
Daily Joke: Pregnant Woman Attends a Class with Her Husband

Rebelander Basilan
Aug 10, 2020
11:20 P.M.

Pregnancy requires not only major adjustments from women but also from their partners. For nine months, the couple will have to sacrifice some of the activities they have gotten used to.


This hilarious story takes place in a room full of pregnant women and their partners attending a Lamaze class.

Lamaze aims to build a mother's confidence in her ability to give birth. Classes involve teaching pregnant women ways to understand how to deal with pain during labor.

Couple in a field. | Photo: Pexels

Couple in a field. | Photo: Pexels

Presently, the instructor is teaching pregnant women how to breathe properly among other relaxation techniques. She also teaches men how to help comfort their wives or girlfriends who are in labor.

The instructor then shares with women the benefits of exercise, including walking. Looking at the men, she adds, "Gentlemen, it wouldn't hurt to take the time to go walking with your partner."

Pregnant women stretching on a blue exercise ball. | Photo: Pexels

Pregnant women stretching on a blue exercise ball. | Photo: Pexels

The room falls silent. A moment later, a man at the back raises his hand. "Yes?" says the instructor, acknowledging him.

After clearing his throat, the man asks, "Is it alright if she carries a golf bag while we walk?"

Couple's hands touching baby bump. | Photo: Pexels

Couple's hands touching baby bump. | Photo: Pexels


If you laughed at that joke, this one might even be funnier.

Fred does not like Sunday mornings because he could not sleep in. He has to get up early to share bible stories with his grandson. He likes spending time with his grandson, but he is not fond of storytelling and he also loves sleeping in on weekends.

On this particular Sunday morning, his grandson discovers a pressed leaf between the pages of the bible. The boy runs to his grandmother and exclaims, "Look what I found! It's Adam's suit!"

The interior of a shopping center. | Source: Pixabay

The interior of a shopping center. | Source: Pixabay

Charmed by her grandson's wit, the grandmother decides to treat him to an ice cream at the nearest supermarket. There, Fred loses track of his wife and grandson. Then he comes up with an idea.


Fred scans the crowd in the shop and picks the prettiest woman he finds. He then goes up to the attractive lady and asks if he can talk with her for a few minutes.

An attractive young woman busy on her cellphone. | Source: Pixabay

An attractive young woman busy on her cellphone. | Source: Pixabay

Puzzled, the woman asks why. Fred replies, "I lost my wife in the crowd, and you can help me find her. When I talk to pretty women, she pops out of nowhere."

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