Teen Launches Blood Drive Inspired by Platelet Donations That Saved Her Sister
16-year-old Eden Jackson's sister was diagnosed with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and her need for blood and platelet donations inspired a blood drive.
When 16-year-old Eden Jackson saw the immense need for blood and platelet donations after her 6-year-old sister Violet Jackson was diagnosed with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, she decided to do something about it.

The Jackson family.
Violet was lucky enough to receive blood and platelets when she needed it, but the USA has experienced a great shortage of blood in the midst of the pandemic. Hence, Eden wanted to lend a helping hand by putting her organizing skills to use.

Blood donation animation. | Photo: Pexels/ mohamed_hassan
Eden and Violet's mother was overwhelmed by gratitude when she saw her sick daughter receive the blood and platelets that she needed when she needed them, so she decided to donate blood to pay it forward. She said:
"I was thankful the blood was available for Violet when she needed it. And I wanted to pay that gift forward, so I scheduled my blood donation."
Seeing her mom act so generously and her sister fight cancer so bravely inspired Eden to contribute in a larger manner and rope in the help of the community to increase the impact.
Eden immediately got to work and organized a community blood drive. The town rallied in support of Eden and her family, and the blood drive hit capacity, taking in as much blood as it could handle.
The teenager shared that the drive was more than just collecting donations because it also aided in creating awareness for the need for blood and platelet donations. Eden said:
"It was great to see it all fill up so fast and know that we brought awareness to the need for blood and that it can help people."

Blood donation animation. | Photo: Pixabay/ truthseeker08
Eden isn't the only one going above and beyond to ensure that her family member knows that she is loved and supported as she navigated the trenches of cancer.
The video went viral with millions of views and thousands of likes streaming in.
A couple from New Zealand, Jony Lee and her husband, Alistair, made use of their wedding day to pay special tribute to the bride's mother, Luna Macapaga, who was diagnosed with stage four ovarian cancer.
Macapaga did not stop until all her treatment options were exhausted. She went through surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and medications to combat ovarian cancer.
Jony Lee and Alistair decided that they wanted to showcase their support of Macapaga in a special manner and shaved both of their heads at the wedding in solidarity.
The couple made the moment even more significant by sharing that if anyone at the ceremony had cash on them, they could donate it while the bride and groom shaved their heads by laying the money at their feet.
The unique tribute was captured on video, and the bride wanted to share it with the world by posting it on TikTok. The video went viral with millions of views and thousands of likes streaming in.