U.S. Champion Cyclist Gwen Inglis Killed by Suspected DUI Driver While on a Training Ride
Cyclist Gwen Inglis, a beloved wife, sister, and member of her community, passed away following a tragic event. She was hit by a driver, now suspected to be Ryan Scott Montoya.
US Champion cyclist Gwen Inglis was killed by a suspected DUI driver while on a training ride. A statement by the local police read that she was rushed to a nearby hospital and passed away due to her injuries.
The authorities were called out at around 10 am on May 16, 2021, in response to a crash. They eventually put a name to the cyclist as 46-year-old Gwen Inglis who lived in Lakewood.

Police car driving on a street. | Source: Shutterstock
The suspected driver is an adult male, specifically 29-year-old Ryan Scott Montoya of Denver, Colorado. The Lakewood Police stated:
"He is currently being held at the Jefferson County jail on several charges, including suspicion of DUI or DUID."
Authorities reported that Montoya remained on the site of the crash following the incident. At the time, they had not released a picture of the suspect.
The occurrence reportedly happened close to an intersection of S. Indiana street and W Alameda Parkway. A sedan purportedly drove into the bike lane, hitting Inglis.
The late cyclist's brother commented that love was at the core of his sister's personality.
Lakewood Police eventually replied to their own statement, which was posted on Twitter. They shared a picture of the relevant suspect.
Beyond his suspected DUI or DUID, Montoya is also being charged for allegedly driving an uninsured vehicle. He is currently in jail pending a $50,000 bond.
The suspect will be expected to appear in court on May 20, 2021. As of now, it is not clear as to whether Montoya has chosen to plead guilty or not guilty,
Family and friends are mourning the loss of their beloved community member, sister, and wife. Speaking about his spouse, fellow cyclist Michael Inglis expressed:
"It's so surreal to have my wife, my best friend, my stoker on my tandem, not here anymore."
The Bicycle Racing Association of Colorado also sent their condolences, referring to her "as one of their best." No official cause of death has been reported, awaiting the autopsy report.
Another beloved sportsman, former quarterback star Colt Brennan, died this month, passing away peacefully at the age of 37. He took his last breath on May 11, 2021, at 37.
The ex-quarterback star died in a hospital in Newport Beach, California. Brennan allegedly passed away from taking a substance laced with fentanyl.