
Young Cashier Slams Elderly Lady for Using Plastic Bags

Junie Sihlangu
May 21, 2021
05:30 A.M.

Sometimes the younger generation can think they’re high and mighty with all their modern thinking and appliances, but once in a while, an older person puts them right back in their place quickly!


An elderly woman was at a store getting her items checked out by a much younger female cashier. As the items were put away, she slammed the older woman for not bringing her own grocery bags.

Source: Amomama

Source: Amomama

The cashier berated the elderly woman by informing her that plastic bags weren’t good for the environment. Not wanting to make a scene, the older woman apologized for her apparent mistake.

A close-up of an older woman with other people behind her | Photo: Pixabay/Gerd Altmann

A close-up of an older woman with other people behind her | Photo: Pixabay/Gerd Altmann


She also explained that they didn’t have the “green living” thing back in her day. Feeling upset about the elderly woman’s response, the young cashier arrogantly criticized her further by stating:

“That’s the problem with your generation because you never cared about saving the environment for future generations.”

A shopping mall decorated for the festive season with a few patrons inside | Photo: Pixabay/Steve Buissinne

A shopping mall decorated for the festive season with a few patrons inside | Photo: Pixabay/Steve Buissinne

The older woman agreed with the cashier that her generation definitely didn’t have the “green living” thing. She explained how they’d returned all kinds of bottles to the store to have them washed, sterilized, and refilled again.

How grocery stores used brown paper bags to store items upon checking, and they reused them repeatedly. She even recalled how they’d used the same bags to cover their school books as well.

A black-and-white image of a woman carrying bags while walking on railway lines | Photo: Pixabay Juergen_G

A black-and-white image of a woman carrying bags while walking on railway lines | Photo: Pixabay Juergen_G

The older woman also shared how they used to walk up stairs and not escalators back in her day. She mentioned them walking to grocery stores instead of driving expensive cars down three blocks.

The older adult noted how their children only used diapers that were washed by hand instead of the modern ones that get thrown away. She recalled how they also dried clothes on a washing line.

Clean children’s clothes hanging on a washing line | Photo: Pixabay/Jill Wellington

Clean children’s clothes hanging on a washing line | Photo: Pixabay/Jill Wellington


Whereas now clothes go into machines that burn up a lot of electricity. However, back in the day, they used solar and wind power (which are now buzz words in green living) to dry their clothes.

The elderly woman wasn’t done yet, as she also shared how children used to get hand-me-down clothes from their older siblings and no new clothes. Every household had one radio or TV and not one TV in each room.

Brown paper bags lined up on the floor while filled with products | Photo: Pixabay/Karolina Grabowska

Brown paper bags lined up on the floor while filled with products | Photo: Pixabay/Karolina Grabowska

The customer also recalled to the cashier how foods were blended and stirred by hand and not with electrical appliances. They also used push lawn mowers and not machines that used up gasoline.

The older woman noted how they did all those things and more, but the current generation complained about how wasteful her generation was because they didn’t practice green living back then.

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