
Everyone Stared at a Poor Woman Giving Birth on a Plane but Nobody Helped Her — Story of the Day

Camila Santiago
Aug 08, 2021
04:20 A.M.

Judy took a risk as an act of courage to attend to her husband's last wish when she decided to take a flight while heavily pregnant. Everyone stared at her huge pregnant bump and when she went into labor during the flight, nobody rushed to help her.


When Judy entered the plane and took her seat, she knew something was about to happen. People were staring at her and her huge pregnant bump, but she tried to remain calm.

"Everything will be fine," she kept repeating it to herself. But life happens in ways we don't fully comprehend. When the flight was halfway to its final destination, Judy's water broke. "Oh no!" She knew on her gut this would happen. But she had no other choice than to enter that plane.

The flight was packed but nobody wanted to help Judy. | Source: Shutterstock

The flight was packed but nobody wanted to help Judy. | Source: Shutterstock

She turned to the serious man in a suit next to her and said, “My water broke! Call the flight attendant, please!”

“I’m not your servant, lady. You do it yourself,” said the man rudely. Judy was 36 weeks pregnant and she was about to give birth on an aircraft, but the rude man continued, “This is business class, lady, can you please be quiet, I’m trying to work here.” The man was hunched over his MacBook and typing numbers on an Excel sheet.


Other passengers noticed what was going on and started to resent her too. “Your screams are driving me insane! I want to sleep! Can you please be quiet? This is business class, for Christ's sake!”

People didn't want to help Judy. | Source: Pexel

People didn't want to help Judy. | Source: Pexel

“What an irresponsible mother you are to travel while heavily pregnant!” said an old lady to Judy. The man next to her said, "It's disgusting! How could they allow her to travel like this?"

Nobody seemed to understand what was going on and they were trying to find someone to blame. However, the woman’s cry for help was heard by the flight attendant. At this point, Judy was on the floor, screaming. The flight attendant ran towards her. “Oh my God, what happened? Are you OK?”

Judy was waiting for someone to help her, until the flight attendant came. | Source: Pexel

Judy was waiting for someone to help her, until the flight attendant came. | Source: Pexel


“Ahhh, I’m… I’m giving birth and… I need a doctor... Now!” The words could barely come out of her mouth. “Sorry, but there’s no doctor on board. Can you wait a few hours more until we land?”

“No! I feel the baby will be born soon… I need help now! Please, help me!”

One of the passengers screamed, “Miss, can you get her out of here and find her a doctor? I don’t want to see childbirth.”

The flight attendant helped Judy get on her feet and walked with her to the economy section where she found some empty seats.

Judy's pregnancy wasn't considered at risk but she didn't expect to give birth on a plane. | Source: Unsplash

Judy's pregnancy wasn't considered at risk but she didn't expect to give birth on a plane. | Source: Unsplash

“Is there a doctor among the passengers?” Judy asked.


“I will check,” said the flight attendant and quickly went for the search. The woman asked around if someone had a medical degree and could help a pregnant woman in labor. “A doctor or nurse is urgently needed! There's a woman in labor, please, anyone?!"

But the passengers were quite aggressive. One of them said, “Even if I were a doctor, I wouldn’t help her. She shouldn’t be here!”

A former nurse decided to help Judy. | Source: Pexel

A former nurse decided to help Judy. | Source: Pexel

But suddenly, one of the passengers got up. “I only worked as a nurse for a few years, but I'll do everything I can to save her and her baby,” said the woman to the flight attendant. And so she did, and despite all the setbacks, the delivery was successful.

The nurse gave the baby first aid and the flight attendant took care of Judy. When the aircraft landed, they took Judy and her baby to the emergency room at the airport. The doctors who were working there examined Judy and her newborn baby and they were both declared completely healthy.

The newborn baby was examined by doctors at the airport. | Source: Unsplash

The newborn baby was examined by doctors at the airport. | Source: Unsplash

Despite that, Judy asked to be taken to the local hospital immediately. She told the doctors and nurse who helped her during the flight her reason: “My husband is there. I need to see him.”

"I can't allow you to do that. You just gave birth, ma'am," said the doctor.

"Please, I need to see him..."

Judy went to the hospital and took her newborn baby. | Source: Pexel

Judy went to the hospital and took her newborn baby. | Source: Pexel


It turned out Judy was married to a soldier. The man was seriously wounded in a war while rescuing civilians. Doctors did everything they could to save him, but unfortunately, his wounds were very bad and he was given a few days to live.

Upon learning this, his pregnant wife wanted to be with him, so she took the risk to get on a plane heavily pregnant. When she finally went to her husband's ward and showed him his newborn son, they both couldn’t hold back their tears.

The doctors did what they could to save the man. | Source: Unsplash

The doctors did what they could to save the man. | Source: Unsplash

“I’ll be forever grateful to you, Judy, until my last breath… and beyond… for allowing me to see my son for the first and last time.”

"I'll always love you, honey," said Judy to him.


Later that day, Judy's husband passed away. Journalists learned about his courageous feat, filmed a story about him, and interviewed Judy.

Judy got ready for her first interview. | Source: Unsplash

Judy got ready for her first interview. | Source: Unsplash

Judy emotionally shared her memories of her husband: “He saved a lot of people in exchange for his own life. His last wish was to see his son. That’s why I took a risk and traveled on a plane while heavily pregnant.”

The woman continued, teared-eyed, “I’m glad I did what I did because my husband got to meet our son before leaving this planet. Everyone judged me except two kind-hearted women. Without their help, he would have passed away all alone.”

Everyone watching the news learned about Judy's story. | Source: Unsplash

Everyone watching the news learned about Judy's story. | Source: Unsplash


The story was really sensational and everyone learned about it. It was a great lesson for anyone who's quick to judge strangers without knowing their story.

What can we learn from this story?

  1. Don’t judge others without knowing their story. Whenever you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.
  2. Always help someone in need, even if you think you can’t. In Judy’s case, she needed medical help, but if people were more compassionate, it would’ve been more helpful.

Share this story with your friends. It might inspire people to share their own stories or to help someone else.

If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a woman who only got married to spite her ex-fiancé and nearly ruined her life.

This account is inspired by our reader's story but written by a professional writer. All names have been changed to protect identities and ensure privacy. Share your story with us, maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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