
Daily Joke: 3 Gentlemen Went to a Pub Where They Met a Stranger

Junie Sihlangu
May 29, 2021
04:00 A.M.

Sometimes making bets with people will leave you quite surprised, especially when you don’t know your opponent’s capabilities. Read on to hear how one gentleman won a bet that involved drinking.


One evening, three gentlemen made their way to a pub together. The men were all from different nationalities, with one being Scottish, the other was Irish, while the last man was English.

Source: Amomama

Source: Amomama

Before they could even order their drinks, an arrogant American millionaire sat at their table abruptly. Obviously, the three gentlemen were quite taken aback, but before they could say anything, the American man spoke up.

A bar stocked up with various alcoholic beverages | Photo: Pixabay/Pexels

A bar stocked up with various alcoholic beverages | Photo: Pixabay/Pexels


He greeted the three friends and informed them that they looked like people who could handle their drinks. The millionaire then made his crazy and exorbitant offer, stating:

“Look, I’ve got $1000 for any one of you who can finish drinking 15 beers within 10 minutes!”

Three men with their hands against their chins while looking thoughtful | Photo: Pixabay/Szilárd Szabó

Three men with their hands against their chins while looking thoughtful | Photo: Pixabay/Szilárd Szabó

The three friends were shocked by the offer, and after whispering to each other, they took the American's crazy bet. Soon enough, each man had 15 drinks sitting in front of him.

Having heard about the wager, the pub's patrons had gathered around the gentlemen’s table to see who would win. The Englishman decided that he would go first in the challenge.

An Irish bar set-up with some beers on tap | Photo: Pixabay/Christian_Birkholz

An Irish bar set-up with some beers on tap | Photo: Pixabay/Christian_Birkholz

After drinking 9 bottles, he managed to sneak one more in before the ten minutes were over. The Scotsman went next, but he only managed to beat the Englishman by drinking one extra bottle.

Then it was time for the Irishman to go next, and all the patrons were straining to see how he would perform. Instead, the man politely asked if he could be excused for a moment.

An arrogant rich man wearing sunglasses while blowing out cigarette smoke | Photo: Pixabay/Sammy-Williams

An arrogant rich man wearing sunglasses while blowing out cigarette smoke | Photo: Pixabay/Sammy-Williams


The millionaire was taken aback by the request, as were the Irishman’s friends, but the American really wanted to see the challenge through, so he obliged. The Irishman got up and left the establishment.

His friends were left confused as they looked at each other and shrugged. To everyone’s surprise, the last contestant took a whole 20 minutes before he sauntered back into the pub.

A tattooed man sitting alone having a drink | Photo: Pixabay/StockSnap

A tattooed man sitting alone having a drink | Photo: Pixabay/StockSnap

His drinks had been removed and redistributed by this point, so he had to order a whole new set of 15 beers. Without delaying any further, the Irishman gulped down all 15 drinks within 8 minutes!

The American was obviously impressed and gave him his check, but he wanted to know where the Irishman went to just now. The winner shrugged as said, “I went to the pub next door to see if I could do it.”

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