Daily Joke: An Employee Walks into His Boss's Office for a Discussion
An employee who was in desperate need of help walked into his boss's office without being called. The worker then asked his employer for a few minutes to discuss what had him bothered.
After spending an impressive amount of years working tirelessly and astutely, a worker in dire need made his way into his boss's office to discuss his worries.
Inside the office, the employee began the discussion by establishing his longevity in the company. Without hesitation, he proceeded to the main subject.
The man was a hot cake as more than three other firms were after him. Having explained that, he told his boss that he needed an increment in his salary.

A sad man sitting on a sofa | Source: Unsplash
This somewhat puzzled the boss who asked: "A raise?" and added that, "I would love to give you a raise, but this is not just the right time."
Neither was it the right time for the employee to give up, so he remained persistent in his quest to convince his boss. His first line of action was to appeal to the listener by expressing his recognition of the firm's low sales due to the current economic meltdown.

An angry boss talking to an employee | Source: Shutterstock
Then the worker went on about his zealousness and consistent hard work, which had advanced company in a good cause. After all, he had been with the firm for a decade.
The employer thought about all he heard for a while, then aired his decision. The offer presented to the complainant involved a ten percent increase in salary accomplished by five days of leave time.

Photo of a boss firing his employee | Source: Shutterstock
Seemingly excited, the worker continued to thank his boss, who was still pondering over who the other competitors were. So the boss asked for the names of the four companies who were after his employee.
Still overwhelmed by the consideration, the worker blurted out, "Oh, the electric company, gas company, water company, and the mortgage company."
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Sources: Startsat60