Firefighters Rescue a Woman Trapped in the Cold for 10 Hours under Snow & Ice Covered Awning
Trapped under an awning in the cold, a woman was left in the hands of firefighters to get her out after spending 10 hours in the cold.
The Schiller Park Firefighters rushed to the rescue of a woman who had been pinned under an awning outside. When the rescue team reached her, she had been in the cold for 10 hours.
Schiller police and firefighters had to work together to remove as much snow and ice as possible to relieve some of the weight resting on the woman's legs.

Screenshot of the video showing firefighters rescuing trapped people from February 23, 2021 | Source: Facebook/ Schiller Park Firefighters Local 5230
The woman had survived 10 hours under the weight of the collapsed awning that fell under the pressure of heavy snow. She had gone to shovel snow in her backyard when the structure collapsed, trapping her.
The woman was in her 50s and, although trapped, was still able to communicate. Nobody could hear her calls for help until a family member came by and called for help. Chief Michael Cesaretti elaborated:
"She was trying to call for help, but being her head was inside of the awning, nobody was able to hear her."
The middle-aged woman was freed once the firefighters were able to shovel enough snow off that they could get inside and a strut stabilizing equipment to ensure that nothing moved.
The paramedics then reached her and were able to transport her to Lutheran General Hospital. The woman was stabilized, and the medical staff treated the injuries on her legs and head.
The Illinois native most likely has the warmer weather on the day of the accident to thank for surviving that extended amount of period outside.
The firefighter chief has released a warning asking residents to be aware of the dangers surrounding snow, although there may not be any warning signs. He said:
"Not all collapses give warning. They could happen in an instant. For a safety message, be aware of what's over your head in these conditions."
The harrowing rescue in Schiller Park hasn't been the close run-in with the dangers of snow as of late. A teenager was lost whilst on a snowmobile group trip and was left to get creative to survive the extreme conditions.
The 17-year-old boy went snowmobiling with his family and friends but never joined them at the meetup point after their trip was done, which led to South Cariboo Search & Rescue launching a search mission.
The teenager employed his winter survival knowledge and built a snow cave to trap some heat. He left his snowmobile out in the open, making it easier for the rescue team to find him.
The resourceful teenager was found at 10:30 pm that night and was in good health. Although overwhelmed by the situation, the young man was thankful to have been rescued in time.