
Story of the Day: Man Bans Daughter's Grandmother from His House — Here's Why

Cathrine Mabvudza
Feb 26, 2021
10:15 A.M.

The relationship between a child and her grandparents is a significant one, but in today's story of the day, a man was forced to make a tough decision after the grandmother crossed a line.


Jamie's story started quite beautifully. When he was 23 years, he met Brenda, and they fell deeply in love. Brenda suffered from a potentially fatal autoimmune disease so she longed to start her family early.

The young lovers were soon expecting a child and decided to get married before their baby was born. They settled in a quiet neighborhood and for two years, Jamie and Brenda lived a blissful life with their daughter, Sienna.

Photo of a man carrying a laughing woman in a lake. | Source: Pexels/LeahKelley

Photo of a man carrying a laughing woman in a lake. | Source: Pexels/LeahKelley

Despite daily prayers and doctor's interventions, Brenda became severely ill and lost her battle with her disease. She passed away, leaving Jamie and two-year-old Sienna behind. Jamie was heartbroken, but he had to stay strong for their baby girl.


Life was not the same without Brenda, but Jamie did his best to take care of their child. Luckily, his parents lived a short 30-minute drive from his home and offered to help take care of Sienna while Jaime worked.

Photo of a father holding his child outside. | Source: Pexels/AnnaShvets

Photo of a father holding his child outside. | Source: Pexels/AnnaShvets

All the way on the other side of the state lived Barbara, Brenda's mother, who felt that she was missing out on an opportunity to know her only grandchild, who was the spitting image of her mother.

Barbara decided to move closer to Jamie and Sienna and found herself settling in an apartment just a five-minute walk from her granddaughter. She was thrilled. "Nothing will get in the way of me seeing my Sienna now," she thought to herself.


Barbara was excited to spend time with Sienna, and after Jamie gave her a key, she showed up every day. At first, Jamie didn't mind, but then things got weird.

Barbara would come over even when Sienna was at school. She would clean the house and rearrange furniture to her liking. Sometimes she would even stay the night without asking if it was okay.

Jamie tried his best to be accommodating, but he eventually had to say something. He confronted her and asked her to respect certain boundaries, to which she agreed. Her behavior changed immediately, aside from a few slip-ups here and there.

For a few months, Jamie, Sienna, and all the grandparents were seemingly a happy family, and on Jamie's 32nd birthday, he decided to host a barbecue at his home. He invited family and friends, including his girlfriend, Diana.


Diana was Jaime's first girlfriend since Brenda passed, and after seven years, he finally felt ready to move on. The pair had been dating for six months, and this would be her first time meeting his family.

When Diana arrived at the home, she went straight for the barbeque grill where Jamie was standing and greeted him with a kiss on the lips. Suddenly, there was a loud shatter, and all the guests looked up to see Barbara standing over broken glass.

She looked like she had seen a ghost so Jamie rushed over to her, asking if she was okay but she started backing away and yelled:

"How could you? How could you cheat on Brenda in broad daylight? This is disrespectful, Jamie. I want this girl to leave immediately."


Jamie was horrified and embarrassed for his girlfriend, but he tried to get Barbara to calm down. She wouldn't stop and started hurling insults at Diana, who stood silently with sheer terror in her eyes.

Without saying another word, Jamie walked into his house, grabbed Barbara's belongings, and returned with them. He calmly walked over to her, and softly said:

"You are making a unnecessary scene. Please take your things and leave. I've taken my house keys. You are no longer welcome here. "


Barbara was hysterical and started yelling even more as she walked out of the yard. The rest of the afternoon was awkward and silent except for Sienna who was unbothered by the adult drama.

If you were in Jamie's position, how would you have reacted? Was Barbara justified to feel and react that way? If you enjoyed this story, check out this story about a woman who kicked her mom out of her house.

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