
Woman Refuses Contact with Her Daughter's Biological Mother — Here's Why

Busayo Ogunjimi
Feb 05, 2021
02:20 A.M.

Keeping to her adopted daughter's wishes, a woman refused the latter's biological mother from having any contact with her child. Read on to find out the reason.


Sometimes, adoptive parents may find it hard to handle their adopted children's relationship with their biological parents and take some decisions they may begin to question later.

Vanessa, the woman in today's story, found herself in a similar situation. She has an 11-year-old adopted daughter, Adrienne, whom she adopted at four years old.

A photo of a worried woman standing by the windows. | Photo: Shutterstock

A photo of a worried woman standing by the windows. | Photo: Shutterstock

After the adoption was finalized, Vanessa agreed with Adrienne's biological parents that it would be an open adoption, meaning they could come and visit their daughter.

Adrienne's dad never bothered to visit her, while her mother, Mabel, visited her twice. After those visits, she told Vanessa that she could no longer see her daughter.


Mabel explained that it was hard for her to hear her daughter call another woman "mom." Hence, it was best to stop visiting her. Four years passed without Mabel seeing Adrienne.

A portrait of a young girl smiling. | Photo: Getty Images

A portrait of a young girl smiling. | Photo: Getty Images

Meanwhile, Adrienne loved it in her new home. She was happy that she was part of a family that loved and cherished her and did their best for her.

Her current situation was a far cry from what held when she lived with her biological parents. Then, she faced neglect and abuse from her parents' relatives and sometimes wanted to run away.

Adrienne blatantly refused to see her biological mother, telling Vanessa that she considers her as her mother.


Everything was going smoothly for Vanessa and Adrienne until recently when the former got a text message from Mabel asking if she could share Adrienne's pictures with her.

Mabel said she would understand if Vanessa refused to share the photos. She also said she would like to visit Adrienne to deal with the pain of not seeing her these past years.

Being naturally protective of her adopted daughter, Vanessa pondered on Mabel's request and decided to talk to Adrienne, who she felt was old enough to make up her mind on what she wants.


She told the 11-year-old that her biological mother would like to see her, adding that she was ready to do what it takes to make that happen if she wants it.

To her surprise, Adrienne blatantly refused to see her biological mother, telling Vanessa that she considers her as her mother and that the thought of Mabel coming to see her scared her.

Vanessa told Mabel about her daughter's wish, which made her feel sad. Crying over the phone, she revealed she was building her life back after escaping an abusive relationship.

Hence, seeing her daughter would help her make up for the wrongs she did in the past. Vanessa is not having any of that. She remained protective of her daughter and told Mabel she would not let her see Adrienne.


She expressed pride in the fact that Mabel was getting back to her feet but refused to open the door of her home to her so that she can appease her guilt by seeing Adrienne.

After saying her mind, Vanessa felt she had reacted too harshly, and while sitting on a chair in the living room, she wondered if she could have handled the situation differently.

Do you think Vanessa reacted too harshly? If you were in her shoes, would you have done the same or taken another action? Share your thoughts on this story.

To read another story about a woman who told off a co-worker who tried to scam her, click here.

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