
Woman Sends a Cease and Desist Letter to Daughter for Calling Her Young Boyfriend Bipolar

Cathrine Mabvudza
Feb 13, 2021
07:50 P.M.

How far would you go to stop your daughter from defaming your partner on a public forum? For Cheryl, legal action was the only option after her teenage daughter refused to take down a negative YouTube video about her boyfriend.


Cheryl found herself in a tough position after she and her 19-year-old daughter, Bonnie, butted heads over Bonnie's latest blog posts and videos on YouTube.

For some months, Bonnie had been occupied with her YouTube channel, creating new content and gaining a considerable following. Soon, the teenager had amassed over 2k followers on her channel and thousands more on her blog.

Angry young woman disagreeing with senior mom. | Source: Shutterstock

Angry young woman disagreeing with senior mom. | Source: Shutterstock

Cheryl was proud of her daughter and occasionally watched the videos, but something awful caught her eye one day. Bonnie had uploaded a video with a rather alarming title:

"Bonnie Opens Up About Her Traumatic Childhood."

The doting mom was confused because she'd always thought she and her daughter had a close and open relationship, so she curiously watched the video and was shocked to learn how her daughter felt.

Young woman holding a "Like & Subscribe" placard while recording herself. | Source: Shutterstock

Young woman holding a "Like & Subscribe" placard while recording herself. | Source: Shutterstock

Bonnie had told the world that she was estranged from both her parents, and she wasn't a fan of her mom's boyfriend of four years, Casey. Cheryl didn't mind her daughter's opinion but what bothered her was the slander against him.

Cheryl felt that her daughter's jealousy was no reason to tarnish [Casey's] name on social media.

In the content Bonnie posted, she described Casey, 27, as bi-polar while recalling his moody behavior and how he would be amicable one day then completely antisocial the next day.

Elderly woman shocked while staring at laptop screen. | Source: Shutterstock

Elderly woman shocked while staring at laptop screen. | Source: Shutterstock


Cheryl, 51, knew these weren't lies, but she also knew that it was not a mental illness. She and Casey had been to see several therapists who diagnosed him with anxiety, which made him appear moody at times.

Cheryl was also upset that Bonnie put all the blame on Casey even though she knew that on many occasions, she had taunted him and called him "grim" when he was feeling down. In a fit of rage, Cheryl confronted her daughter.

Man and elderly woman talking while jealous younger woman sits next to them. | Source: Shutterstock

Man and elderly woman talking while jealous younger woman sits next to them. | Source: Shutterstock

The exchange between mother and daughter was not a pleasant one. Bonnie was clearly upset that her mother had always chosen her young boyfriend over her and enabled his odd behavior.

With Bonnie and Casey being so close in age, Cheryl felt that her daughter's jealousy was no reason to tarnish his name on social media, so she insisted that Bonnie take down the posts.


Cheryl approached her lawyer to see what her options were.

Young woman and elderly woman upset at each other. | Source: Shutterstock

Young woman and elderly woman upset at each other. | Source: Shutterstock

Bonnie staunchly stood her ground and accused her mom of hiding Casey's mental illness. She also felt that she had every right to tell her story despite her mom's appeals and threats.

After not speaking for several weeks with neither woman backing down, Cheryl approached her lawyer to see what her options were. It was then that she made the difficult choice and sent her daughter a cease and desist letter.

A man holding a cease and desist letter in red folder. | Source: Shutterstock

A man holding a cease and desist letter in red folder. | Source: Shutterstock


Bonnie was offended that her own mother would take legal action against her especially since she could never afford her own legal defense. Cheryl didn't budge and simply told her to take the content down from her account.

Did Bonnie make the right decision against her daughter? Or is Bonnie wrong for slandering her mom's boyfriend online? If it was you, would you take legal action against your child to protect your boyfriend's name?

If that story gave you something to think about, here's another controversial story about a woman who picked her dog over her pregnant sister.

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