shirt | Photo: Getty Images
The next day being Sunday, the service began and ended in its usual manner; after the sermon, members of the congregation paid their offerings.
To his greatest surprise, a few hours later, while processing the monies given, the Pastor found the card he had dropped the previous day at the parishioner's house among the offerings.

A man reading the Holy Bible | Photo: Getty Images
On the back of the card was a message written in a simple cipher "Genesis 3:10." The religious official let out an incredible laugh as he reached for his Bible to decipher the text.
Still humored, the Pastor began to read the message in the chapter, he discovered it was a response to his Bible reference the day before.

An image showing the elaborate view of a Chuch's interior | Photo: Getty Images
The verse was to explain why the door was not opened for him to come in the previous day while he was knocking.The verse read,
"And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, and I hid."
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