Daily Joke: All Heads of Government and Religious Leaders Gathered for Alien Visit
Aliens finally made the long trip and visited Earth. They were peaceful, and surprisingly, the aliens spoke English. The aliens were excited to speak to the humans and share one another's experiences.
In reaction, all of the heads of government and religious leaders wanted to speak to the aliens. First, each country proposed a question, and then it was the religious leaders' turn to ask.

The alien was excited to answer the humans' questions. | Photo: Shutterstock
Each leader had their turn to ask the aliens their questions. When it was the Pope's turn, he asked, "So, do you know about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?"
The alien responded, "Oh, you mean JC? Yeah! We know him. He is the best. He visits every year to make sure we are all doing okay. He also shares his great wisdom with us.
The Pope was very surprised and said, "What? He visits you every year? It has been over two millennia since he first visited us, and we are still waiting for his SECOND coming!"

The aliens gave Jesus a special gift. | Photo: Pixabay/OpenClipart-Vectors
The alien noticed that the Pope was irritated, so he tried to rationalize the situation. The alien thought for a second and said, "Hmmm, well, maybe he likes our chocolate better than yours?"
The Pope responded, "Chocolates? What do you mean? What do chocolates have to do with anything?"
'Well," said the alien, "when he first visited our planet, we gave him a huge box of chocolates, and he comes back each year for more. Why? What did you guys do?"

The alien had a brilliant robot! | Photo: Pixabay/Christian Plaza
An alien sent a robot to Earth and claimed that it could catch thieves very fast. So first, he sent the robot to Canada, and in a matter of minutes, all of the thieves were caught and put into jail.
Then the alien sent the robot to the United States. After 15 minutes in the United States, the robot had captured all of the US thieves and put them in jail.
The alien wanted to send his robot to a county that had a large amount of crime. So to give his robot the ultimate test, he sent it to Venezuela to see what the robot would do. But he did not catch any robbers because the robot was stolen.
Those aliens were definitely in for a big surprise. If you need another joke, check out this one about an alien who spoke to a man from Japan!